home Pianoforte-makers in England

Pianoforte-makers in England

We are still looking for foundation dates and general information (addresses, etc).
Incomplete list open to all information, clarification, correction, photos ...
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Brand Image Info Addresses
BOAG William Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1822 11, Great Turnstile, Holborn (**1822), London
BOBBY A. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Musikal.- u. Piano-Handlung' (x1912)

20, Sandgate Road, Thornton (x1926), Folkstone
BOBBY Thornton  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912


'Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1912)


7a, Queen Street (x1912), Margate

Cliftonville (x1912)

BOCK Charles Frederick  

'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1844

1844 - "Charles Frederick Bock, late of No. 4, Little William-street, Caledonian-road, Islington, Middlesex, Piano Forte Maker. - In the Debtors's Prison for london and Middlesex." The London Gazette, 12/04/1844, p. 1286


4, Little William Street, Caledonian Road, Islington, Middlesex (**1844), London
BODERKE Sidney A.  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912-26 [since 1905 (x1912)]

'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Orgel-Händler, -Stimmer u. -Reparateur' (x1912) ------- 'Piano-, Musikinstr.- u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1926)


912, Whalley New Road (x1912), 9, Lark Hill (x1926), Blackburn
BOGG William



BOGG & Sons in Douglas, Isle of Man



Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1893-1926 [since 1850 (x1912)(x1926)]

BOGG [William] & Sons (*1893)(*1906)(x1906)(*1909)(x1912)(y1914)


BOGG W. & Sons (x1912)(x1926)

 'Musikal.-, Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)


'Piano- u. Orgel-Händler' (x1906)(x1912)(x1926)

BOGG William & Sons (x1926)



MAIN FIRM : 45-47, Stockport Road (*1893), 23-25, Corporation Street (*1906)(*1909), 31-33, John Dalton Street (x1912)(y1914), Stretford Road (x1926), Manchester

63, Bridge Street, Letherland (x1906), 31, Bridge Road, Litherland (y1907), 34, Bridge Road, Litherland, [Seaford] (x1912)(y1914)(x1926), Liverpool

BRANCH : Douglas, Isle of Man


BOEHMER Hermann Bernard

LONDON - "At 3,656, some good carving is noticeable in the ebonised cases of Mr. H. B. BOHMER, Balls Pond-road, and at 3,657, Mr. J. STEPHEN, Queenstreet, Camden-town, exhibits a walnut-wood case with good carving." The Furniture Gazette, 01/07/1885, p. 311

LONDON - "3656. BOHMER, H. B., 153, Balls Pond Road, London, N. - Thürmer Pianos." Official Catalogue, 1885, p. 319


'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1885-95 [since 1873 (xx1890)]

BOHMER Ottilie (**1884)

BOHMER H. B. Mrs. (**1885)(xx1890)

 'Pianohandlung' (xx1890)

Exhibition List London, 1885

153, Ball's Point Road, N. (**1884)(**1885), 330, Essex Road, Canonbury, N. (xx1890)(**1891)(*1893)(**1895), London
BOLLEN W. L. & Sons  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-12

'Musikal.- u. Piano-Handlung' (x1912)


417, Coventry Road (x1912), Birmingham

Sparkbrook (x1912)


Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-10


453, Fulham Road, S. W. (*1906)(*1907)(*1910), London

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1921-26

'Pianos, organs, &c.' (*1921) ------- 'Orgelbauer u. Piano-Händler' (x1926)


830, Padiham Road (*1921)(x1926), Burnley
BOLTON W. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1833; (**1833) York
BOND & BRADLEY Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1900 London
BOND J. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1822 64, Dean Street, Soho (**1822), London
BOND J. & co Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Musikal.- u. Piano-Handlung' (x1926)

53, Stanley Road (x1926), Bootle

(? - 1848)(³)


'Pianoforte & seraphine maker' ca. 1843-48 and 'Pianoforte-manufacturers' ca. 1850-52

BOND John (*1843)(*1847)(1848)

BOND & Co (*1850)

1850 - "BOND & Co., Manufacturers of the patent Semi-cottage Pianofortes, with metallic plate, and all the latest imrovements, (for extreme climates), 19, Frederick-place, ampstead-road." The British Colonies: Their History, Extent, Condition and ...', Volume 4, 1850, p. 3

BOND John & Co (**1852)


5, King Street, Camden Town (*1843), 19, Frederick Place, Hamstead Road (*1847)(1848)(³)(*1850)(**1852), London 

LONDON - "3367 Bond, W. & J. 44, Norton-st. Liverpool. — Piano : novel construction of wrist plank." International exhibition, 1862 : Official catalogue of the industrial department, 1862, p. 54

DUBLIN - "311 Bond, W. & J. 44 Norton st. Liverpool.— "Alexandra" piano, and semi-cottage pianoforte." The illustrated record and descriptive catalogue of the Dublin international exhibition, 1865, p. 241

PORTO - "39. Bond (W.) & Cia Liverpool. — Um piano-forte." Exposiçao Internacional do Porto en 1865, p. 60

PARIS - "4 Bond & Co, 44 Norton-street, Liverpool
" Catalogue of the British Section. Containing a List of the Exhibitors of the ..., 1867, p. 87



'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1862-1926 [since 1859 (xx1890)(x1906)(x1912)(x1926)]

BOND W. & J. (x1862)(*1865), see BOND W., here below

BOND J[ohn] & Co (xx1890)(y1894)(*1895)(*1906)(x1906)(*1909)(*1910)

'Pianoforte manufacturers' (y1894) ------- 'Pianobauer u. -Händler' (xx1890)(x1906)

1906 - Owner : John BOND (x1906)

[BOND L. & Co (*1899)(*1903)(*1909)]

BOND John & Co (xx1900)(x1912)(x1926)

'Pianoforte dealers' (xx1900) ------- 'Pianobauer, sowie Piano- u. Orgel-Händler' (x1912)

1912-26 - Owner : John BOND (x1912)(x1926)

[BOND G. (*1906)(*1909)(*1910)]

 Exhibitors list London, 1862 | Exhibitors list Dublin, 1865 | Exhibitors list Porto, 1865 | Exhibitors list Paris, 1867


44, Norton Street (x1862)(*1865)(*1867)(y1870), 60, [Hope Place], Hope Street (xx1890)(y1894)(*1895)(*1897)(*1899)(xx1900)(*1903)(*1906)(x1906)(*1909)(*1910), 80, Hope Street (x1912), 20, Richmond Street (x1926), 180, Smithdown Road (x1926), Liverpool

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 19??



'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1862-70

BOND W. & J. (x1862)(*1865), see BOND J., here above

BOND W. (y1870)


44, Norton Road (x1862)(*1865), 44, Everton Road (y1870), Liverpool
BONNER F. Rogers 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1926

'Piano-Fabrik - Piano-Manufacturer' (x1926)

36, St. Andrew's Road Walthamstow, E. (x1926), London
BONNEY Edward  

'Pianoforte maker' ca. 1843

Worked in the years 1841-43 for HEWIIT Daniel Chandler (***1843)


Great Clarendon Street (***1843), London 
BOON J. J. Ernest Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912 [since 1898 (x1912)]

'Musiklehrer, handelt auch mit Pianos, Orgeln u. Musikinstr.' (x1912)

The Arcade, Kirksgate (x1912), 14, Lansdowne Terrace (x1912), Wakefield
BOORER G. & L.  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

 'Piano- u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1926)


87-89, St. Paul's Road, Burdett Road, Bow, E. (x1926),  London
BOORER John J.  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-26 [since 1870 (x1912)]

'Piano-Handlung' (x1906)(x1912) ------- 'Führt auch Sprechm.' (x1912) ------- 'Piano- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1926)


373, Mile End Road (x1906)(x1912)(x1926),  London

Miniature upright pianoforte ca. 1863-64, Horniman Museum, London, U.K.

MANCHESTER - "Boosey & Co., 295, Regent Street, London. Orchestral and military wind and percussion band instruments." Music Trades Review, 15/05/1887, p. 19

Price 17 Guineas, in a Walnut Case, full Compass. This Instrument is confidently recommended as the best cheap Piano before the public. The touch and tone are alike excellent, and the workmanship is of the best description.
Is in a highly-finished, elegant Case, with every modern Improvement, and suitable for any Drawing-room. The touch is elastic, and the tone of that pure, rich quality that especially distinguishes first-class English Pianos.
Is a model Cottage English Piano, and no better can be desired. It is in a richly ornamented Case, has the registered Keyboard, as well as the new grand compass of Seven Octaves. [...]" The Athenæum, 17/12/1864, p. 829



Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer and music publishers ca. 1824-1912

BOOSEY T. & Co (**1824)(***1827)(**1830)(**1831)(**1832)(**1836)(***1840)

BOOSEY & Sons (**1855)(*1859)

BOOSEY & CHING (**1861)

BOOSEY & Co (**1863)

BOOSEY & Sons (**1864), 'The Miniature Pianoforte'

BOOSEY & Co (y1866)(1868)(***1870)(xx1872)(**1882)(*1906)(*1907)(*1910)

BOOSEY W. & Co (x1912), 'Piano-Handlung' & 'Auch Fabrik von Militär-Musikinstr. usw.'


'Piano-Handlung' & 'Auch Fabriken von Militär-Instrumenten' (x1906)(x1912) in London


'Piano- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)

BOOSEY & Co (x1926)


Advert for Boosey & Co instruments, 1865 (museumcollections.rcm.ac.uk)

Exhibitors list Manchester, 1887

MAIN FIRM : [28], Holles Street, Oxford Street  (**1824)(***1827)(**1830)(**1831)(**1832)(**1836)(***1840)(**1855)(*1859)(***1870), 24, Holles Street (*1861)(**1863)(**1864), 24-28, Holles Street, Cavendish Square, W. (y1866)(xx1872), 295, Regent Street, W. (**1882)(**1884)(*1906)(x1906)(*1907)(*1910)(x1912), London

BRANCH : 13, High Street (x1912), Aldershot


Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer and music publishers ca. ?? - See also HAWKES  London
BOOTH C. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906

'Geigenbauer, Piano- u. Orgel-Reparateur u. -Stimmer' (x1906)

257, Colne Road (x1906), Burnley

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890 [since 1867 (xx1890)]

'Musiklehrer, Musikal.- u. Pianohändler' (xx1890)


18, Peel Street (xx1890), Accrington
BOOTH James  

'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1890-1912

'Musikinstr.-Handlung' (xx1890) ------- 'Piano-Macher u. -Stimmer' (x1906) ------- 'Piano-Macher, -Stimmer u. Händler' (x1912)


11, Churchgate (xx1890)(x1906)(x1912), Bolton
BOOTH & Son  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1834-37

BOOTH & Son (x1834)(*1837)


4, Swan Street, Briggate (x1834)(*1837), Leeds

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890 [since 1875 (x1906)]

'Piano-, Harmonium- u. Orgel-Handlung' (xx1890)


5-7, Hill Street (xx1890), Arbroath
BOOTH William  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1837-46

BOOTH William (*1837)(*1845)(y1846)


58, Woodhouse Lane (*1837), 5, Mark Lane (*1845)(y1846), Leeds
BOOTHBY Frederick  

'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1841-52

CLARK & BOOTHBY (*1841)(**1852), see also CLARK


12, Great Portland Street (**1841), 112, Great Portland Street, Oxford Street (**1852), London

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-12

'Piano-Handlung' (x1906) ------- 'Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1912)


35, Salford (x1906)(x1912), Blackburn
BOOTHROYD J. Pianoforte-maker and/or piano dealer ca. 1906

 'Musikal.- u. Piano-Handlung' (x1906)


Suez Street (x1906), Warrington



Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1900



'Pianoforte maker' ca. 1814

Insolvent debtors, The London Gazette, 15/03/1814, p. 582


Berwick Street, Soho (**1814), London

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1926)


6, High Street (x1926), Dunstable

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-26

'Möbel- und Piano-Handlung' (x1906)(x1926) ------- 'Pianos, furniture' (*1921)


London Street (x1906)(*1921)(x1926), Norwich

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-10


5, Princes Street, W. (*1906)(*1907)(*1910), London

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-26

'Piano-, Harmonium- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1906) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano-, Sprechm.-, Musikinstr.- u. Saiten-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)


46, Cavendish Road (x1906), 12, Highfield Street (x1912), 130, London Road (x1926), Leicester
BOTTOMLEY J. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906

'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1906)

Willans Road (x1906), Dewsbury

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-12

'Piano- u. Möbel-Hdlg.' (x1906) ------- 'Möbel-Handlung, führt auch Pianos u. Orgeln' (x1912)


9, Hardaker Street (x1906)(x1912), Bradford
BOTTOMLEY W. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906

'Piano- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1906)

23, East Parade (x1906), Leeds

'Pianoforte-maker'  ca. 1857


Abbey Court (zz1857), Chester, Cheshire
BOUCHER William Amstrong  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-10


55, Broad Street (***1863), Ludlow, Shropshire

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890 [since 1865 (xx1890)]

'Pianohandlung' (xx1890)


177, High Street (xx1890), Rochester
BOURLET William Scaife 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1882-93

'Pianofabrik' (xx1890)


298, Upper Street, N. (**1882), 296, Upper Street, Islington, N. (**1884), 9, Burdett Road, E. (**1884), 79, Canonbury Road (xx1890), 330, Essex Road, N. (*1893), London


BOURNE H. & Co  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906

Successors of BARKER Brothers (x1906)

'Piano-Handlung' (x1906)


250, Brixton Hill (x1906), London

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-12

'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1906) ------- 'Buch-, Musikal.-, Piano-, Orgel-, Musikinstr.- u. Saiten-Handlung' (x1912)


123, High Street (x1906)(x1912), Tenderden

Patent of 1876 : "Aug. 1, 1876. - G. T. BOUSFIELD. Hand-rest for position of the player's hands." The History of the Pianoforte: With an Account of the Theory of Sound and ..., Edgar Brinsmead, 1889, p. 226



Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer and/or inventor ca. 1876


London ?
BOVILLE G. J. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890

'Piano- u. Harmonium-Handlung' (xx1890)

50, Leonard Street (xx1890), Hull

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Musikal.- u. Piano-Handlung' (x1926)


12, Church Street, St. Peters (x1926), Broadstairs

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-10

'Piano-Handlung' (x1906)


43, Poland Street, W. (x1906), 48, Poland Street, W. (*1907)(*1910), London
BOWERS Charles H. 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1874 bd. C. R. Bowers (*1874), Woburn

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890

'Musikal.- u. Piano-Handlung' (xx1890)


Bracewell (xx1890), Skipton

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890 [since 1880 (xx1890)]

'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Instr.-Handlung' (xx1890)


123, High Street (xx1890), Tewkesbury
BOWMAN Frederick   Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1850

'Piano-Forte Tuner and Organist' (y1850)

45, New King Street (y1850), Bath
BOWN Georg Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1822 11, St. Martin's Church Yard (**1822), London
BOWRAN E. O. & Co Ltd. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1926)

52, Grey Street (x1926), Newcastle-on-Tyne
BOYD H. & Co  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912 [since 1883 (x1912)]

'Piano-, Orgel-, Musikinstr.- u. Saiten-Handlung, u. -Import' (x1912)


16, Pilgrim Street (x1912), Newcastle-on-Tyne


Advert for Boyd pianos (museumcollections.rcm.ac.uk)


'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1890-1929 [since 1887 (x1912)(x1926)]


BOYD & Co (xx1890), 'Pianohandlung' - 'amerik. Orgeln'

1901 - Manager : Robert MARSHALL (**1901)

BOYD & Co Ltd. (x1906)

'Piano-Handlung' (x1906) ------- 'Piano-Fabrik' & 'Piano-Handlung' (x1912) ------- 'Piano-Fabrik - Piano-Manufacturer' (x1926) & 'Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1926)

BOYD Ltd. (y1914)(x1926)


'Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1906) in Croydon


1906-26 - Manager : William MANSON (x1906)(x1912)(x1926)

'Piano- u. Orgelbauer' (x1906)(x1912)(x1926)

BOYD Ltd. (y1907)(x1912)(x1926)


'Piano-Fabrik' (x1906) ------- 'Piano-Fabrik u. -Handlung' (x1912)



MAIN FIRM : 57, High Street, Peckham, S.E. (**1896)(**1901)(**1904), 11, Powis Street, Woolwich, S.E. (**1901)(**1904)(x1912), 139a, North End, Croydon (**1901), 407, Harrow Road, Paddington (xx1890)(x1906), 19, Holborn Bars, E.C. (*1907)(y1907)(*1909)(x1912)(*1914)(y1914)(*1915), 320, Barking Road, East Ham, E. (y1907)(y1914), 1, High Street, Walthamstow, N.E. (y1907)(x1912), 183, High Road, Kilburn, N.W. (y1907)(x1912)(y1914), 57, High Street, Peckham, S.E. (x1912), High Street, Townhall, Ilford (x1912), 135, Shepperton Road, N. (x1912), 1, Basinghall Street, E.C. (x1912), 1-2, Bank Buidings, Barking Road, East Ham (x1912), 32-34-36, Worship Street, E.C. (y1914)(*1915), 2, Stoke Newington Road, N. (**1904)(y1907)(x1912)(y1914)(*1916)(*1917)(*1918)(*1919)(x1926), St. Anne's wrks. Warwick Gardens, Harringay, N. (y1914), Warwick Gardens, Harringay, N. (x1926), 19, Holborn, E.C. (x1926), 183, High Road, kilburn (x1926), 167, High Road, Ilford (x1926), 1, Bank Buildings, East Ham (x1926), London

BRANCH : 139a, North End (x1906), Croydon

[167], High Street [or Road] (x1906)(y1907)(x1912)(x1926), Ilford, Essex

New Brompton (x1912)

BRANCH : 11, Powis Street (x1906)(x1912), Woolwich



Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890-1926

'Piano-Händler u. Organist' (xx1890)(x1906) ------- 'Organist, handelt auch mit Pianos' (x1912)(x1926)


52, Bold Street (xx1890)(x1906)(x1912), 37, Schofield Street (x1926), Leigh
BOYES C. & Son  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890-1926 [since 1860 (xx1890)]


BOYES C.  & Son (xx1890)

'Musikal.- u. Piano-Handlung' (xx1890) -------  'Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1906) ------- 'Piano-Händler' (x1926)

BOYES C. F. G. (x1906)(x1926)


BOYES C. F. G. (x1912)(x1926)

'Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)


18, Darlington Street (xx1890), 8, Merridale Road (x1906), 18, Merridale Road (x1926), Wolverhampton

Press Heath (x1926), Whitchurch; (x1912)

BOYETT William 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1851 East Street (xx1851), Chichester (West-Sussex)

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906

'Piano-Handlung' (x1906)


16, Elm Grove Parade, Bernes, S.W. (x1906), London

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906 [since 1894 (x1906)]

'Musikal.- u. Piano-Handlung' (x1906)


42, Manchester Road (x1906), Nelson

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912 [since 1886 (x1912)]


'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1912)


'Piano-, Orgel-, Musikinstr.- u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1912)


5, Bridge Street (x1912), Brierfield

42, Manchester Road (x1912), Nelson


'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1841


17, Poland Street (**1841), London

Patent of 1885 : "Oct. 20, 1885. - B. B. BRADBURY. Second and isolated sounding-board to increase volume of tone." The History of the Pianoforte: With an Account of the Theory of Sound and ..., Edgar Brinsmead, 1889, p. 240



Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer and inventor ca. 1885


 London ?

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1888; (*1888)



Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1855


 14, Lombard Street (xx1855), Portsmouth

1807 - "CORONER'S INQUEST - At St. Bartholomew's Hospital - On TUESDAY, February 24, 1807. - About seven o'clock the Jurymen assembled at the Hospital, and examined all the bodies of the deceased persons who lay in Elizabeth's Ward. Having uncovered the bodies, and ascertained the number killed, they retired to the Steward's Office, where the relations of the deceased who were owned were examined.
Mr. Wilson, who resides in Gerrard-street, Soho, came forward, and said, he knew Thomas Bradford, he was one of those victims; was aged about 16; was pupil to a [a] Mr. Brodrip [sic], a piano-forte-maker, in Sherrard-street, Golden-square. Witness said he saw him on Saturday evening, and did not understand he was going to see the execution." The Very Remarkable Trial of J. Holloway and O. Haggerty, who Were Found ..., 1807, p. 25


'Piano Forte Maker' ca. 1807

American 16-year old employee of BRODERIP [text a], but probably an apprentice to his master Mr. BROADWOOD [text b], see here below

1807 - "[...] This morning Holloway and Haggerty, and Elizabeth Godfrey, were executed before Newgate, pursuant to their sentence. To the left, the murderers of Mr. Steele persisted in their innocence. It is with pain we record the melancholy consequences of the curiosity which this execution excited. 20,000 persons, at least, were supposed to be present. Owing to the immense pressure of the crowd, some fell, and others tumbled over them; till there were two or three heaps of persons in this situation, all struggling with each other to extricate themselves. It was full half an hour before effectual assistance could be given. Besides several persons who were taken away in carts, desperately hurt, the following is a statement of those killed and wounded. In St. Bartholomew's Hospital, dead, men, 24; women, 3. [...] Lift of the Killed: Thomas Bradford, aged 16, a piano-forte maker, lately from America; [...]" The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle, 21/02/1807, p. 171 - [b] The Criminal Recorder, Or, Biographical Sketches of Notorious ..., 1807, p. 152-153



Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano-Handlung u. -Reparatur-Werstatt' (x1926)


12, Erskine Street, Humberstone Road (x1926), Leicester

'Musical Instrument Maker' ca. 1794

Bankrupt in 1794, The European Magazine: And London Review, Volume 25, 1794, p. 496


Stockport, Cheshire (**1794), London

'Musical Instrument Maker' ca. 1818


 Shaw's Brow (***1818), Liverpool

Pianoforte-makers and/or pianoforte dealers ca. 1906

'Piano-Handlung' (x1906)

Representative for pianos Karl HAAKE, Hannover for Australia (x1906)


36, Basinghall Street, E.C. (x1906), London
BRADLEY & Sons  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano-, Musikinstr.- u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1926)


322, Fore Street, Lower Edmonton, N. (x1926), London

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926 [since 1890 (x1926)]

'Piano-Handlung, Musikschränke- und Stuhlfabrik' (x1926)


15, heywood Street, Moss Side (x1926), Manchester
BRAFIELD Thomas 'Musical Instrument Maker' ca. 1890 122, Weedington Road, N.W. (*1893), London

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 19??



'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1790-92

Bankrupt in 21d January 1792, The European Magazine, 1792, p. 496


Tottenham Court Road (*1792), London

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890-1906

'Piano- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (xx1890)(x1906)


Northgate Street (xx1890)(x1906), Gloucester

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890

'Piano-, Musikal.- u. Instr.-Handlung' (xx1890)


36-37, Covered Market (xx1890), Leeds

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 19??


London ?

LONDON - "J. Brasted has a nice little display of his pianos." Musical Courier: A Weekly Journal Devoted to Music and the ..., 22/06/1895, p. 24e


1917 - "Death of Lieut. Brasted. - We regret to announce the death on military service of Lieut. Frederick Elliott Brasted, of Messrs. H. F. & R. A. Brasted, of Clapton. The late Lieut. Brasted was born on December 19th, 1881. He started his business career as a partner in the firm of H. F. & R A. Brasted, together with his three brothers, eleven years ago, during which period he, with striking success, administered the financial and office department of the firm. At certain periods he travelled a little to make the acquaintance of the clients of the firm, thereby adding to the great number of friends he already possessed. He started his military career as a private in the Honorable Artillery Company during the first month of the great war, serving almost throughout 1915 in Flanders, principally at Ypres.


BRASTED in Brussels, Belgium since 1923



'Pianoforte maker' ca. 1906-26 [since 1870]

BRASTED H[enry] G[eorge] (x1906)

BRASTED Henry George & Sons (y1907)

'Piano-Fabrik - Piano-Manufacturer' (x1906)(x1912)(x1926) & 'Piano-Handlung' (x1906)(x1912)

BRASTED H. F. & B. [or R.] A. (x1912)(y1914)(*1916)(*1917)(*1918)(*1919)

BRASTED Brothers Ltd. (x1926)


During this period he was always cheerful, and his many letters home bear witness to a very striking fortitude under the most trying conditions. He was slightly wounded in the scalp by shrapnel, and was very subject to sciatica and rheumatism brought on through exposure. In november, 1915, he returned to England as a second lieutenant of the Essex Regiment, and was on special duties in various parts of England until his return to the front on July 30th, 1917. In the meantime he had been promoted to first lieutenant. He was wounded on Aug. 15th at 2.30 during a bombing demonstration given by Major Hickox, M.C., to his platoon, through a premature bomb which caused ten casualties, of whom Major Hickox, M.C., Lieut. Brasted, and two privates succumbed to their wounds. Lieut. Brasted died on August 18th, after having written a letter to his brothers, which, by its firm handwriting and brave words, bears witness to the great spirit he possessed." Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review, Volume 40, 1917, p. 735

Exhibitors list London, 1894



213B-351 [350], [Silesia Buildings], Mare Street, Hackney, N.E. (x1906)(y1907), 46a, De Beauvoir Road, S. (y1907), 1a, Prince George Road, Stoke Newington, N. (x1912), 38-40, Upper Clapton Road, N.E. (y1914)(*1916)(*1917)(*1918)(*1919), Hermitage Road, Harringay, N. (x1926), London

Brussels, Belgium


  Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1907


52, Castle Street (y1907), Bristol
BRAY Benjamin 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1874 h. Water (*1874), Woburn
BRAY Edwin A.  

  Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890-1926 [since 1828 (xx1890)(x1906)(x1912)(x1926)]

'Musikal.-, Piano- u. [Musik]instr.-Handlung' (xx1890)(x1906) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano-, Orgel-, Musikinstr.- u. Saiten-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)


21, High Street (xx1890)(x1906)(x1912)(x1926), Kings-Lynn (Norfolk)

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. ??



Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906

'Piano- u. Orgel-Händler u. -Stimmer' (x1906)


Jona Cambell Road (x1906), Boscombe, Bournemouth

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912

'Piano-Handlung' (x1912)


12, Menton Place (x1912), Leeds

'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1870


 309, Regent Street, W. (**1870), London

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Musikal.-, Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1926)


37-39, Victoria Street (x1926), Crewe


BREITKOPF & HÄRTEL, Leipzig, Germany


Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-12 [since 1890 (x1912)]

1912 - Owners London : Hofrat Dr. v. HASE & Dr. L. VOLKMANN, Leipzig; Manager : Otto KLING (x1912)

'Piano-Handlung' (x1912)

Representative for MANNBORG Th., Leipzig, Germany (x1912) ------- Representative for RIEGER Gebrüder, Krnov (Jägerndorf), Czech Republic (x1912) ------- Representative for RÖMHILDT, Berlin-Weim, Germany (x1912)


BRANCH : 54, Great Marlborough Street (x1906)(x1912), London, England, U.K.



Pianos made by WADDINGTON


Scrborough, Yorkshire

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano- u. Möbel-Handlung' (x1926)


Duke Street, Sudell Cross (x1926), Blackburn
BRETT John 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1874 46, High Street, Homerton (**1874), London

Patent of 1869 : "July 14, 1869. - C. BREWER. India-rubber tubes for under-covering of bass hammers." The History of the Pianoforte: With an Account of the Theory of Sound and ..., Edgar Brinsmead, 1889, p. 222

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer or inventor ca. 1869 London ?

Patent of 1884 : "May 30, 1884. - E. G. BREWER. Pedals for pianofortes." The History of the Pianoforte: With an Account of the Theory of Sound and ..., Edgar Brinsmead, 1889, p. 236

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer or inventor ca. 1884 London ?
BREWER Samuel & Co  

LONDON - "Messrs. S. BREWER & Co., Great Eastern-street, show, at 3,663, a walnut pianoforte-case, with a retiring fall. The music desk is so arranged that it can be pushed up sufficiently high to hold music for a standing singer. By pressing a button, it can be lowered. Another case in American walnut-wood has open spaces at the sides for music books. It has carved panels, some with circular china hand-painted panels framed in." The Furniture Gazette, 01/07/1885, p. 310



'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1872-93 [since 1840 (xx1890)]

1879 - "CREDITORS UNDER ESTATES IN CHANCERY. LAST DAY OF PROOF. [...][...] BREWER (Samuel), late of 23, Bishopsgate-street Within, 14 and 15, Poultry, 87, Leadenhall-street, Gun-street, Spitalfields, and 32 and 33, Widegate-street, Bishopsgate-street Without, and of Great Eastern-street, Shoreditch, and formerly of Collingwood-street, City-road, London, pianoforte manufacturer, music publisher and seller, and retail ham and beef dealer. Aug. 1; H. Ockerley, solicitor, 18, St. Paul's-churchyard, London. Nov. 3; V.C. H., at one o'clock." The Law Times, 05/07/1879, p. 176

'Pianofabrik' (xx1890) & 'Pianohandlung' (xx1890)


LONDON - "BREWER, S[amuel, 28 & 30 Great Eastern Street, Shoreditch, London, E.C.-] - Pianofortes ; Models of Construction and adjustable Vocal Desk." The Musical Standard: A Newspaper for Musicians, Professional and Amateur, 22/08/1885, p. 121 - and - Official catalogue, 1885, p. 319

Exhibitors list London, 1872 | Exhibitors list London, 1885


Collingwood Street, City Road (zz1879), Great Eastern Street, Shoreditch E.C. (**1882)(**1884)(**1885), 38, Poultry, E.C. (**1882)(xx1890)(*1893), 23, Bishopsgate Street, Within, E.C. (**1882)(**1884)(xx1890)(**1891)(*1893), London
BREWER Walter & Son  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912

'Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1912)


25, Station Road (x1912), Sittingbourne
BRIDGELAND James Moses  

1848 - "HEREAS a Fiat in Bankruptcy, bearing date the 1st day of February 1848, is awarded and issued forth against James Moses Bridgland, of No. 105, Wardourstreet, Soho, in the county of Middlesex, Piano Forte Manufacturer, Dealer and Chapman, and he being declared a bankrupt is hereby required to surrender himself to Edward Goulburn, Esq. one of Her Majesty's Commissioners of the Court of Bankruptcy, on the 18th day of February instant, at twelve of the clock at noon precisely, and on the 24th day of March next, at eleven of the clock in the forenoon precisely, at the Court of Bankruptcy, in Basinghall-street, in the city of London, and make a full discovery and disclosure of his estate and effects; when and where the creditors are to come prepared to prove their debts, and at the first sitting to choose assignees, and at the last sitting the said bankrupt is required to
finish his examination." The London Gazette for the year 1848, p. 396


'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1848

Bankrupt in 1848

105, Wardourstreet, Soho, in the county of Middlesex (*1848), London 

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890-1912 [since 1880 (xx1890)(x1906)(x1912)]

'Piano- u. Harmonium-Handlung' (xx1890) ------- 'Piano- u. Harmonium-Handlung' (x1906) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1912)



6, Church Street (xx1890)(x1906)(x1912), Ilfracombe



'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1890-1912 [since 1874 (x1906) or since 1870 (x1912)]

BRIDGEPORT ORGAN Co (xx1890), 'Pianohandlung' - 'Amerik. Orgeln'


1906 - Owner : LISTER & ELLIOT (x1906)

'Piano-Fabrik - Piano-Manufacturer' & 'Piano-Handlung' (x1906)(x1912)


246, Harrow Road, W. (xx1890), 78, Finsbury Pavement, E.C. (x1906)(x1912), London
BRIDGER Henry Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1855-80

BRIDGER & SHAW, 'Pianoforte warehouse' (y1880)

5, Sussex Place (xx1855), 5, Sussex Place (y1880), Southampton
BRIDGES Arthur  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-12

'Piano-Handlung' (x1906)(x1912)


181, Caledonian Road, King's Cross, N. (x1906)(x1912), London
BRIDGES Alfred Albert 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1916 15, Replingham Road, Wandsworth, N.W. (*1916), London
BRIDGES Charles 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1883 13, Market Street (yy1883), Yeovil
BRIDGES John Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890-1906

'Piano-Handlung' (xx1890)(x1906)

240, Pentonville Road, N. (xx1890)(**1891)(*1893)(**1895), 169, Clapham Road, S.W. (**1901)(x1906), London

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-12

'Piano-Handlung' (x1906)(x1912)


19, Telford Road, [North] Kensington, W. (x1906)(x1912), London
BRIGGS George W.  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926 [since 1921 (x1926)]; (x1926)


'Piano-Handlung' (x1926)


'Piano-Handlung' (x1926)


'Piano-Handlung' (x1926)


'Piano-Handlung' (x1926)



MAIN FIRM : 49, Broad Bridge Street (x1926), Peterborough

BRANCH : Chatteris (x1926)

BRANCH : March (x1926)

BRANCH : Spalding (x1926)


BRIGGS H. E. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906

'Piano- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1906)

35, Orange Hill Road, Prestwich (x1906), Manchester
'Musical Instrument maker' ca. 1818-22 76, Fetter Lane, Holborn (*1818)(**1822), London
BRIGGS S. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912

'Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1912)

75, St. Ann's Well Road (x1912), Nottingham
BRIGHT W. G. & Son Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano- u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1926)

469, Harrow Road, W. (x1926), London
BRIGHTMER Frederick  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912

'Musikal.-, Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1912)


High Street (x1912), Wells (Norfolk)

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890 [since 1873 (xx1890)]

'Piano-, Harmonium-, Orgeln- u. Instr.-Handlung' (xx1890)


6-7, Market Street (xx1890), Haverfordwest

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890-1926

'Piano-Handlung' (xx1890)(x1906) ------- 'Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)


82, Market Street (xx1890)(x1906)(x1912)(x1926), Chorley

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano- u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1926)


1, Wellington Roadn N. (x1926), Stockport
BRINMAN Charles  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer 1918



438, Uxbridge Road, W. (*1918), London



Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer 1906-26

'Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1906)(x1912)(x1926)



14, Mill Street (x1906)(x1912)(x1926), Padiham


BRINNIE Charles  

1911 - "Surely Mr. Chas. Briennie's show rooms at High Street, Camden Town, are commanding looking and as handsome as any similar London premises. And the stock ? Well, it is one of the largest to be seen; last week it included pianos by Chappell, Cramer, Collard, many by Hopkinson, others by Brinnie, Obermeier and Görs & Kallmann, and also a Bell Organ. Tjough many of our readers who know the above gentlemean would not think so, it is a fact that he has been established in business for thirty-six yeras." Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review, Volume 35, 1911, p. 140



  Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890-1926 [since 1875 (xx1890)(x1906)(x1912)]

'Piano-Handlung' (x1906)(x1912) ------- 'Führt auch Mandolinen u. Saiten' (x1912) ------- 'Piano-, Orgel-, Mandolinen- u. Saiten-Handlung' (x1926)

BRINNIE Charles & Co (y1907)(y1914)(*1917)(*1918)(x1926)


76, High Street, Camden Town, N.W. (**1895), 74[a]-76, High Street, Camden Town, N.W. (x1912)(*1914)(*1915), 5, High Street, Putney, S.W. (x1906)(y1907)(x1912)(y1914)(*1916)(*1917)(*1918)(*1919), 72-76, High Street, Camden Town, N.W. (x1926), 15/192, Upper Richmond Road, Putney, (x1926), London






'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1926

'Piano-Fabrik - Piano-Manufacturer' (x1926)


108, Euston Road, Sidney, N.W. (x1926), London




History of the Pianoforte, Edgar Brinsmead, 1879

'Pianoforte-maker' and author ca. 1879


BRINSMEAD Edward George Stanley



'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1906-26 [since 1900]

'Piano-Fabrik - Piano-Manufacturer' (x1906)(x1912)(x1926) & 'Piano-Handlung' (x1906)(x1912) ------- 'Manufacturer of overstrung & upright pianos for home & export' (*1915)


56, Crogsland Road, Chalk Farm (x1906)(y1907), 48a, Dorinda Street, Bride Street, N. (x1912), 45, Westbourne Road, N. (*1914)(y1914)(*1915), 32a, Sheringham Road, Westbourne Road, Barnsbury, N. (x1912)(*1914)(y1914)38-40, Great College Street, Camden Town, N.W. (x1926), London

Patent of 1883 : "5635. Brinsmead, E. W. Dec. 4. (Provisional protection only.) - Pianofortes. - Triangular bracings in a wooden frame are, used within which are upright bracings in the form of a triple T-Square. A triangular metal frame is also used to which the upright bars are attached. Ribs of wood of triangular form within a square or parallelogram are used to strengthen the resonator. Bars of wood in the form of a triple T-Square within a triangle, are used in the centre of the soundboard." Patents for Inventions: Abridgments of Specifications : Class ..., 1893, p. 76


Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1883 London ?

Patent of 1866 : "Brinsmead. 14th December 1866. - 3288. Henry Brinsmead, of Rathbone Place, in the County of Middlesex, Pianoforte Manufacturer, for an invention for Improvements in the construction of pianofortes. Letters Patent sealed." Chronological index of patents applied for and patents, 1867, p. 227 - or - "Dec. 14, 1866. – H. BRINSMEAD. Simple check action." The History of the Pianoforte: With an Account of the Theory of Sound and ..., Edgar Brinsmead, 1889, p. 2



'Piano forte maker' ca. 1839-80

Exhibitors list London, 1872


3, Upper Grafton Street, Fitzroy Square (**1841)(x1842)(*1843)(*1847)(**1852), [12], Rathbone Place, Middlesex, W.[C.] (*1862)(y1866)(**1867)(xx1872), 12, Black Horse Yard, Rathbone Place, W. (*1862), London




'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1842-52




(1814 - ?)

Manufactory ca. 1880



Upright pianoforte n° 1381 ca. 1850, Horniman Museum, London, England, U.K.
Upright pianoforte ca. 1855-65, Finchcocks Musical Museum of Richard Burnett, Goudhurst, England, U.K.

on this site



Click on the links here above.


'Patent Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1839-1960 [since 1837 (xx1890)(x1926) or since 1836 (x1906)(x1912)]

His sons, Edgar, Thomas and James took part of some expositions with great succes.

BRINSMEAD John (*1847)(**1852)

Succeeded by C. CHALLEN in 1862, what became CHALLEN and Son in 1873. See CHALLEN Read more in Pianos and their makers, Alfred Dolge, 1911, p. 247 (archive.org)

BRINSMEAD J[ohn] & Sons (*1872)(xx1872)(***1874)(**1882)(**1884)(z1888)(xx1890)(**1891)(**1895)(*1897)(*1899)(*1903)(*1907)(*1910)(*1914)

'Pianoforte Manufacturers' (xx1872)

1894 - New showrooms see ARTICLES

BRINSMEAD J[ohn] & Sons Ltd. (x1906)(y1907)(x1912)(y1914)(*1915)(**1919)(x1926)

'Royal Warrant Holders' (x1906)(x1912)(x1926) ------- 'Piano-Fabrik - Piano-Manufacturer' (xx1890)(x1906)(x1912)(x1926)

1959 - 86 050 pianos (¹)

Succeeded by KEMBLE ca. 1960


"Brinsmead, John, fondateur de la fabrique de pianos de Londres connue sous la marque B. and Sons, né à Wear-Giffard (North-Devon) le 18 oct. 1814, s'établit en 1835 et prit, en 1863, ses deux fils, Thomas et Edgard, comme associés. Le cadet Edgard B. écrivit une histoire du piano (1868, refondue en 1879)." Riemann Humbert Dictionnaire de musique 1899, p. 105 (archive.org)

Exhibitors list London, 1851 | Prize Medal, London, 1862 | Médaille d'Honneur, Paris 1867 | Silver Medal, Amsterdam 1869 | Diplôme de la Mention Extraordinaire, Amsterdam 1869 | The Grand Gold Medal, Paris 1870 | Prize Medal Philadelphia, 1876 | Gold Medal South Africa, 1877 | Exhibitors list Paris, 1878 | Exhibitors list Melbourne, 1880 | Exhibitors list Calcutta, 1884 | Diplôme d'honneur Antwerp, 1885 | Exhibitors list Melbourne, 1888 | Prize Medal Paris, 1889 | Exhibitors list London, 1894


Pianos, House of Brinsmead, a Catalog ca. 1907

A VISIT TO MESSRS. JOHN BRINSMEAD AND SONS, The illustrated London News, 25 July, 1896, p. 119

The history of BRINSMEAD, Official site

John BRINSMEAD, The Piano Man, by Andrew Simms

View of John Brinsmead and Sons' Pianoforte Works, London, N.W. of 1883 (museumcollections.rcm.ac.uk)

40, Windmill Street, Tottenham Court Road (**1839)(**1841)(x1842), 15, Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square, W. (*1843)(*1850)(**1851)(**1852)(*1862)(x1862)(*1863)(**1865), 16, Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square (*1847), 12, Blackhorse Yard, Rathbone Place (**1852), 8, Little Torrington Street, W.C. (*1862), Factory : 1, Chenies Street, Tottenham Court Road, W.C. (*1862)(**1862)(**1865)(**1870), 18, Wigmore Street, Cavendish Square, W. (**1870)(xx1872)(***1874), Show rooms : 4, Wigmore Street, Cavendish Square, W. (y1866)(*1867)(xx1872), Show room : 8, Lit. Torrington Street, W.C. (xx1872), 1, 2, 3, 4, Chenies Street (***1874), 10-20-22,  Wigmore Street (z1888), 3, Hertford Place (***1874), Manufactory : The Brinsmead Works, Grafton Road, Kentish Town, N.W. (**1882)(**1884)(xx1890)(**1891)(**1895)(x1906)(y1907)(x1912)(*1914)(y1914)(*1915), 18-[20]-22, Wigmore Street, Cavendish Square, W. (**1882)(**1884)(**1885)(**1889)(xx1890)(**1891)(*1893)(*1895)(**1895)(*1897)(*1899)(*1903)(*1906)(x1906)(*1907)(y1907)(*1909)(*1910)(x1912)(*1914)(y1914)(*1915)(**1919), 17, Cavendish Square, W. (x1926), London


'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1920 London


Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890-1926 [since 1870 (x1906)(x1912)(x1926)]

'Musikal.- u. Piano-Handlung' (xx1890)(x1906) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)


Queen Street (xx1890), 2-3, Queen Street (x1906), Market Place (x1912), Minster Street (x1912), High Street (x1926), Salisbury

BRINSMEAD Thomas Edward & Sons



LONDON - "Thomas Brinsmead & Sons, who show several of their upright pianos. As legal proceedings have been instituted by the original firm of Brinsmead with the object of preventing their namesakes from continuing business under their present style, this contiguity can hardly be palatable to the Wigmore Street house." Musical Courier: A Weekly Journal Devoted to Music and the ..., 12/06/1895, p. 2

BRINSMEAD Edward Thomas
on this site


Click on the link here above.


Thomas Edward Brinsmead on brinsmead.net



'Pianoforte-makers' ca. 1895-96

1895 - "NOTICE is hereby given that the Partnership heretofore subsisting between us the undersigned Thomas Edward Brinsmead ,Albert Joseph Willcox, Edward George Stanley Brinsmead, and Sydney Walter Brinsmead as Pianoforte Manufacturers, under the style or firm of T. Brinsmead and Sons at 24 Bartholomewvillas, Kentish Town, London has been dissolved by mutual consent as and from this date. The business will in future be carried on by the said Thomas Edward Brinsmead Edward, George Stanley Brinsmead and Sydney Walter Brinsmead under the style or firm of Thomas Edward Brinsmead and Sons and they will receive all moneys due and discharge all debts owing by the late firm. - Dated this 22nd day of November 1895.
E. G. S. BRINSMEAD." The London Gazette, 20/12/1895, p. 7382

BRINSMEAD Thomas Edward & Sons, LIMITED (y1896)

Exhibitors list London, 1894


24 Bartholomewvillas, Kentish Town (y1895), The Pianoforte Works, Ferdinand Street, Camden Town, N.W. (y1896), London



BRINSMEAD Thomas James

(? - 1906)


'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1890 7, Fellows Road South, Hanyestoad (*1893), London

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer 1926

'Piano- u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1926)



1071, London Road (x1926), Leigh-on-Sea






 'Piano-Fabrik' (x1906)(x1912)

Pianos made by DUCK Son & PINKER


49, Colston Street, St. Michael's (x1906)(y1907)(x1912), Bristol
BRITISH AUTO PLAYER Co Ltd. 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1926

'Piano-Fabrik - Piano-Manufacturer' (x1926)

78, Salzbury Road, N.W. (x1926), 123, New Bond Street, W. (x1926), London
BRITISH & CONTINENTAL PIANO Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano-Importeur' (x1926)

90-98, Prescot Street (x1926), Liverpool
BRITISH & CONTINENTAL PIANO Co Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano-Handlung' (x1926)

46, Dantzic Street, Shudehill (x1926), Manchester
BRITISH & CONTINENTAL PIANOFORTE & MUSIC PUBLISHING Company Ltd. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890 [since 1880 (xx1890)]

'Musikal u. Pianohandlung' (xx1890)

9, Quadrant (xx1890), Buxton








'Pianoforte-manufactory' ca. 1890-1926

1891 - Manager : Percy YOUNG (**1891)

1904 - Manager : W. HUGHES (**1904)

'Piano-Fabrik - Piano-Manufacturer' (xx1890)(x1906)(x1912) & 'Piano-Handlung' (x1912)

Representative for BRITISH PIANOF. MANUF. Co : WAGENER C. H. & Co (x1912), London



35, Monsell Road, Finsbury Park, N. (**1904), Crown Place, Kentish Town Road, N.W. (xx1890)(**1891)(*1895)(**1895)(*1899)(*1903)(*1906)(x1906)(*1907)(y1907)(*1909)(*1910)(x1912)(*1914)(y1914)(*1915)(x1926), 38, Great Portland Street (x1912), London

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912

1912 - Owner ? -  H. MARSHALL (x1912)

'Piano-Handlung' (x1912)


9,251, Tottenham Court Road (x1912), London

'Pianoforte-manufactory' ca. 1900

London ?
BROADBENT Thomas Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890-1910 [since 1878 (xx1890)]

'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Instr.-Handlung' (xx1890)

446-450, London Road (xx1890), 446, London Road (*1893), Spital Hill (*1895)(*1897)(*1903)(*1906)(*1910), Sheffield
BROADLEY John Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1900 London
BROADWOOD George    

'Musical Instrument Maker' ca. 1818


10, Bentinck Street (**1818), London
BROADWOOD Henry Fowler

(? - 1893)


Patent of 1842 : HENRY FOWLER BROADWOOD, of Great Pulteney-street, Golden-square, Esq., for "an improvement in that part of a pianoforte, harpsichord, or other the like instrument, commonly called the name board." - Feb. 2.; six months." The Mechanic's Magazine, Museum, Register, Journal and Gazette, Volume 36, 1842, p. 159



'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1842-62

Succeessor of John BROADWOOD, here below


Patent of 1862 : "BROADWOOD. 30th April 1862. - 1283. HENRY FOWLER BROADWOOD, of Great Pulteney Street, in the County of Middlesex, Pianoforte Maker, for an invention for Improvements in the construction of pianofortes. Letters Patent sealed." Chronological and Descriptive Index of Patents Applied for and Patents, 1863, p. 88 - or - "April 30, 1862. - H. F. BROADWOOD. Metal plate over the wrest-planks of grands, tapped to receive wrestpins upon which either a male or female screw has been cut." The History of the Pianoforte: With an Account of the Theory of Sound and ..., Edgar Brinsmead, 1889, p. 216


Great Pulteney Street, Golden Square, Esq. (*1842)(*1863), London





Grand pianoforte n° 842 of 1778, Chris Maene Collection, Ruiselede, Belgium

Square pianoforte n° 19757, Private collection, France

Patent of 1825 : "BROADWOOD, Shudie, James, of Great Pulteney Street, Golden Square, in the Paris of St. James, in the County of Middlesex, Piano Forte-maker, for his invention of certain improvements in small, or what are commonly called Square pianoforte fortes. Sealed 6th October, 1825." The London journal of arts and sciences (and repertory of patent inventions) [afterw.] Newton's London journal of arts and sciences, 1829, p. 11 - or - "Check action applied to square pianos." The History of the Pianoforte, Edgar Brinsmead, 1879, p. 203 (archive.org)

Patent of 1827 : "To James Shudi Broadwood, of Great Pulteney Street, Golden Square, in the parish of Street James, Westminster, in the county of Middlesex, Pianoforte Maker, for his invention of certain improvements in the Grand Pianoforte. — (Sealed 9th April, 1827.] The objects of the improvements which form the subject of this patent are to give strength to the framing of a grand piano forte, in order that the tension of the strings may be more effectually preserved under variation in the temperture of the atmosphere. Round the curved side of the frame of the grand piano it is proposed that a metallic plate shall be fixed, to be called the string plate, into which the hitch pins are set, for the ends of the strings to be fastened to. This plate, which forms the first suggested improvement, is placed some distance above the sounding board, and is made fast to the side of the wood frame by very strong screws.
The frame work is further braced by metal rods extending from end to end of the machine, three of which have been employed before for that purpose; but a fourth is now proposed to be applied toward the base side of the instrument. It is fastened at each end, and supported in the middle by a perpendicular piece, which passes through an aperture in the sounding board, and is made fast to the bottom of the frame.—[Inrolled in the Inrolment Office in Chancery, October, 1827.]" Newton's London Journal of Arts and Sciences: Being Record of the Progress ..., 1830, p. 132


'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1818-30 [since 1783]

Son of BROADWOOD John, and from 1795, he became his fathers' associate and successor.

BROADWOOD James, Organ buider (x1818)

BROADWOOD & Son (*1818)

BROADWOOD James Shudi (*1830)

"M. en W. STODART maken enkel groote, geen kleine Piano Forto’s. BROADWOOD en Son maken groote en kleine ; insgelijks Jos. KIRKMAN, edoch niet van de waarde der vorige; nog eenige andere leveren Fabriekwerken." Nieuwste reize door Engeland, Schotland en Ierland, voornamentlijk ..., Philipp Andreas Nemnich, 1809, p. 287

"The following account, with which I was favoured in a private letter from Mr. James Broadwood, is, 1 apprehend, more authentic. "If by the celebrated Shroeter, mentioned in the Belle Assembled as having invented the piano-forte iu 1717, the late composer for the piano-forte and first elegant performer on that instrument is meant, the article must be incorrect, as he only died about twenty years ago, aged about 58.
"The first maker of the Grand Piano Forte was H. Baccers, a Dutchman, who, in 1772, invented nearly the mechanism, by which it is distinguished from the instrument with that name made in Germany."
"From the improvement by the English makers, particularly by my father John Broadwood, who was the first nativeol this 1 sland that attempted the business (before, exclusively, carried on by Germans and Flemings), it may be claimed as a British instrument, from its capacity of tone, extent of compass, superior in effect to every instrument of the reed kind made on the Continent." The Gentleman's Magazine (London, England), Volume 111, 1812, p. 11

50, Broad Street, Carnaby Market (*1818), 33, Great Pulteney Street, Golden Square, in the parish of Street James, Westminster (*1818)(*1830), in the county of Middlesex, London


(1732 - 1812)



Broadwood's Manufactory, London



Broadwood's Manufactory, London




Two images of Beethoven's Broadwood grand pianoforte



Grand pianoforte of 1839,
Collection Pianoforte Ad Libitum, Etobon, France



Pianoforte on the Great Exhibition of 1851, The Crystal Palace, and its contents : being an illustrated cyclopaedia of the great exhibition of the industry of all nations, 1851, p. 201 (archive.org)



Detail of a Pianoforte, An Illustrated Cyclopaedia of the Great Exhibition of 1851, p. 201



Broadwood, Grand pianoforte forte, London Exhibition 1851, Illustrated History of Furniture: From the Earliest to the Present Time, by Litchfield Frederick, 1903 (archive.org)







Music Trades Review, 15/06/1889, p. 28







Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review, Volume 40, 1916, p. 702


Square pianoforte ca. 1808, The Monart Collection, Wexford, Ireland, U.K.

Click on some photos to enlarge


'Manufacturers to his to her majesty the Queen, their Royal Highnesses The Prince and Princess of Wales, the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh & the rest of the Royal family' (**1882)(**1891)


Grand pianoforte n° 842 of 1778, Chris Maene Collection, Ruiselede, Belgium


Square pianoforte ca. 1784, Beurmann Collection, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg, Germany
Square pianoforte of 1784, Collection Hansjosten, Germany

Square pianoforte ca. 1785 , Collezione Fondazione Musicale Masiero e Centanin, Arquà Petrarca, Padova, Italy
Grand pianoforte n° 121 ca. 1785-90, Sammlung Wlaschek, Salzburg Museum, Salzburg, Austria
Grand pianoforte n° 208 of 1787, Collection Charles Colt, Bethersdes, England, U.K.

Grand pianoforte  n° 2337, hammerfluegel.info
Square pianoforte n° 219, his nameplate, hammerfluegel.info

Square pianoforte ca. 1788, Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, München, Germany

Square pianoforte n° 873 ca. 1788, Sweelinck Collection, Geelvinck Muziek Musea, Heerde, The Netherlands
Grand pianoforte ca. 1789, Museum of Music History or 'Zenetörténeti Múzeum', Budapest, Hungary
Square pianoforte n° 1185 of 1790, Castle Museum, York, England, U.K.
Square pianoforte n° 1331 of 1790, Eric Feller Early Keyboard Instruments Collection, Germany
Grand pianoforte n° 452 of 1792, Metropolitan Museum, New York, U.S.
Square pianoforte n° 1552 of 1791, Kenwood House, Hampstead, England, U.K.
Grand pianoforte n° 1835 of 1800, Collection Charles Colt, Bethersdes, England, U.K.
Square Pianoforte n° 1931 ca. 1792 [?], The Mobbs Keyboard Collection, Golden Bay, New Zealand
Grand pianoforte of 1792, Eric Feller Early Keyboard Instruments Collection, Germany
Grand pianoforte ca. 1793, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K.
Square pianoforte ca. 1795, nameboard, The Monart Collection, Wexford, Ireland, U.K.
Square pianoforte ca. 1795, The Cobbe Piano Collection, Surrey, England, U.K.
Square pianoforte n° 2844 of 1795, Collection Richard Burnett Finchcocks, Goudhurst, U.K.
Square pianoforte ca. 1796, The George Sherman Dickinson Music Library, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y., U.S.
Square pianoforte ca. 1797, Metropoltian Museum of Art, New York, U.S.
Square pianoforte ca. 1797, The Schureck Piano Collection, Berowra Heights, NSW, Australia
Square pianoforte n° 3817 ca. 1797, Metropolian Museum of Art, New York, N.Y., U.S.
Square pianoforte n° 3951, hammerfluegel.info
Square pianoforte n° 4200 of 1798, National Museum of American History, Washington, U.S.
Square pianoforte of 1799, Eric Feller Early Keyboard Instruments Collection, Germany

Grand piano, John Broadwood & Son, London, 1799 (museumcollections.rcm.ac.uk)

Grand pianoforte of 1799, Eric Feller Early Keyboard Instruments Collection, Germany
Square pianoforte n° 5507 de 1800, Eric Feller Early Keyboard Instruments Collection, Germany

Square pianoforte ca. 1801, Metropoltian Museum of Art, New York, U.S.
Square pianoforte n° 6210 ca. 1802, Collection Hansjosten, Germany
Grand pianoforte n° 2741 of 1803, Eric Feller Early Keyboard Instruments Collection, Germany

Grand pianoforte ca. 1804, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, M.A., U.S.

Grand pianoforte n° 3378, hammerfluegel.info
Grand pianoforte n° 3480, hammerfluegel.info
Grand pianoforte n° 3500 of 1806, Museum of Art, Columbia, U.S.
Cabinet pianoforte n° 7610, hammerfluegel.info
Square pianoforte ca. 1805, Museo degli Strumenti Musicali, Castello Sforzesco, Milano, Italy
Square pianoforte n° 9791 ca. 1805, Kolthoorn Collection, Geelvinck Muziek Musea, Heerde, The Netherlands
Grand pianoforte ca. 1808, Stiftung Lebensfarben, Berlin, Germany
Square pianoforte ca. 1800-20, Telemark Museum, Telemark, Norway
Square pianoforte ca. 1800-37, Akershusbasen, Norway
Square pianoforte ca. 1801, Norsk Folkemuseum, Norway
Square pianoforte of 1802, Stiftung Lebensfarben, Berlin, Germany
Square pianoforte n° 9791 ca. 1803, Sweelinck Collection, Geelvinck Muziek Musea, Heerde, The Netherlands
Square pianoforte n° 8897 ca. 1805 [?], The Monart Collection, Wexford, Ireland, U.K.
Square pianoforte ca. 1800-05, Georg Ott Claviersammlung, Würzburg, Germany
Square pianoforte ca. 1806, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, Madrid, Spain

Grand pianoforte of 1806, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, Williamsburg, Virginia, U.S.
Grand pianoforte of 1808, Stiftung Lebensfarben, Berlin, Germany

Square pianoforte ca. 1808, The Monart Collection, Wexford, Ireland, U.K.

Square pianoforte ca. 1809, Sammlung Dohr, Pianomuseum Haus Eller, Historische Tasteninstrumente, Bergheim, Germany

Square pianoforte n° 16915 ca. 1810-15, Swedish Museum of Performing Arts, Stockholm, Sweden
Cabinet pianoforte ca. 1812, The Schureck Piano Collection, Berowra Heights, NSW, Australia

Grand pianoforte n° 5557 ca. 1812, Chris Maene Collection, Ruiselede, Belgium

Square pianoforte ca. 1825, Geelvinck Collection, Geelvinck Muziek Musea, Heerde, The Netherlands
Grand pianoforte n° 12231 of 1830, Eric Feller Early Keyboard Instruments Collection, Germany
Grand pianoforte n° 15664, hammerfluegel.info
Grand pianoforte n° 15676, hammerfluegel.info

Signature of a grand pianoforte of 1814, , (probably destroyed during World War II) Musikhistorisches Museum von Wilhelm Heyer, Cöln, Germany
Square pianoforte n° 18242 of 1814, Eric Feller Early Keyboard Instruments Collection, Germany
Upright pianoforte ca. 1816, The Schureck Piano Collection, Berowra Heights, NSW, Australia
Grand pianoforte ca. 1816, nameplate, The Cobbe Piano Collection, Surrey, England, U.K.
Grand pianoforte n° 17488, hammerfluegel.info
Grand pianoforte ca. 1817, The Schureck Piano Collection, Berowra Heights, NSW, Australia

Square pianoforte n° 21619 ca. 1817, Sammlung Dohr, Pianomuseum Haus Eller, Historische Tasteninstrumente, Bergheim, Germany

Upright cabinet Pianoforte n° 684 ca. 1817-18, The Mobbs Keyboard Collection, Golden Bay, New Zealand

Grand pianoforte n° 18438, hammerfluegel.info
Square pianoforte n° 19000, hammerfluegel.info
Square pianoforte n° 23290 ca. 1818, The Monart Collection, Wexford, Ireland, U.K.
Cabinet pianofort ca. 1820, Collezione Bartoccini, Italy

Signature of a cabinet pianoforte of 1820, (probably destroyed during World War II) Musikhistorisches Museum von Wilhelm Heyer, Cöln, Germany
Square pianoforte n° 623 ca. 1820, Geelvinck Collection, Geelvinck Muziek Musea, Heerde, The Netherlands
Cabinet piano, John Broadwood & Sons, London, ca. 1821 (museumcollections.rcm.ac.uk)

Square pianoforte ca. 1822, The Monart Collection, Wexford, Ireland, U.K.
Upright pianoforte ca. 1825, Collection Scala, Bologna, Italy
Square pianoforte ca. 1826-8, Pooya Radbon Collection,
Grand pianoforte n° 24454, hammerfluegel.info
Nameplate of n° 25496, hammerfluegel.info
Square pianoforte n° 27953, hammerfluegel.info
Nameplate of n° 33133, hammerfluegel.info
Square pianoforte n° 36232 ca. 1827, Sammlung Dohr, Pianomuseum Haus Eller, Historische Tasteninstrumente, Bergheim, Germany
Grand pianoforte n° 44617, hammerfluegel.info
Square pianoforte ca. 1830, Geelvinck Collection, Geelvinck Muziek Musea, Heerde, The Netherlands
Grand pianoforte ca. 1831, Institute of Arts, Detroit, U.S.
Square pianoforte n° 44341 ca. 1834, Geelvinck Collection, Geelvinck Muziek Musea, Heerde, The Netherlands
Cabinet pianoforte n° 5228 ca. 1835, Chris Maene Collection, Ruiselede, Belgium
Cabinet pianoforte n° 6853 of 1835, Eric Feller Early Keyboard Instruments Collection, Germany
Square pianoforte n° 46787 ca. 1836, Geelvinck Collection, Geelvinck Muziek Musea, Heerde, The Netherlands
Grand pianoforte n° 4137 ca. 1838, Geelvinck Collection, Geelvinck Muziek Musea, Heerde, The Netherlands

Square pianoforte ca. 1839, Powerhouse Museum, Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences, Sydney, Australia
Square pianoforte n° 50279 ca. 1839, The Monart Collection, Wexford, Ireland, U.K.
Upright pianoforte n° 8939 ca. 1840, Collection Scala, Bologna, Italy

Square piano, John Broadwood & Sons, London, ca. 1840 (museumcollections.rcm.ac.uk)

Grand pianoforte of 1841, Stiftung Lebensfarben, Berlin, Germany

Grand pianoforte n° 1391 ca. 1841, Geelvinck Collection, Geelvinck Muziek Musea, Heerde, The Netherlands
Square pianoforte n° 53677 ca. 1842, Chris Maene Collection, Ruiselede, Belgium

Square pianoforte ca. 1844, The Cobbe Piano Collection, Surrey, England, U.K.
Square pianoforte ca. 1845, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K.
Cabinet pianoforte n° 8698 ca. 1845, The Schureck Piano Collection, Berowra Heights, NSW, Australia
Grand pianoforte ca. 1847, The Cobbe Piano Collection, Surrey, England, U.K.

Upright cottage pianoforte n° 7105/93109 ca. 1847, Geelvinck Collection, Geelvinck Muziek Musea, Heerde, The Netherlands

Grand pianoforte n° 16910 ca. 1847, Chris Maene Collection, Ruiselede, Belgium

Grand pianoforte n° 17086 of 1848, Collection Wim Van Moerbeke, Belgium
Grand pianoforte n° 17333 ca. 1848, Cité de la Musique, Paris, France
Square pianoforte n° 62249/15207 ca. 1850, Geelvinck Collection, Geelvinck Muziek Musea, Heerde, The Netherlands
Square pianoforte ca. 1851, The Schureck Piano Collection, Berowra Heights, NSW, Australia
Grand pianoforte ca. 1851, Powerhouse Museum, Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences, Sydney, Australia
Grand pianoforte n° 1768 ca. 1854, Geelvinck Collection, Geelvinck Muziek Musea, Heerde, The Netherlands
Grand pianoforte n° 2093 ca. 1857, Geelvinck Collection, Geelvinck Muziek Musea, Heerde, The Netherlands

Upright pianoforte ca. 1860, Museo degli Strumenti Musicali, Castello Sforzesco, Milan, Italy
Pianino n° 23951 ca. 1863, Sammlung Dohr, Pianomuseum Haus Eller, Historische Tasteninstrumente, Bergheim, Germany
Grand pianoforte ca. 1865, Sammlung Dohr, Pianomuseum Haus Eller, Historische Tasteninstrumente, Bergheim, Germany
Upright pianoforte ca. 1866, Collectie Muziekinstrumentenmuseum, Brussels, Belgium

Upright pianoforte ca. 1869, Victoria & Albert Museum, London, England, U.K.
Upright pianoforte ca. 1870, Collectie Muziekinstrumentenmuseum, Brussels, Belgium
Grand pianoforte ca. 1871, Frederick Historic Piano Collection, Ashburnham, Massachusetts, U.S.
Grand pianoforte n° 20398 ca. 1872, The Monart Collection, Wexford, Ireland, U.K.

Grand pianoforte ca. 1873, Collezione Fondazione Musicale Masiero e Centanin, Arquà Petrarca, Padova, Ital
Grand pianoforte n° 8418 ca. 1874, Geelvinck Collection, Geelvinck Muziek Musea, Heerde, The Netherlands
Grand pianoforte n° 788 ca. 1875, Geelvinck Collection, Geelvinck Muziek Musea, Heerde, The Netherlands
Cabinet pianoforte ca. 1875, Sweelinck Collection, Geelvinck Muziek Musea, Heerde, The Netherlands

Grand pianoforte n° 21100 ca. 1875-80, Collection Scala, Bologna, Italy
Grand pianoforte n° 9300 ca. 1880, Sammlung Gebr. Oberlinger Collection, Windesheim, Germany
Grand pianoforte ca. 1882-90, designed by Waterhouse Alfred, Victoria & Albert Museum, London, England, U.K.

Grand pianoforte ca. 1883, designed by Edward Burne Jones, Victoria & Albert Museum, London, England, U.K.
Grand pianoforte n° 22386 of 1889, Eric Feller Early Keyboard Instruments Collection, Germany
Grand pianoforte ca. 1889, Powerhouse Museum, Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences, Sydney, Australia
Upright pianoforte ca. 1896-1903, designed by Bailley Scott, Victoria & Albert Museum, London, England, U.K.
Grand pianoforte ca. 1907, designed by Lutyens Edwin Landseer, Victoria & Albert Museum, London, England, U.K.


were n° 17011, 18045 and 17091



'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1792-1916 [since 1783 (**1895) or since 1732 (x1906) or since 1723 (x1912)(x1926)]

Broadwood was born in Cockburns in 1732, and went to London in 1752. After a internship by Americus BACKERS, he worked by Tschudi BURCKHARDT, as workman and later as associate. (¹)

BROADWOOD became son-in-law (1769) and successor of TSCHUDI BURKHARDT. (see below)

Sir BROADWOOD (z1792)

BROADWOOD & Son (*1808)(*1812)(**1812)(*1814)(*1816)(*1818) - James BROADWOOD, becomes, after the death of his father, In 1812, his successor.

BROADWOOD J. & Sons (*1818)(x1825)

BROADWOOD T. (**1818)

1834 - Henry FOWLER BROADWOOD become associate of the firm as director untill 1893. (¹) It was in this period that Chopin played in the Music-room of Broadwood.

1843 - Walter STEWART BROADWOOD and Thomas BROADWOOD becomes associates in 1843. They receaved Frederic ROSE, and Georges Thomas ROSE in 1857, Georges Daniel ROSE in 1883, James Henri Shudi BROADWOOD in 1894, as W.C. DOBBS. (¹)

BROADWOOD John & Sons (x1842)(*1847)(*1858)(*1862)(y1866)(xx1872)(**1884)(xx1890)(*1893)(*1895)(**1895)(*1897)(*1899)(*1903)(*1907)(*1909)(*1914)(y1914)(*1915)

1850 - the firm has made 60000 square pianos, 1000 upright pianos, and 18000 grand pianos and pianinos. (¹)

1853 : "the Messrs. Broadwood, during tho same time, 45,803. In 1853 the production in all England was estimated at 1,500 instruments per week; of these not quite 10 per cent, wore grands, a like proportion squares, and the remainder uprights." The New American Cyclopaedia: A Popular Dictionary of General, 1861, p. 306

1856 - Fire in the manufactory on 12/08/1856. See Fire

1865 - "The English manufacturers long maintained the highest reputation in this branch. The extent of the piano manufacture in England may be inferred from the fact that the entire number of piano-fortes of all kinds manufactured by the Messrs. Broadwood from 1771 to 1851 was 103,750, of which number 60,382 were made from the year 1824 to 1850, an average of 2,236 per annum. [...] The result is seen, among other things, in an extension of the compass of the piano, and has been followed by an increase of the price of first-class instruments, with a corresponding reduction in those of humbler construction. Thus Broadwood & Son's first-rate concert grands, which in 1851 sold for 175 guineas, commanded 250 guineas each in 1862, in consequence of improved construction, while small uprights of full compass were sold in 1862 at less than £20 each." The Eighth Census of the United States: Population, Manufactures ..., 1865, p. 148

1892 - "Messrs. Broadwood have recently supplied one of their newly-introduced iron-framed upright pianofortes for the use of His Royal Highness the Duke of York. The instrument was placed on board H.M.S. Melampus, and His Royal Highness has signified his approval of the piano in glowing terms." Music Trades Review, 15/11/1892, p. 35

1894 - "Broadwood, the inventor of the barless steel frame, in 1894. W. C. Dobbs, a grandson of Henry Fowler Broadwood, was admitted to partnership in the same year. Thus six generations, counting from Shudi in direct descent, have guided the destiny of this great house. James H. S. Broadwood died February 8, 1911." Pianos and their makers, 1911, p. 145-146 (archive.org)

'Pianoforte Manufacturers' (xx1872) ------- 'Piano-Fabrik - Piano-Manufacturer' (x1906)(x1912)(x1926)

1906 - Owners : Geo Daniel ROSE, William Cary DOBBS & L. J. BEVAN (x1906)

BROADWOOD John & Sons Ltd. (x1906)(*1907)(y1907)(x1912)(x1926)

1950 - 258832 pianos and in 1964 : 264120 pianos (¹)

on this site


Click on the links above.


"Broadwood and Sons, célèbre fabrique de pianos à Londres, fondée en 1732 par un immigrant suisse, Burkhard Tschudi (Shudi), dont les harpsichords furent vite renommes; on peut encore en voir des exemplaires aux chateaux de Windsor et de Potsdam. Tschudi eut comme associé, puis comme successeur, son gendre John Broadwood qui etait ébeniste de son metier. La « mecanique anglaise » du piano construite en premier lieu en 1770 par Americus Backers qui, à sa mort, en 1781, la recommanda à Broadwood, n'est autre qu'un perfectionnement de celle de Christofori-Silbermann (v. Piano). John Broadwood (né en 1732) mourut en 1812; il eut pour successeurs James Shudi et Thomas Broadwood, puis Henry-Fowler Broadwood, qui mourut le 10 juil. 1893. La fabrique a pris peu a peu une extension considerable, en sorte que plusieurs milliers d'instruments sortent chaque anuee des ateliers B." Riemann Humbert Dictionnaire de musique 1899, p. 105 (archive.org)

"PIANOFORTES, by JOHN BROADWOOD & SONS, Makers to their Majesties and the Princesses. — A large assortment of PIANOFORTES of every description, and several excellent SECOND-HAND INSTRUMENTS, by the above celebrated makers, are on SALE at the Pianoforte Repository, No. 27, Soho-square. — N.B. This Repository was established expressly for the sale of Broadwood's Pianofortes, and the public are sure to procure genuine instruments at this Establishment. Broadwood's Pianofortes purchased and taken in exchange. No. 27, Soho Square." The Musical World, a weekly record of musical science, literature, and ..., 02/09/1836, p. 213

Patent of 1783 : "July 17, 1783. — John Broadwood. Position of wrest pins and dampers, also making the sounding-post, that communicates the sound to a sounding-board, of the same thickness and quality as that on which the bridge is fixed." The History of the Pianoforte, Edgar Brinsmead, 1879, p. 194 (archive.org)

Patent of 1827 : "To J. S. Broadwood, of Great Pulteney-street, Westminster, for certain improvements in grand piano-fortes. – 9th of April. – 6 months." Philosophical Magazine, Volume 1, 1827, p. 398

Patent of 1842 : "Feb. 2, 1842. — Henry Broadwood. Name-board with pictorial representation of the extension of the black and white keys for learners." The History of the Pianoforte, Edgar Brinsmead, 1879, p. 206 (archive.org) "BROADWOOD, Henry Fowler, of Great Pulteney-street, Goldensquare, Esquire; for an improvement in that part of a piano-forte, harpsichord, or other the like instrument commonly called the name-board. February 2, 1842." The Repertory of Patent Inventions: And Other Discoveries and Improvements ..., 1815-45, 1846, p. 53

Prize medal London, 1851 | Exhibitors list London, 1862 | Gold medal Paris, 1867 | Gold medal London, 1885 | Exhibitors list London, 1910


Advert for John Broadwood & Sons (museumcollections.rcm.ac.uk)

Advert for John Broadwood & Sons (museumcollections.rcm.ac.uk)

Advert for John Broadwood & Sons, Pianoforte style Louis XV (museumcollections.rcm.ac.uk)

Advert for John Broadwood & Sons, Artistic Pianofortes (museumcollections.rcm.ac.uk)

Advert for John Broadwood & Sons, Artistic Cases (museumcollections.rcm.ac.uk)

Advert for John Broadwood & Sons, Full Concert-sized Grand Pianoforte (museumcollections.rcm.ac.uk)

Advert for John Broadwood & Sons ca. 1902 (museumcollections.rcm.ac.uk)

Advert for John Broadwood & Sons, Dohnanyi, ca. 1902 (museumcollections.rcm.ac.uk)

Advert for John Broadwood & Sons,  1902 (museumcollections.rcm.ac.uk)

Advert for John Broadwood & Sons ca. 1903 (museumcollections.rcm.ac.uk)

Advert for John Broadwood & SonsGrand Pianoforte Style Chippendale ca. 1903 (museumcollections.rcm.ac.uk)

Advert for John Broadwood & Sons, Drawing Room Grand 1903, Exhibited in the Royam Pavillon, Paris Exhibition 1900 (museumcollections.rcm.ac.uk)

Advert for John Broadwood & Sons, Designed by C. R. Ashbee 1903/04 (museumcollections.rcm.ac.uk)

Advert for John Broadwood & Sons ca. 1905 (museumcollections.rcm.ac.uk)

Advert for John Broadwood & Sons, "Square Semi-Grand" ca. 1905 (museumcollections.rcm.ac.uk)

Advert for John Broadwood & Sons, Model Harpsichord ca. 1905 (museumcollections.rcm.ac.uk)

Advert for John Broadwood & Sons ca. 1906 (museumcollections.rcm.ac.uk)

Advert for John Broadwood & Sons, "New Steel Barless Pianos and Player Pianos" ca. 1911 (museumcollections.rcm.ac.uk)

Advert for John Broadwood & Sons, "New Steel Barless Pianos and Full-Scale Player Pianos" ca. 1911 (museumcollections.rcm.ac.uk)

Advert for John Broadwood & Sons, "Quarter-Grand" (museumcollections.rcm.ac.uk)


A 1796 John Broadwood Son Grand Piano, 1796, Late eighteenth-century decorative furniture. In the drawing-room of R. W. Hudson, Esq., Park Lane, W. Satinwood and mahogany inlaid pianoforte, with Wedgwood plaques, ormolu mounts, panel and stars, presented by Manuel Godoy to the Queen of Spain in 1796. Painted satinwood chairs and shaped cabinet. (digitalcollections.nypl.org)

Marqueterie enrichments of a piano-forte by Broadwood of London, 1851-53, (digitalcollections.nypl.org)

Broadwood's grand piano, 1851-54, (digitalcollections.nypl.org)

Site about the pianos of John Broadwood (www.broadwood.co.uk)


The Broadwood Barless Piano, by Alastair Laurence




Great Pulteney Street, Golden Square (z1792), 2, Clement's Lane, Lombard Street (*1814), 50, Broad Street, Carnaby Market (*1818), Horse Ferry Road, Westminster (**1822)(x1842), 33, Great Pulteney Street, Golden Square [near Regent Street], in the parish of Street James, Westminster (*1808)(*1812)(*1814)(*1816)(*1818)(**1818)(*1820)(x1825)(**1841)(x1842)(*1843)(*1862), 32-33, Great Pulteney Street, 9, Golden Square (*1847)(**1852)(*1858)(x1862) (y1866)(*1867)(**1870)(**1882)(**1884)(xx1890)(**1891)(*1893)(*1895)(**1895)(*1897)(*1903)(*1906)(*1907)(*1909), 9, Golden Square, W. (**1852)(*1862)(**1882), 69, Horseferry Road, Westminster, S.W. (*1847)(**1852)(*1858)(*1862), Horseferry Road, S.W. (xx1872), [45], Horse Ferry Road, Westminster, S.W. (**1882)(xx1890)(**1891)(**1895), Wood Wharf, Grosvenor Road, Pimlico, S.W. (*1862)(**1882)(**1884)(**1891), [33], Conduit Street, Limmers Hotel, Bow, W. (x1906)(*1907)(y1907)(*1910)(x1912)(*1914)(y1914)(*1915)(y1916), Factory : Stour Road, Wick Lane Row, Old Ford, E. (x1906)(x1912)(y1907)(*1914)(y1914)(*1915)(x1926), 158, New Bond Street, W. (x1926), London




Advertisement in Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review, Volume 33, 1910, p. 317

Advertisement in Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review, Volume 35, 05/1912, p. 613



'Pianoforte-makers' ca. 1890-1926 [since 1879 (xx1890)(x1906)(x1912)(x1926)]

'Pianofabrik' (xx1890) ------- 'Piano-Fabrik - Piano-Manufacturer' (xx1890)(x1906)(x1912)(x1926)


BROADWOOD, WHITE & Co (xx1890)(x1906)(y1910)(*1914)(*1915)

WHITE B., BROADWOOD & Co (x1926)

St. Mark's Works, St. Marks Villas, N.E. (**1904), Helmsley Terrace [Street], London Fields, N.E. (xx1890)(x1906), 54, Mark's Road, Dalston Junction (x1906), 70, Berners Street, Oxford Street, W. (x1906), Helmsley Piano Works : London Fields, N.E. (y1910),  Helmsley Street, London Fields, Mare Street (x1912), St. Marks Road, Dalston Junction, E. (x1912)(x1926), Factory : [Helmsley Pianoforte Works], London Place, London Fields, [Mare street], N.E. (y1907)(*1914)(y1914)(*1915), Head office : 24, East Side, London fiels, E. (x1926), London
BROCK Arthur John  

Advertisement in Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review, Volume 35, 1911, p. 135



'Pianoforte-maker' ca 1907-15 [since 1894 (y1911)]

'Late BROCK & VINCENT' (y1911), see here below

44, Park Hall Road, East Finchley, N. (y1907), 5a, Falkland Road, N.W. (y1911)(*1914)(y1914)(*1915), London
BROCK Bernard  

'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1906-26 [since 1890 (x1906)(x1912)(x1926)]

'Piano-Fabrik' - 'Pianoforte Manufacturer' (x1912)(x1926)



12, Tower Street, [Tower Pianoforte Works], London Fields [Station], [Mare Street], N.E. (x1906)(x1912), 12-14, Tower Street, London Fields, N.E. (y1907), 257, Mare Street, Hackney, N.E. (x1906)(y1907), 28, Gransden avenue, Hachney, N.E. (x1906), Horse a. Groom Yard, Mare Street (x1912), 103, Northwold Road, Upper Clapton, N.E. (y1914)(*1916)(*1917)(*1918)(*1919), Northwold Road, Clapton Street, Tower Pianoforte Works, N.E. (x1926), London


BROCK Richard  

Pianoforte-makers and/or pianoforte dealers ca. 1883-1910

BROCK R[ichard] (yy1883)(xx1890)

'Pianoforte dealer' (yy1883) ------- 'Musikinstr.-Handlung' (xx1890)

BROCK & DYER (*1903)(*1906)(*1909)(*1910)


65, Cotham Hill (yy1883)(xx1890), 56, Whiteladies Road (xx1890)(*1903)(*1906)(*1909)(*1910), Bristol
BROCK Samuel


Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-26 [since 1896 (x1906) or since 1897 (x1912)(x1926)]


'Fahrrad-, Piano-, Harmonium- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1906) ------- 'Brock Piano Saloons' (x1912)(x1926) ------- 'Grosshandlung in Mozart-Pianos u. -Players, Orgeln, Musikinstr., Sprechm. usw.' (x1912) ------- 'Instruments, music' (*1921) ------- 'Grosshandlung von Pianos u. -Players, Orgeln, Musikinstr., Sprechm. usw.' (x1926)

1912-26 - Owner : Samuel BROCK (x1912)(x1926)


'Musikal.-, Musikinstr.- u. Saiten-Handlung' (x1912)


'Piano-, Orgel-, Musikinstr.- u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1912)


'Piano-, Harmonium- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1906) ------- 'Piano-, Orgel-, Musikinstr.- u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1912)


MAIN FIRM : 45, Earl Street (x1906)(x1912)(*1921)(x1926), Coventry

BRANCH : Church Street (x1912), Darlaston

BRANCH : 51, Albert Street (x1912), Rugby

BRANCH : Union Street (x1906), 8, Upper High Street (x1912), Wednesbury




'Pianoforte-makers' ca. 1902-12 [since 1897 (x1906)(x1912)]

BYERS, BROCK & VINCENT untill 1902

1902 - "NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership heretofore subsisting between us the undersigned, Walter Charles Byers, Arthur John Brock, and Thomas Melvill Vincent, carrying on business as Pianoforte Manufacturers, at 61A, Fortess-road, Kentish Town, London, N.W., under the style or firm of "BYERS, BROCK, AND VINCENT", has been dissolved by mutual consent as and from the 18th day of May, 1902. All debts due to and owing by the said late firm will bereceived and paid by Messrs. Brock and Vincent. — Dated 31st day of July, 1902. WALTER CHARLES BYERS. ARTHUR JOHN BROCK. THOMAS MELVILL VINCENT." The London Gazette, 05/08/1902, p. 5057 (TheGazette.co.uk) - See Walter Charles BYERS on the bottom of this page.

'Late BYERS, BROCK & VINCENT (x1912)

'Piano-Fabrik - Piano-Manufacturer' (x1906)(x1912) & 'Piano-Handlung' (x1906)(x1912)

Succeeded by Arthur John BROCK, see here above


61A, Fortess Road, Kentish Town, N.W. (x1902)(x1906)(y1907), 7-8, Greenland Place, Camden Town, N.W. (x1912), London
BROCKBANK George Henry

Patent of 1881 : "Nov. 4, 1881. - G. H. BROCKBANK. Improvements in pianoforte actions, gaining a superior repetition." The History of the Pianoforte: With an Account of the Theory of Sound and ..., Edgar Brinsmead, 1889, p. 232


'Pianoforte-manufacturer' ca. 1852-81

1874 - "Liquidations by Arrangement [...] BROCKBANK GEORGE HENRY, pianoforte manufacturer, Montgomery-rd, Acton-gr. Pet. March 17. April 2, at two, at offices of Sol. Arnold, Finsbury-pavement." The Law Times, 28/03/1874, p. 390




Montgomery Road, Acton Gr. (**1852)(xx1874), London
BROCKBANK George Henry  

Patent of 1852 : "George Henry Brockbank, of Crawley-street, Oakley-square, in the county of Middlesex, piano-forte manufacturer, for improvements in upright piano-fortes." Newton's London Journal of Arts and Sciences: Being Record of the Progress ..., 1852, p. 373 - or - "Oct. I, 1852. - G. BROCKBANK. Two wrest-planks, between which the strings pass." The history of the pianoforte, 1870, p. 78

Patent of 1853 : "800. George Henry Brockbank. Improvements in horizontal pianofortes." THE MECHANIC'S MAGAZINE, 1853, p. 338

Patent of 1863 : "Nov. 12, 1863. - G. H. BROCKBANK. Perforated metal plate between sounding-board and strings." The History of the Pianoforte: With an Account of the Theory of Sound and ..., Edgar Brinsmead, 1889, p. 217

Patent of 1864 : "2821. George Henry Brockbank, of Great College-street, impts. in pianofortes." Newton's London Journal of Arts and Sciences, 1865, p. 58

Patent of 1866 : "Brockbank. - 26th September 1866. - 2488. George Henry Brockbank, of Great College Street, Camden Town, in the County of Middlesex, Pianoforte Manufacturer, for an invention for Improvements in the manufacture of pianofortes. Provisional protection only." Chronological index of patents applied for and patents, 1867, p. 172



'Pianoforte-manufacturer' ca. 1852-74

Bankrupt in 1874 : "Brockbank, GEORGE HENRY, pianoforte manufacturer, Montgomery-rd, Acton-gr. Pet. March 17. April 2, at two, at offices of Sol. Arnold, Finsbury-pavement." Law Times, the Journal and Record of the Law and Lawyers, Volume 56, 28/03/1874, p. 389


Patent of 1870 : "766. And George Henry Brockbank, of 40, Great College-street, Camden Town, in the county of Middlesex, has given the like notice in respect of the invention of improvements in upright pianoforte actions." The London Gazette, 26/07/1870, p. 3532 - or - "A.D. 1870, March 15.-No. 766. - BROCKBANK, George HENRY, of 40, Great College Street, Camden Town, in the county of Middlesex. -(Provisional protection only.) — Improvements in upright pianoforte actions. This Provisional Specification describes an action in which the lever rests directly upon the key. The sticker is jointed to the hammer butt and at its lower end rests directly upon the lever on which an incline or step is formed for its escape after that it has caused the hammer to strike the string, There is an arm upon the lever at its front end and a coiled spring passes from this arm to the sticker, the same arm also carries an adjustable escapement button." Chronological Index of Patents Applied for and Patents Granted, 1871, p. 177

Patent of 1875 : "Jan. 27, 1875. - G. H. BROCKBANK. Simple action." The History of the Pianoforte: With an Account of the Theory of Sound and ..., Edgar Brinsmead, 1889, p. 225




[3], Crawley Street, Oakley Square, Middlesex, N.W. (*1852)(*1862), [17-18-19-20], Great College Street, Camden Town, N.W. (*1862)(*1865), 40, Great College Street, Camden Town, Middlesex, N.W. (**1867)(*1870), Montgomery Road, Acton-gr. (x1874), London

'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1847-52

BROCKBANK & Son (*1847)

BROCKBANK John (**1852)


3, Crawley Street, Oakley Square (*1847)(**1852), London

'Pianoforte-maker' and tuner ca. 1847-62


71, Warren Street, Fitzroy Square (*1847)(**1852)(*1862), London
BRODERIP Francis Fane  

"In musical instruments, we this year observe an improvement, announcement by Messrs. Longman and Broderip, in the barrel organ. This instrument is so improved, as that by uniting the harp stop, it produces the effect of a band, and therefore is particularly calculated for private families and country dances. Those gentlemen have also advertised an improvement on the small Piano Forte; in which are introduced fix additional notes, without enlarging the fize of the instrument. The additional notes have fine harmony sounds." The Monthly Magazine, 1796, p. 53

"BRODERIP and WILKINSON, No. 13, Hay-Market, London; Musical Instrument Makers, and Music-Seller to their Majesties his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales and all the Royal Family; where are manufactured and sold, Their Patent Grand, and Square Piano-Fortes, with and without additional keys; Their new improved Pedal Harps and Barrel Organs with drum and Triangle, containing also, the compositions of the most admired and classical authors, antient and modern. Arranged under different Head Piaces, particularizing the various Species of Composition inserted. Thefollowing Works may be had at all Music Shops and Booksellers in England, Scotland and Ireland, France, Holland, Russia, Italy, Spain, Portugal and America." A Catalogue of Instrumental and Vocal Music, Printed and Sold by Broderip and Wilkinson, 1799, p. 1



'Piano forte Maker' and music publisher ca. 1789-1808

He married Ann LONGMAN, daughter of John LONGMAN

LONGMAN & BRODERIP (1775-98)(z1789)

BRODERIP & WILKINSON (*1799)(1801)(1802)(*1803)(1807), see also WILKINSON

"Broderip & Wilkinson. Broderip, who was without doubt Robert Broderip, the musician, organist at Bristol, and son of John Broderip, of Wells, had been partner in the great firm of Longman and Broderip, which came to grief some time about 1798. This firm had two places of business, one at 26, Cheapside, and the other at 13, Haymarket. Longman founded another business at the Cheapside address, while Broderip entering into partnership with Wilkinson took over the Haymarket premises. Broderip and Wilkinson are first-named in the Directory for 1799 and retain a place till 1808. In 1809, the firm is set down as Wilkinson & Co., and it seems evident that Broderip was dead; after 1810 this disappears." British music publishers, printers and engravers: London, Provincial, Scottish, and Irish, 1900, p. 18-19 (archive.org)


A Catalogue of Instrumental and Vocal Music, Printed and Sold by Broderip, 1799


Cheapside, Hay Market (z1789), 13, Hay Market (*1799)(*1803)(*1808), 27, Soho Square (18??), London

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-26

BROMLEY M. (x1926), 'Piano- u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1926)


6, Eversholt Street, N. W. (*1906)(*1907)(*1910), 36, High Street, Camden town, N.W. (x1926), London

'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1841


13, Page Street, Holywell Street (**1841), London

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano-Handlung' (x1926)


155, Luck Lane, Paddock (x1926), near Huddersfield
BROOK Arthur

'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1890-1912 [since 1882 (x1906)(x1912)]

'Pianobauer u. Instr.-Händler' (xx1890) ------- 'Pianobauer, Piano- u. Harmonium-Händler u. -Reparateur' (x1906) ------- 'Pianobauer u. -Reparateur, sowie Piano- u. Orgel-Händler' (x1912)


14, Thornecliffe Road, Manningham Lane (xx1890)(x1906)(x1912), Bradford
BROOKE Thomas  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912

'Piano - u. Orgel-Händler, -Reparateur u. -Stimmer' (x1912)


High Street (x1912), Uckfield

'Harpsichord and Piano Forte Maker' ca. 1793


33, Berwick Street, Soho (**1793), London

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912-26 [since 1895 (x1912)(x1926)]

'Musikal.-Verlag, sowie Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)


114, Chester Road (x1912), Old Park Lane (x1926), Southport

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890-1926 [since 1888 (x1912)(x1926)]

'Musikal.- u. Pianohandlung' (xx1890) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1906) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano-, Orgel-, Musikinstr.- u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)


19, Church Terrace (xx1890)(x1906), 5, Market Place (x1912)(x1926), Wisbech

'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1850


Upper Paul Street (x1850), Exeter



Pianoforte-brand ca. 1906-15

Owners : GREEN & SAVAGE (x1906)(x1912)(*1914)(*1915)


37, North Road, [York Road], Cattle Market, N. (y1907)(x1912)(*1914)(y1914)(*1915), London
BROOKS C. & Co  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906

'Piano-Handlung' (x1906)


102, Brompton Road, S.W. (x1906), London
BROOKS B. & Co  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano-, Musikinstr.- u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1926)


68, Seabourne Road (x1926), Bournemouth
BROOKS Charles  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1881-90 [since 1864 (xx1890)]

'Pianoforte & music selller' (y1881) ------- 'Musiklehrer, Piano- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (xx1890)


7, Leeming Street (y1881)(xx1890), Mansfield
BROOKS Cox & Sons  

'Pianoforte-hammer-rail-makers' ca. 1842-43


37, Little Albany Street, North, Regent Park (x1842)(*1843), London
BROOKS Francis  

'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1843-47


40, Cleveland Street, Fitzroy Square (*1843), 1, Granby Street, Hamstead Road (*1847), London
BROOKS Henry & Co


LONDON - "3373 Brooks, H. & Co. London. — Pianos, hammer rails, keys, actions, mouldings, frett carvings, Ac." International exhibition, 1862 : Official catalogue of the industrial department, 1862, p. 54

LONDON - "While on the subject of English pianos we must not omit to mention the cases of pianoforte actions and keys exhibited by the eminent firm of Messrs. H. Brooks and Co., which fully keep up their reputation for work of the highest class in their department." The Illustrated London News, 14/06/1862, p. 617

LONDON - "3647. BROOKS, H., & CO., 31 Lyme Street, Camden Road, London, N.W. (1) Pianoforte Actions and Keys. (2) Music Stools and Furniture." Official Catalogue, 1885, p. 318


Documents of HERRBURGER BROOKS PLC, disc.nat-arch.gov.uk



'Pianoforte-makers' ca. 1862-1910 [since 1810]

BROOKS H. & Co (*1862)

BROOKS F. & Co (*1906)(*1907)

 In 1920 BROOKS merged with HERRBURGER in Paris, France

1921 - "HERRBURGER BROOKS (Lim.), 31 Lyme St, Camden Town, N.W. — Piano actions, keys, hammers, stools and mouldings." The Music Trade Directory, 1921, p. 207

Patent of 1876 : "Feb. 27, 1877. - H. BROOKS. Improved action." The History of the Pianoforte: With an Account of the Theory of Sound and ..., Edgar Brinsmead, 1889, p. 226

 Exhibitors list London, 1862 | Exhibitors list London, 1885



 378, Mare Street, Hackney (*1906)(*1910), 31, Lyme Street, Camden Town, N.W. (*1921), London


Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906; (x1906)

'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1906)


Walton on the Naze
BROOKS James  

'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1847


6, Great College Street, Camden Town  (*1847), London

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1926)


Central Music Stores, 96, Duke Street (x1926), Whitehaven
BROOKS Robert  

PARIS - "Brooks, Robert ; Inventeur et Fabricant d'instruments de musique ; Houghton Regis, Dunstable, Bedfordshire. Deux petits pianos, avec claviers d'une nouvelle invention pour faciliter l'execution de morceaux sur le piano, l'harmonium, et l'orgue. Ce clavier pent, sans grand frais, etre adapté aux pianos, aux harmoniums, et aux orgues à present en usage. Nouveau dessin d'une horloge eclairee. Cette invention applique à une horloge, permettra qu'on voie l'heure, nuit et jour a une tres grande distance. Elle peut aussi s'adapter aux pendules et aux montres ordinaires." Catalogue officiel de la section anglaise, 1878, p. 66 (archive.org)



'Musical-Instrument-maker' and inventor ca. 1878


PARIS - "Brooks, Robert ; Musical Instrument Manufacturer and Inventor ; Houghton Regis, Dunstable, Bedfordshire.
Two small Pianofortes, with new Keyboards, invented for facilitating the playing of the pianoforte, harmonium, and organ. The keyboard can be adapted to pianofortes, harmoniums, and organs in present use at a moderate cost.
New design for an Illuminated Clock. This invention wil enable persons to see the time by a clock, day or night, at a great distance. It can also be cheaply adapted to clocks and watches in general use." Official Catalogue of the British Section, Paris Exhibirion, 1878, p. 63

 Exhibitors list Paris, 1878


Houghton Regis, Dunstable, Bedfordshire

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912

'Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1912)


72, Queen's Road (x1912), Nuneaton
BROOKS William  

  Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1881-1926 [since 1868 (xx1890)(x1906)(x1926)]


'Pianoforte dealer' (y1881) ------- 'Piano- u. Harmonium-Handlung' (xx1890)(x1906) ------- 'Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)


'Musikal.- u. Piano-Handlung' (x1912)


King Street (y1881), 36, King Street (xx1890), 20, King Street (x1906)(x1912)(x1926), Sutton-in-Ashfield

Selston (x1912)


Patent of 1862 : "Feb. 5, 1863. - R. A. BROOMAN (FRANÇOIS DELSARTE). Method or tuning two strings simultaneously." The History of the Pianoforte: With an Account of the Theory of Sound and ..., Edgar Brinsmead, 1889, p. 217

Patent of 1864 : "June 15, 1864. — R. A. BROOMAN. Improved tuning apparatus." The History of the Pianoforte: With an Account of the Theory of Sound and ..., Edgar Brinsmead, 1889, p. 217

Patent of 1865 : "June 30, 1865. — R. A. BROOMAN. New tuning apparatus." The History of the Pianoforte: With an Account of the Theory of Sound and ..., Edgar Brinsmead, 1889, p. 218


Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer and/or inventor ca. 1862-65


 London ?

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-10


15, Holborn Bars, E.C. (*1906)(*1907)(*1910), London

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912-26

'Musikal.- u. Piano-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)


50, Lower Town Street (x1912), 50, Town Street, Bramley (x1926), Leeds

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1879-1906 [since 1844 (xx1890)]

'Pianoforte Warehouse' (y1879)

BROTHERTON H. (xx1890), 'Pianohandlung'


43, Newgate Street (y1879)(xx1890), Bishop-Auckland, Durham

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1879-1906 [since 1880 (xx1890) or since 1842 (x1906)(x1912)(x1926)]

BROTHERTON William (y1879), 'Pianoforte Warehouse'

BROTHERTON W. (xx1890), 'Musiklehrer, Piano-, Harmonium- u. Instr.-Händler'

BROTHERTON W. & Sons (x1906), 'Musiklehrer u. Piano-, Harmonium- u. Musikinstr.-Händler'

BROTHERTON & Son (x1912)(x1926)

 'Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Händler' (x1912)(x1926)


South Road (y1879), 32, South Road (xx1890), 40, South Road (x1906)(x1912), 221, Newgate Street (x1926), Bishop-Auckland, Durham

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912

'Piano-Handlung' (x1912)


31, Harrow Road, W. (x1912), London
BROWITT William & Son Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926 [since 1910 (x1926)]

'Musikal.-, Piano- Orgel- u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1926)

3, Winchester Street (x1926), South Shields

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano- u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1926)


20, Grove Street (x1926), Retford

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1860


2, Alstone Terrace (xx1860), Cheltenham
BROWN Edward  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912-21

'Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1912) ------- 'Organ Builders' (*1921)

BROWN J. & Son (*1921)


Dorset Street (x1912)(*1921), Sevenoaks

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano-Handlung' (x1926)


13, Napleton Road (x1926), Faversham
BROWN Frederick 'Piano forte maker' ca. 1847 47, Warwick Street, Pimlico (*1847), London
BROWN Henry  

'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1862-72

BROWN H[enry] (**1870)(xx1872)

'Pianoforte Manufacturer' (xx1872)

BROWN A. & C. (??)


125, Pentonville Road, N. (*1862)(xx1872), London

Patent of 1881 : "July 14, 1881.-J. MAAS and J. BROWN. Improved check action." The History of the Pianoforte: With an Account of the Theory of Sound and ..., Edgar Brinsmead, 1889, p. 231

Patent of 1881 : "July 22, 1881.-J. BROWN. Improvements in pianoforte actions, producing by one movement a check action, escapement, and back touch, either separately or combined." The History of the Pianoforte: With an Account of the Theory of Sound and ..., Edgar Brinsmead, 1889, p. 231



'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1880-81


22, Manchester Road (xx1872)(**1880), Huddersfield

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890

'Pianohandlung' (xx1890)


213, Hampstead Road (xx1890), London
BROWN J. T. E.  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912-26

'Musiklehrer u. Piano-Händler' (x1912) ------- 'Piano-, Musikinstr.- u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1926)


32, Sheep Street (x1912), 8-10, Albert Street (x1926), Rugby
BROWN Philip  

'Piano forte maker' ca. 1847-62


58, Bartholomew Close (*1847), 74, Great Portland Street (**1852),143,Great Portland Street, W. (*1862), London
BROWN Philip Ltd.  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 19??


BROWN Robert A. 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1846 8, Brunswick Terrace (*1845), 163, Park Lane (y1846), Leeds
BROWN R. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano-Handlung' (x1926)

22a, Turnham Green road, Chiswick, W. (x1926), London
BROWN & Son Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

BROWN A. B. & Son (x1926), 'Musikal.- u. Piano-Handlung' (x1926)

69, Whiteladies Road, Clifton (x1926), Bristol
BROWN T. H. & Sons  

Pianoforte-makers and/or pianoforte dealers ca. 1906-26 [since 1879 (x1906)(x1912)(x1926)]

'Händler mit Pianos, Harmoniums und deren Bestandteilen, -Stimmer u. -Reparateur' (x1906) ------- 'Piano-, Orgel- u. Bestandteile-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)


45, Bankside Street (x1906)(x1912)(x1926), Oldham

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912-26

'Handlung mit Pianos u. Orgeln' (x1912) ------- 'Piano-Handlung u. -Import' (x1926)

BROWNE A. G. Ltd. (x1926)


23, Jameson Street (x1912), 16, Alexandra Road (x1926), Hull

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890

'Orgelbauer, Musikal.- u. Pianohandlung' (xx1890)


1, Wellesley Road (xx1890), Dover

Patent of 1885 : "Feb. 10, 1885. - F. H. BROWNE. Application of organ-pedals to pianofortes." The History of the Pianoforte: With an Account of the Theory of Sound and ..., Edgar Brinsmead, 1889, p. 238


Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer or inventor ca. 1885-1906 [since 1871 (x1906)]

BROWNE F. H. (1889)

 BROWNE Fr. H. & Sons (x1906)

'Orgelbauer, Musikal.- u. Piano-Händler' (x1906)


136, High Street (x1906), Deal

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano-Handlung' (x1926)


14, Woodbastwick Rpad (x1926), Sydenham

"PIANOFORTES, BY BROADWOOD. MR. BROWNE begs to announce to his Friends and the Public, that at the present time he is enabled to display an extensive assortment of superior Second Hand Pianofortes, by Broadwood, of every description. To those who may not have visited this Establishment, Mr. Browne begs to state that the Pianoforte Repository, 27, Soho-square, was established expressly for the sale of genuine Instruments by that highly esteemed maker, and that a greater number of Broadwood's Pianofortesmay be inspected here than at any other Musical Establishment.
Broadwood's Pianofortes purchased or taken in exchange, 27, Soho-square." The Musical world, 10/06/1836, p. 214


Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1836-51

Representative for Henry GUNTHER (1837-40)

«Selector of BROADWOOD's pianofortes» (*1843)


"SOHO PIANO-FORTE REPOSITORY, at BROWNE'S, 27, Soho-square. — At this Establishment, where Broad woods 8 Piano-fortes are constantly on sale, avaluable STOCK of superior COTTAGE, CABINET, SQUARE, and GRAND PIANO-FORTES, may be inspected. Persons wishing to purchase genuine Instruments by Broadwood, will find at this Repository the most extensive assortment in Town. — 27, Sobo-square." The Musical World, 06/1837, p. 216


27, Soho Square (*1836)(x1842)(*1843)(x1851), London
BROWNE Joseph Charles  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-26

'Piano-Handlung' (x1906)(x1912)(x1926)


68, Brecknock Road, N. (x1906), 388, Hoe Street, Walthamstow, N.E. (y1914), 154, Brecknock Road, Camden Road, N. (x1912)(*1914)(*1915), 388-390, Hoe Street, Walthamstow, E. (x1926), London
BROWNE Justin H.



Music Trades Review, 15/05/1887, p. 20


"Justin Browne - UPRIGHT IRON GRAND PIANOS. - Specialty - vertical & overstrung - 237 to 243 Euston Road London - Improved Iron Castings, specially prepared with a coating for condensing and neutralizing the metallic tone produced by Iron String Frames. Improved Iron String Frames, cast in one piece from iron carefully analysed and tested to stand a tensile strain of 12 tons to the square inch. Exhibit No. 3648, Music Gallery." Official Guide to the International Inventions Exhibition, London, 1885, p. 59 (archive.org)

"Justin Browne [...] The Iron String Frames used in the Justin Browne Upright Iron Grand Pianos are made and applied on exactly the same principles as the Iron String Frames in the best Horizontal Iron Grand Pianos. This system, which extends over the whole of the Sounding-Boards, and is carried to the top of the Wrest Planks, has been adopted in the Justin Browne Upright Iron Grand Pianos for many years, and the great superiority of this principle of construction has lately been recognized and partly applied by several other makers.
This special application to the Justin Browne Upright Iron Grand Pianos prevents the forward pull over of the Wrest Planks, and consequent bending of the bracings, and owing to the prevention of which these Pianos stand so much better in tune than other Upright Iron Grand Pianos not made on this system."
Music Trades Review, 15/05/1887, p. 20



'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1872-1926

BROWNE J. J. (xx1872)

 'Pianoforte Manufacturer' (xx1872) ------- 'Piano-Fabrik - Piano-Manufacturer' (xx1890)(x1906)(x1926)

LONDON - "Mr. JUSTIN BROWNE, Euston-road, exhibits, at 3,648 a neatly executed ebonised case with silvered scones." The Furniture Gazette, 01/07/1885, p. 311

PHILADELPHIA - "Browne, H. Justin, Pianoforte Manufacturer, 237 & 239, Euston road, London, N.W. Two uprights cottage pianofortes." Official Catalogue of the British Section, 1876, p. 196

LONDON - "3648. BROWNE, JUSTIN, 237-243 Euston Road, London, N.W. - (1) Vertical and Overstrung Upright Iron Grand Pianofortes. (2) Improved Iron Castings, specially prepared with a coating for condensing and neutralizing the metallic sympathetic tone produced by iron string frames." Official Catalogue, 1885, p. 318

 Exhibitors list London, 1872 | Exhibitors list Philadelphia, 1876 | Exhibitors list London, 1885


237, Euston Road, N.W. (xx1872)(**1882), 237-239-241, Euston Road, N.W. (**1884), 237-243, Euston Road, N.W. (xx1885)(y1887), 237-245, Euston Road, N.W. (xx1890)(**1891)(*1893)(*1895)(**1895)(*1897)(*1899)(*1903)(*1906)(*1907)(*1909), 237-243, Euston Road, N.W. (x1906), 7, Eden Street, Hampstead Road, S.W. (y1907), Eden Street Nork (*1910), 139, New Bond Street, W. (x1926), London
BROWNING John Bodley  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1879

'American organ, and music warehouse' (***1879)


16, Queen Street (***1879), Exeter
BROWNING Thomas J. & Co
'Pianoforte-makers' ca. 1852-72

BROWNING C. Mrs. (xx1872), 'Pianoforte manufacturer and dealer in all kinds of musical instruments'

49, Seymour Street, Euston Square, N.W. (**1852)(*1862), 57, Seymour Street, N.W. (xx1872), London
BRUCE Frederick 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1915-26

'Piano-Fabrik - Piano-Manufacturer' (x1926)

28a, Stamford Road, N. (*1915), Albion Works, Albion Street, N. (x1926), London
BRUCE John  

'Piano forte maker' ca. 1841-47

BRUCE John & Co (x1842)

BRUCE John (*1847)


19, London Street, Fitzroy Square (**1841)(x1842)(*1843), 11, Frederick Street, Regent's Park (*1847), London
BRUCE W. & Co 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1872 11, Park Street, Camden Town, N.W. (xx1872), London

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890-1912 [since 1860 (x1906)]

BRUCKSHAW W. & Son (xx1890)(x1906)

 'Musikal.- u. Piano-Handlung' (xx1890)(x1906)(x1912)

BRUCKSHAW W. (x1912)


109, St. George's Road (xx1890)(x1906), 13, Russell Street (x1912), Bolton
BRUNDET Harry W.  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912

'Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1912)


46, Park Road (x1912), Hale

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1926)


60, Bridge Street (x1926), Berwick-on-Tweed
BRUNT George Leonard

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1863-1909


21, Stokes Croft (***1863), Stapleton (*1895)(*1897)(*1903)(*1906)(*1909), Bristol
BRUNT William & Sons

'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1863-1914 [since 1845 (xx1890)(x1906)(x1912)]

BRUNT [William] & Sons (yy1883)(x1906)(*1910)

'Pianoforte maker' (yy1883) ------- 'Piano-, Harmonium- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (xx1890)(x1906) ------- 'Piano-, Orgel-, Musikinstr.- u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1912)


9, St. Augustine's Parade (***1863)(yy1883)(xx1890)(y1907)(*1910)(x1912)(y1914), The Dawbridge (x1906), 28, Desmark Street (x1912), 13, Hannover Street (x1912), Bristol

'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1883-1926 [since 1850 (x1906)(x1912)(x1926)]

'Pianoforte & music maker' (yy1883) ------- 'Musik-Verlag, Musikal.-, Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1906)(x1912)(x1926)

BRUTON & Co Ltd. (y1907)(y1914)(x1926)


38, Stoke's Croft (yy1883)(xx1890)(*1893)(*1895)(*1897)(*1903)(*1906)(x1906)(*1909)(*1910)(x1912)(y1914)(x1926), 107, Wells Road (y1907), Bristol

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912

'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1912)


Victoria Street (x1912), Burnham
BRUTON & Co [Ltd.]  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890-1926 [since 1865 (x1906)(x1912)(x1926)]

'Musikal.- u. Pianohandlung' (xx1890) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Instrumenten-Handlung' (x1906) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)



70, High Street (x1906)(x1912)(x1926), Weston-Super-Mare



Patent of 1862 : "Feb. 26, 1862. - E. G. BRUZAUD. Two dampers for each note." The History of the Pianoforte: With an Account of the Theory of Sound and ..., Edgar Brinsmead, 1889, p. 216



Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1893-1910


London ?

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912-26 [since 1865 (x1926)]

'Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)


4, Orchard Street (x1912), 63, Oxford Street (x1926), Weston-super-Mare

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912-26

'Musikal.-, Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)


6, Ebrington Street (x1912)(x1926), Plymouth

(1832 - 1909)



Henry BRYCESON (1832-1909) Organ-builder and early work in the application of electricity to organ actions, J. D. C. Hemsley (pdf)


'Organ & Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1823-25


38, long Acre (*1823)(x1825), London
BRYSON George 'Piano forte maker' ca. 1825 10, Newington Causeway (x1825), London
BRYSON George 'Piano forte maker' ca. 1834 27, Lime Street (z1834), Liverpool
BRYSON William 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1882-90 [since 1850 (xx1890)]

'Pianofabrik' (xx1890)

121, Cromers Street, Gray's Inn Road, W.C. (**1882)(**1884), 33, Blackstock Road, N. (xx1890), London
BRYSON Thomas  

"Bryson, T. (from Broadwood's), Patent Pianoforte Manufacturer, 5, Greenland-place, Judd-st., Brunswick-sq." The British Colonies : their history, extent, condition and resources, 1851, p. 4 (archive.org)


'Patent Pianoforte-manufacturer' ca. 1850-62

'From Broadwoods'

38, Thanet Street, Burton Crescent (*1850), 5, Greenland Place, Judd Street, Brunswick Square, W.C. (y1851)(y1854)(y1857)(*1862), London


BRYSSON George in Edinburgh, Scotland


'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1827-46

1827 - "Insolvent Debtors [...] Brysson, George, late of Bridge-House-Place, Newington Causeway, Surrey, Piano-Forte-Maker." The London Gazette, 1827, p. 384



Bridge-House Place, Newington Causeway (**1827), Surrey

43, Renshaw Street (*1837), 7, Newington (y1846), Liverpool



'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1866

123, Western Road (**1866), Brighton
BUCHAN Thomas  

'Piano-forte-maker' ca. 1818-62

1819 - Bankrupt in June 1819, The Edinburgh Magazine and Literary Miscellany, Volume 84, p. 88

67, Charlotte Street, Rathbone Place [Fitzroy Square] (*1818)(z1819), 147, Whitechapel Road (*1820)(x1825), 11, Mount Place, Whitechapel Road, E. (**1841)(x1842)(*1847)(**1852)(*1862), London
BUCK F. H. & Co  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-12

'Piano-Handlung' (x1906)(x1912) & 'Auch Musikal.' (x1912)


1, Market Parade, Balham, High Road, S.W. (x1906)(y1907)(x1912), London
BUCK Frank Howard  

'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1904-17

BUCK Frank Howard (**1904)

BUCK Frank Howard & Co (*1916)(*1917)(*1918)(*1919)



1, Market Parade, Balham High Road, Upper Tooting, S.W. (**1904), 109, Balham High Road, S.W. (*1916)(*1917)(*1918)(*1919), 7, Clapham Junction Station, approach Battersea, S.W. (*1916)(*1917)(*1918)(*1919), London


BUCK & MARGERY 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1884 208, Vauxhall Bridge Road, S.W.  (**1884), London
BUCK R. W.  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-12

'Piano-Handlung' (x1906)(x1912)


23, Lakedale Road, Plumstead, S.E. (x1906)(x1912), London
BUCK W. E.  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1926)


Cross Street (x1926), Leiston
'Musical Instrument Maker' and 'Piano Forte Maker' ca. 1793-1809; (²) 443, Strand (**1793)(**1797)(*1808), London

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano-, Musikinstr.- u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1926)


10, Vicarage Parade, West Green Road, Tottenham, S. (x1926), London
BUCKLAND George 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1890-93 [since 1866 (xx1890)]

'Musikal.- u. Pianohandlung' (xx1890)

38, Regent St. Clifton (xx1890)(*1893), Bristol
BUCKLAND G. A. & Co 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1926

'Piano-Fabrik - Piano-Manufacturer' (x1926)

Paxton Road, Paxton Piano Works, Tottenham, N. (x1926), London
BUCKWELL George 'Pianoforte-maker' and organ builder ca. 1825 30 [or 31 ?], Middleton Place , Hackney Road (x1825), London

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890-1912

'Orgelbauer u. Piano-Händler' (xx1890)(x1906) ------- 'Piano- u. Orgel-Händler u. -Stimmer' (x1912)

BULLEN F. J. W. (x1912)


5, Berner Street (xx1890)(x1906), 7, Berners Street (x1912), Ipswick

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano-Handlung' (x1926)


794, Stretford Road, Sparkhill (x1926), Birmingham

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano-, Möbel- u. Fahrrad-Handlung' (x1926)


164, Aubrey Road (x1926), Birmingham

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912

'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1912)


14, Onslow Road (x1912), Southampton

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-12

'Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1906)(x1912)


Newport Road (x1906), Mill Hill Road (x1912), West Cowes (Isle of Wight)
BUNCE William  

'Pianoforte-makers' ca. 1896


40, Meyrick Road, Battersea, S.W. (**1896), London
BUNDY William  

Patent of 1811 : "April 24, 1811. — William Bundy. Bass pianoforte-strings covered with platina or other metal to produce powerful sounds by vibration." The History of the Pianoforte, Edgard Brinsmead, 1879, p. 161 (archive.org) - or - "Mr. William Bundy's Patent for an Improvement on Musical Stringed Instruments. Dated April 24-th, 1811.—Repertory of Arts, No. 114, Second Series.
Mr. Bundy states, that, to produce the most powerful sounds by the vibration of strings, they should be of the greatest specific gravity and elasticity, therefore the strings of piano-fortes, and other metallic stringed instruments, will be improved in proportion to the quantity of those requisites applied to compose such strings. The material commonly used for strings, of the upper noLes particularly, being of the greatest elasticity, combined with strength, only requires an increase of specific gravity to improve ihein, which may be effected by entwining them with a metal, or composition of metals, drawn into wire, whose specific gravity is considerably more than that of the covered strings; gold will apply well, but platina is used (being of the greatest specific gravity). The power and purity of the tone is increased with the quantity used of this heavy metal, and the strength of the string covered must determine that quantity; for if too much platina be added, the string will not stand drawing up to its proper tension. The notes FF and FF sharp, when 57 and 56 inches long, from guidepin to bridge-pin, made of brass wire, weighing 15| grains to the foot, will carry, on each inch of its length, 24 rounds of platina wire, weighing one grain for excry inch and quarter of its length. The sizes of wire for the following notes to decrease uniformly, so that the wire for GG, weighing 13 grains the foot, will carry cbvei ing wire of three-fourths of an inch the grain.

 The G above, weighing 11 grains the foot, to be covered with wire 2 inches to the grain.
The G above, weighing 9 ½ grains the foot, to be covered with wire 3 inches to the grain.
The G above, weighing 7 ½ grains the foot, to be covered with wire 4 ½ inches to the grain.
The G above, weighing 7 grains the foot, to be covered with wire 5 inches to the grain.
The G above, weighing 6 grains the.foot, to be covered with wire 6 inches to the grain.
All to be covered with 12 rounds to the inch.


'Pianoforte-maker' ?? ca. 1811


The string to be covered is made rough by drawing a hastard-cut file along it several limes, and the covering platina wire is forced into the indents made by the file, which renders it perfectly secure, though the ends terminate within the pins, and avoids clogging the vibration, by the continuance of the covering wire beyond the pins, as hitherto practised.
Strings made of animal substance, as gut or silk, have their power of vibration much increased by being covered with platina wire, instead of wire of inferior specific gravity, though tue weight of the metal covering be equal, from the advantage of its decreased bulk, compared with other metals. As it may be difficult to draw platina wire fine enough forcovering a fourth string of a violin closely, the wire used is 6i inches to the grain, wrapped 100 rounds on each inch of string. A second string, covered closely with platina wire of four inches to the grain, would make an excellent fifth string. A first string, covered with platina wire, of 6 ½ inches per grain, 60 rounds in the inch, would make an improved third string. The strings of a tenor, violoncello, double hass, harp, &c. are improved by covering with platina wire the same weight as commonly used of metal.
Observations. — Mr. Bundy seems not to know that all the strings of the piano, &c., except a few of the lowest, have already as great a tension as the wires will bear,, without too great a risk of their breaking, and therefore, if weight be added, they must be shortened to make them yield the same notes; and if they are shortened, their elasticity will be abridged, and the quality of the tone very much injured. So far from the upper strings requiring an increase of specific gravity to improve them, the very reverse is the fact; for could we find a metal of equal strength with iron, but with half the specific gravity, the upper notes of piano-fortes might be made much longer, and consequently the tones rendered much finer than can be done with the present material, Mr. Bundy's improvement, if it may be so called, is applicable solely to the bass strings of musical instruments." Retrospect of philosophical, mechanical, chemical and agricultural discoveries, 1812, p. 318-319


BUNN Frederick 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1874 46, Hampstead Hill (**1874), London

Nameplate of a Square pianoforte of BUNTEBART Gabriel & Co of 1782, Jack Wyatt Museum, Piano Technicians Guild Foundation, Forest Ave, Kansas City, U.S.

Click on the photo to enlarge

Nameplate of a Square pianoforte of BUNTEBART & SIEVERS of 1787, hammerfluegel.info

Click on the photo to enlarge

BUNTEBART Gabriel & Co

Square pianoforte ca. 1778 , Collezione Fondazione Musicale Masiero e Centanin, Arquà Petrarca, Padova, Italy
Square pianoforte ca. 1782, more photos,
Jack Wyatt Museum, Piano Technicians Guild Foundation, Forest Ave, Kansas City, U.S.


Square pianoforte of 1770, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K.
Square pianoforte ca. 1771, Sammlung Dohr, Pianomuseum Haus Eller, Historische Tasteninstrumente, Bergheim, Germany
Klaviorganum of 1770-90, University of Leipzig, Museum of Musical Instruments, Leipzig, Germany
Square pianoforte of 1773, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Square pianoforte of 1774, Cité de la Musique, Paris, France
Square pianoforte of 1776, Museu de la Música, Barcelona, Spain
Square pianoforte ca. 1780, Pooya Radbon Collection,
Square pianoforte of 1790, Muziekinstrumentenmuseum, Brussels, Belgium


Square pianoforte of 1787, hammerfluegel.info
Square pianoforte ca. 1785, Castle Museum Łańcut, Poland
Organised pianoforte ca. 1787, Cathedral of Saint Mary, Sevilla, Spain

Square pianoforte ca. 1788, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands



'Piano-forte Maker' ca. 1768-90

One of the 'twelve apostles'

BUNTEBART Gabriel & SIEVERS (1769-95)(*1789)(**1793), 'Piano-forte Makers'

BUNTEBART Gabriel & Co (1782)

ZUMPE & BUNTEBART (1770-90), see also ZUMPE

From 1794, he worked alone. (¹)


"Es wird ein noch wohl behaltenes englisches Piano-Forte, von Buntebart und Sievers vorsertiget gegen billige Bedingungen aus der Hand zu kaufen begehrt." Donnstags-Blatt, Zürich, 03/01/1793, p. 3

[7], Princess Street, Hanover Square (P1774)(P1776)(p1782)(P1787)(*1789)(**1793)(*1794), London




Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1841-1926

BUNTING John (**1841)(x1842)(*1843)(*1847)(**1852), 'Organ builder and Pianoforte-maker'

1888 - "Mr. F. W. Bunting is removing his business as pianoforte manufacturer and organ builder, from 22, Swan-street, Minories, to 95, Minories." The Furniture Gazette, 21/07/1888, p. 47

BUNTING Frederick William (**1882)(**1884)(**1888)(**1896)(**1901)(**1904)(y1907)

BUNTING J. (x1926), 'Piano- u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1926)


22, Swan Street, Minories, E. (**1841)(x1842)(*1843)(*1847)(**1852)(*1862)(**1882)(**1888), 114, Minories, E. (**1882), 95, Minories, E. (**1884), 15, Lessing Street, Forest Hill, S.E. (**1896)(**1901)(**1904)(y1907), 71, Plashett Grove, East Ham (x1926), London

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890

'Pianohandlung' (xx1890)


20, High Street (xx1890), Shaftesbury
BURBIDGE Leslie G. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1915 235, Pentonville Road, N. (*1915), London

Upright square pianoforte of 1835, hammerfluegel.info


'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1835 London ?


(1702 - 1773)



Square pianoforte ca. 1780, hammerfluegel.info



Nameplate of a square pianoforte ca. 1780, hammerfluegel.info


Square pianoforte ca. 1780, hammerfluegel.info


Harsichord ca. 1787, The Cobbe Piano Collection, Surrey, England, U.K.



'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1780-95, associated with BROADWOOD, see above.

He was born in Schwanden, Switzerland in 1702. He was a student by Herman TABEL in 1718, and worked for himself in his own atelier in 1729, at Dean Street, in Soho. His later address was Great Pulteney Street, Golden Square in 1742, where also BROADWOOD installed, his common successor and son-in-law. His first square piano was made in 1767.  (¹)


Tschudi, The Harpsichord Maker, by William Dale, F. S. A., 1913 (archive.org)


Great Pulteney Street, London Square (1742)(¹)(P1780), London

1909 - "At Stockton-on-Tees, I was glad to learn that the iron industry was doing fairly well; which must reflect on the local music trade. [...][...] The warehouse of Mr. John Burdon at Yarm Lane was no less attractive in appearance and must awaken a feeling for that joy of possession of things beautiful in the minds of all the medium of an many who pass by." Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review, 11/09/1909, p. 143


Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-09

'Musiklehrer, Piano-, Orgel- u. Harmonium-Händler' (x1906)

52, Yarm Lane (x1906)(yy1909), Stockton-on-Tees
BURDEN W. C. & Co 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1880 Leicester


American 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1900-10

1910 - "ROTHSCHILDS TO MAKE PIANOS. - The plant formerly occupied by the defunct Burdett Piano Co. at Monroeville. O., has been acquired by Rothschild & Co. of Chicago, 111. The deal was closed by Richard Afensel, head of the piano department of Rothschild & Co. The plant will be overhauled and equipped with the most modern appliances for the production of a popular priced piano." Piano, Organ & Musical Instrument Workers Official Journal, 1910, Vol.12, N° 8, p. 37


Branch in London ???

Monroeville, Ohio & Chicago, U.S.

BURDOCH Frederick
Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890-1906 [since 1850 (xx1890)(x1906)]

'Musikal.- und Piano-Handlung' (xx1890)(x1906)

67, High Street (xx1890)(x1906), Gravesend

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912-26

BURDON J. (x1912)

 'Musiklehrer u. Musikal.-Verleger, handelt auch mit auch Pianos, Orgeln u. Sprechm.' (x1912)(x1926)

BURDON J. & Sons (*1921)(x1926)


52, Yarm Lane (x1912)(*1921)(x1926), Stockton-on-Tees
BURGESS F. J. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912

'Piano- u. Orgel-Händler, -Stimmer u. -Reparateur' (x1912)

222, Wellingborough Road (x1912), Northampton
BURGESS H. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912-26 [since 1873 (x1926)]

'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)

136, High Street (x1912), 245, Stamford Street (x1926), Ashton-under-Lyne
BURGESS Miss Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890

'Musiklehrerin, Musikal.- und Piano-Handlung' (xx1890)

136, High Street (xx1890), Hythe
BURGOYNE Alfred 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1882-1907 [since 1870 (x1906)]

'Piano-Handlung' (xx1890)(x1906)

1, Moreton Street West, Pimlico, S.W. (**1882)(**1884)(x1906), 32, Moreton Street, Pimlico, S.W. (xx1890)(**1891)(**1895)(y1907), London
BURKINYOUNG Frederic Handell  

Patent of 1846 : "Frederic Handell Burkinyoung, of Baker Street, gentleman, for improvements in pianofortes. (June 16.)" Mechanic's Magazine, Museum, Register, Journal & Gazette, 1846, p. 512


'Gentleman' ca. 1825-46

To find in a list of Burma's inhabitants in 1825 as a 'pianoforte-maker', The India Office and Burma Office List, 1825, p. 154

Baker Street (**1846), London
BURKINYOUNG P. 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1893 19, Kilburn Park Road (*1893), London
BURKITT & LAWRENCE 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1923-26

BURKITT & LAWRENCE Ltd. (x1926), 'Piano-Fabrik - Piano-Manufacturer' (x1926)

 61, Rhodes Street, Holloway, N. (x1926), London 
BURLING G. & E. 'Pianoforte-makers' ca. 1866 11, Orchard Street, W. (y1866), London


Music Trades Review, 15/06/1879, p. 14

The Furniture Gazette, 15/04/1889, p. 30



1879 - "Messrs. Burling & Burling announce that, in consequence of the success attending the introduction of their «English» iron-framed double oblique pianos, they have, in order to meet an extended business, purchased a large freehold factory at Kentish Town, in addition to their present factories at the Goswell Road and Hampstead Road. This factory, Messrs. Burling & Burling inform us, comprises the whole of the north-east side of Ferdinand Place, Kentish Town, including a handsome factory, built about five years ago, and houses in front, where, after a few alterations, they proposed to extend their premises." The Musical Standard: A Newspaper for Musicians, Professional and Amateur, 11/10/1879, p. 234

LONDON - "BURLING & BURLING. – Upright Pianos and Models of work." The Musical Standard: A Newspaper for Musicians, Professional and Amateur, 22/08/1885, p. 121

LONDON - "At 3,595, Messrs. BURLING & BURLING, Hampstead road, exhibit their Triplex Euphonoid pianoforte-case in ebonised wood. At the top is a species of cabinet or sound-box, having open panels for the emission of sound. Side boxes are provided for music books. It is claimed for this instrument, that by reason of its strength of construction, it rarely requires tuning. The same firm show a walnut-wood case with an “invisible panel desk.” Upon touching a spring the front panel flies out, forming a music desk." The Furniture Gazette, 01/07/1885, p. 311

Patent of 1875 : "Feb. 19, 1875. - E. T. BURLING. A system of tuning." The History of the Pianoforte: With an Account of the Theory of Sound and ..., Edgar Brinsmead, 1889, p. 225

Patent of 1875 : "July 17, 1875. - E. G. BURLING. Banjo attachment." The History of the Pianoforte: With an Account of the Theory of Sound and ..., Edgar Brinsmead, 1889, p. 225



«The Affairs of Messrs. Burling & Burling» in Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review, 01/12/1894, p. 189


'Pianoforte-makers' ca. 1862-95 [since 1851 (xx1890)]

'Pianofabrik' (xx1890)

1890 - "We regret to state that a large portion of the tools belonging to the employees of Messrs. Burling & Burling were stolen on the night of February 19th, and, as yet, no clue has been obtained. How the thieves entered the factory is a mystery. Some conjecture that one of them might have obtained access to the mill room, keeping in hiding until the "time for action" arrived; others think that the thieves may have secreted themselves in the house adjoining the factory, - lately acquired by the firm, and now connected by passages and a foot bridge to the main building. The goods stolen were so heavy in weight - being iron planes and other quite expensive tools that the burglars were compelled to leave a portion behind them. As it is, the men have lost nearly forty pounds' worth of valuable tools, and we understand that a subscription has just been started by their fellow journeymen connected with other factories. Calling, lately, for news, one of the partners, besides giving us information concerning the robbery, took us over the extensive factory, introducing us to the additional floor which has been added, showing us how, by the annexing of the adjoining premises, the part makers, the stringers, the polishers, the back makers, the fitters up, &c., have now a room each to themselves. All the departments appear to be conducted upon economic principles, -for instance, there are various machines in the mill room, one of which prepared the cheeks in a most expeditious way, whilst another machine produced falls made to the required shape in a few minutes. Speaking as to the prospects of the home trade, we were informed that the firm's "Early English Model" (made in walnut and in rosewood) was still in large demand; and as to the state of trade for export, -well, the men in the packing room were busy with soldering irons, lining half a dozen cases in which pianofortes were to be concealed from view for a period of five or six weeks." Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review, 01/04/1890, p. 321

1894 - "Mr. A. Ingleton (of Messrs. Kelly & Co.'s) will sell on December 5th and 6th the whole of the valuable stock of Messrs. Burling & Burling, of Ferdinand Place, Chalk Farm Road, N. W., consisting of wellseasoned timber, burr walnut veneers, &c., and several pianos, finished and partly finished. The sale is to take place each day at twelve precisely at Ferdinand Place, and catalogues may be had from Percy Mason, Esq., 64, Gresham Street, E.C.; W. A. Taylor. Esq., 6, South Street, Finsbury, E.C.; and from Messrs. Kelly, 16, Mortimer Street, W." Music Trades Review, 15/11/1894, p. 29

1894 - "BURLING & BURLING. (In Liquidation.) WITHOUT RESERVE.
THE FACTORY, FERDINAND PLACE, CHALK FARM ROAD, N.W. The whole of the STOCK of the above oldestablished Piano Manufacturers, comprising a choice assortment of well-seasoned TIMBER, thoroughly dry and ready for use, consisting of several standard of first quality Pine and Spruce, 700 Beech Wrest-Planks, 10,000 leaves of rich Burr Walnut Veneers, a large quantity of Swiss Pine Belly Wood, 100 sets of Italian Walnut and Rosewood Parts, Mahogany, Walnut, and Pine Boards 50 sets of Ivory Keys-Iron Frames, Plank Bars, Pin Plates Screws, Wrest Pins, Castors, Nickel Bolts-60 Backs, many bellied and strung-100 jointed Swiss Pine Bellies-Sconces, Ironmongery, Trusses, Panels, Spruce Bracings, Workmen's Benches, Iron Cramps, &c.-several finished and partly finished Cottage Pianofortes; together with the valuable Plant and Machinery, including a Combination Vertical Fall Shaping and Planing Machine, a 16in. Planing Machine by Sagar, Circular Saw Benches, Drilling Machines, a 6 in. Table, Circular Saw, and Boring Lathe by Saunders, Cross-cutting Machine, large Iron Safe, 24 by 27, 110 Hot-Water Apparatus by Perkins Co, &c. which will be SOLD by Mr. A. INGLETON, of Messrs. Kelly & Co.'s, upon the Premises as above, on WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, December 5 and 6, 1894, commencing each day at 12 o'clock precisely. The goods may be viewed the Tuesday preceding Sale; and Catalogues had, post free, of the Trustee, PERCY MASON, Esq., Chartered Accountant, 64, Gresham Street, E.C.; H. A. TAYLOR, Esq, Solicitor, 6, South Street, Finsbury, E.C.; the AUCTIONEERS, 16, Mortimer Street, W.; and at the place of Sale." Music Trades Review, 15/11/1894, p. 31

1895 - "On December 5th Messrs. Kelly & Co. sold off the stock of Messrs. Burling & Burling, nearly £2000 being realized. There was present a large attendance of the trade, the following firms being amongst the buyers Messrs. Brinsmead, Dang mann & Co., Dunmo, Ellis & Hill, Green & Savage, Eungblut, W. G. Evans, Henry Seeger, S. Seager, R. F. Stevens, Strohmenger & Sons, and Yates & Co. The prices secured for the finished pianos ranged from thirteen to twentytwo guineas. The following items will give our readers an idea as to the other prices obtained :Swiss pine bellies, about 3s. 6d.; ditto belly wood, £4 per box; bracings, 5d. to 6d.; wrest planks, Is. Iod.; parts in burr walnut, f1 per set; check actions, £1; ivory keys, 19s.; burr veneers, 3d. to Is. 7d. per leaf; unfinished pianos, £10 IOS.; sconces, 3s. 6d. per pair. A Sagar horizontal planing and moulding machine secured £15 45., and a Ransome circular saw bench, £7 IOS." Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review, 01/01/1895, p. 259

Exhibition List London, 1885



49, Worship Street, E.C. (*1862), 13, Queen Street, Finsbury, E.C. (*1862), Steam Works : 77, Goswell Road, E.C. (**1870)(z1879), 62-64, Hampstead Road, N.W. (z1879)(**1882)(**1884)(**1885)(xx1890)(**1891)(*1893), Factory : [3], Ferdinand Place, Chalk Farm Road, N.W. (**1879)(**1882)(**1884)(xx1890)(**1891)(*1893)(**1895), London




Music Trades Review, 15/06/1879, p. 16

  Music Trades Review, 15/05/1886, p. 16




Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review, 01/07/1890, p. 447 & Music Trades Review, 15/01/1894, p. 30



'Pianoforte-makers' ca. 1882-1926

'Pianofabrik' (xx1890)(x1906)(x1912) ------- 'Piano-Fabrik - Piano-Manufacturer' (x1926)

There was also a MANSFIELD in Dublin, Ireland


Music Trades Review, 15/01/1894, p. 30




228, Tottenham Court Road W. (**1882)(**1884)(*1893), 381, Euston Road, N.W. (**1884)(y1886)(xx1890)(**1891)(*1893)(*1895)(**1895)(*1897)(*1899)(*1903)(*1906)(*1907)(*1909), 4, Market Road, Caledonian Road, [facing St. James's Road], Cattle Market, N. (x1906)(y1907)(*1910)(x1912)(*1914)(y1914)(*1915), 3-5, Market Road, N. (x1926), London


BURLMAN Charles & Co

Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review, Volume 40, 1917, p. 728




'Pianoforte-makers' ca. 1914-26

'Piano-Fabrik - Piano-Manufacturer' (x1926)

[33], Brewery Road, N. (*1914)(y1914)(*1915)(y1917), 3-5, Market Road, N. (x1926), London

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-12

'Piano-Händler u. -Stimmer' (x1906) ------- 'Piano- u. Orgel-Händler, auch -Stimmer' (x1912)(x1926)


30, North Street (x1906)(x1912), 82-84, North Street (x1926), Ashford
BURNET William Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1894

'Pianoforte & organ dealer & tuner' (y1894)

43, Baltimore Street, Hartcourt Street, Hardman Street,  Kirkdale (y1894), Liverpool
BURNETT H. C. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1926)

 67, London road (x1926), Derby
BURNEW & Co Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890

'Pianohandlung' (xx1890)

 127, Essex Road, N. (xx1890), London
BURNS E. & Sons Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Musikal.-, Piano-, Musininstr.- u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1926)

286, Middleton Road (x1926), Oldham
BURNS Felix Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906 [since 1880 (x1906)]

'Komponist und Piano-Händler' (x1906)

BURNS F. W. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Orgelbauer u. Piano-Händler' (x1926)

 Lutterworth Road (x1926), Nuneaton

"Messrs. Burns & Lambert beg to draw attention to a new PIANOFORTE, which they manufacture expressly for Convent Schools, &c. These instruments are of the very best workmanship in all respects, and in a solid and handsome case of Polished Oak; price 25 guineas net for cash. These instruments are warranted of the most durable description, and from their power of tone will be found very useful for practising Sacred Music. They may also be had with Mr* Lambert's Repeater Check-action, at 5 guineas extra.
A lift of Pianofortes of all kinds will be supplied on application. Messrs. BURNS and LAMBERT, 17, Portman-street." The catholic directory and ecclesiastical register: for the year 1851, p. 179


'Pianoforte-makers' ca. 1851


... another LAMBERT in London

 17, Portman Street (***1851), London

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890-1926 [since 1887 (x1906)(x1912)]

'Musikal.- u. Instr.-Handlung' (xx1890) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano-, Orgel- u. Instrumenten-Handlung' (x1906) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)


121, East Parade (xx1890), 139, East Parade (x1906), 121, East Parade (x1912), 116, East Parade (x1926), Keighley

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890-1906

'Pianohandlung' (xx1890) ------- 'Piano- u. Bestandteile-Handlung' (x1906)


5-7, Silver Street (xx1890)(x1906), Bedford
BURRELL Mary Jane  

'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1883

'Pianoforte maker' (yy1883)


124, Cheltenham Road (yy1883), Bristol
BURROWES Robert Lloyd

Patent of 1858 : "2819. Robert Lloyd Burrowes [Professor of Music] and John Knowles, of St. Helen's, Lancashire, for the construction of pianofortes and organs.— Dated December 9, 1858." The Repertory of patent inventions, 1859, p. 78 and read more : Mechanic's Magazine, 29/07/1859, p. 77 - or - "Dec. 9, 1858. - R. BURROWS. Set of rectangular cranks, to elicit the sound of two notes by the touch of one key." The History of the Pianoforte: With an Account of the Theory of Sound and ..., Edgar Brinsmead, 1889, p. 213


'Professor of Music' ca. 1858 St. Helen's, Lancashire
BURROWS Thomas  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1894-1926 [since 1879 (x1906)(x1912)(x1926)]

BURROWS Thomas (y1894)(x1906)

'Pianoforte dealer & tuner' (y1894) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1906) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)

BURROWS & Sons (x1912)(x1926)


140, Myrtle Street (y1894), 12, Richmond Street, Whitechapel (x1906)(x1912)(x1926), Liverpool
BURTON E. A. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1921 26, Brigstock Road, Thornton Heath (*1921), Croydon
BURTON F. D. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890-1910

'Pianohandlung' (xx1890)

281, St. Philip's Road (xx1890)(*1893)(*1895)(*1897)(*1903)(*1906)(*1910), Sheffield

Patent of 1873 : March 17, 1873. - J. BURTON. Metal frets." The History of the Pianoforte: With an Account of the Theory of Sound and ..., Edgar Brinsmead, 1889, p. 223


Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer and/or inventor ca. 1873 London ?
BURTON Robert 'Piano forte maker' ca. 1847 54, Goswell Road (*1847), London
BURTONSHAW H. L. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906 [since 1850 (x1906)]

'Piano-Händler u. -Lehrer' (x1906)

Market Place (x1906), Crowle
BURY & co Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912

'Piano-Handlung' (x1912)

Spencer Street (x1912), Bootle (Lancashire)
BURY J. M. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890 [since 1872 (xx1890)]

'Musikal.- u. Pianohandlung' (xx1890)

221, Duckworth Street (xx1890), Darwen
BURY Samuel & Co  

Organ-square pianoforte ca. 1790, Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nürnberg, Bayern, Germany



'Musical Instrument makers' ca. 1787-94


Patent of 1781 : "Jan. 15, 1781. — Samuel Bury. The instrument is a perfect pianoforte, which, by means of whalebone plectra fixed in a sliding-board, and a slide which throws up the dampers, produces sounds exactly similar to the dulcimer and harpsichord." The History of the Pianoforte, Edgar Brinsmead, 1879, p. 195-196 (archive.org)


113, Bishopsgate Within (*1789), London

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Musikal.- u. Piano-Handlung' (x1926)


4, Hinckley Road (x1926), Leicester

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-12

'Musikal.- u. Piano-Handlung' (x1906) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung'

BUSSELL H. G. (x1912)


Gloucester Road (x1906)(x1912), Ross (Hereford)
BUSTARD Charles William  

1929 - "NOTICE is hereby given that the Partnership heretofore subsisting between us, the under-signed, Charles William Bustard and Thomas Andrew Bustard, carrying on business as Piano-forte Manufacturers, at 29, Langdon-road Upper Holloway in the county of London, under the style or firm of C. BUSTARD, has been dissolvedby mutual consent as and from the 31st day of March, 1929. — Dated 26th day of April, 1929. C. W. BUSTARD. - T. A. BUSTARD." The London Gazette, 03/05/1929, p. 2960 (TheGazette.co.uk)


Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1904-29

BUSTARD C[harles] (x1906)(y1907)

'Piano-Handlung' (x1906)(x1912) ------- 'Piano maker' (*1921) ------- 'Piano-Fabrik - Piano-Manufacturer' (x1926)

BUSTARD Charles Vincent (y1914)

BUSTARD C[has]. (x1926)(x1929)

50, Fortnam Road, Holloway Road, Upper Holloway (x1912), 29, Langdon Road, [Highgate], Upper Holloway, N. (**1904)(x1906)(y1907)(y1914)(*1916)(*1917)(*1918)(*1919)(*1921)(x1926)(*1929)(x1929), London
BUSTARD Charles & Son  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1907

BUSTARD Charles & Son (y1907)


 718, Holloway Road, N. (y1907), London
BUSTARD Thomas Andrew  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 19??



Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906

'Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1906)


 86, Warner Street (x1906), Derby
BUTCHER James 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1915 225a, Ball's Point Road, N. (*1915), London


Square pianoforte n° 889 ca. 1817, sold by Sotheby's, Present owners unknown
Square pianoforte n° 1126 ca. 1818, sold by Christie's, Present owners unknown
Cabinet Piano ca. 1835 of Butcher & Co - London, sold by Sotheby's in 1989

'Piano-forte-maker' ca. 1811-47

BUTCHER Thomas (*1812)(*1814), 'Piano-forte maker'

BUTCHER Thomas & CHALLEN William (1816)(¹)

BUTCHER Thomas (*1816)(*1820)(x1825)

From 1830, succeeded by CHALLEN

BUTCHER & Co (1835)

BUTCHER Thomas (*1847)

41, Great Titchfield Street, Cavendish (*1812)(*1814)(*1816)(*1818)(*1820)(*1823)(x1825)(**1841)(*1843)(*1847), London
BUTCHER Thomas Robert  

Patent of 1858 : "2560. Thomas Robert Butcher, Frederick Stevens, William Thomas Johnson, and Theophilus Jarvis, all of Frome, Somersetshire, [Pianoforte Action Manufacturers] for improvements in the hammer-rails of pianofortes.— [Dated November 15th.]" The London journal of arts and sciences, 1858, p. 376 - see also JARVIS


'Pianoforte-Action-manufacturer' ca. 1804-58 Frome, Somersetshire
BUTLER Brothers  

'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1926

'Piano-Fabrik - Piano-Manufacturer' (x1926)


28a, Ashwell Road, Beverly Piano Works, Roman Road, Bow, E. (x1926), London
BUTLER G. & Sons  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912 [since 1826 (x1912)]

'Piano-Handlung' & ' Auch Blas- u. Streichinstr.-Macher u. -Imp.' (x1912)


29, Haymarket, S.W. (x1912), London

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-10


6, Hand Court Holborn, W. (*1906)(*1907)(*1910), London
BUTLER Richard  

Advertisement in Doidge's Western Counties' Illustrated Annual for ...: A Miscellany of ..., 1882, p. 162



Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1882


161, Union Street (y1882), Plymouth
BUTT John  

'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1825-47


89, Church Street, Bethnal Gra. (x1825), 28, Goldsmith Place, Hackney Road (*1847), London

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano- u. Möbel-Handlung' (x1926)


73-75 & 90-100, Prescot Street (x1926), Liverpool

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano-Grosshändler' (x1926)


18, Powell Road (x1926), Bingley

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912-26

'Musikal.-, Piano-, Musikinstr.- u. Sprechm.--Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)


1, Dial Lane (x1912), 14, Dial Lane (x1926), Ipswick

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912-26

'Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)


55, Broad Street (x1912)(x1926), Banbury

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer  ca. 1906-12 [since 1893 (x1906)(x1912)(x1926)]


'Piano- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1906) ------- 'Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)


'Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1906)(x1912)(x1926)


267, Main Street (x1906)(x1912)(x1926), Bulwell

Burton-on-Trent (x1912)(x1926)

94, Liversage Street (x1906), 7, Devonshire Street (x1912)(x1926), Derby


Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano-Handlung' (x1926)


Stoppard's Row, Market Street, Clay Cross (x1926), Chesterfield

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano- u. Fahrrad-Händler' (x1926)



Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912-26 [since 1873 (x1912)(x1926)]

'Orgelbauer, u. Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Händler' (x1912)(x1926)


10, Fitzwilliam Street, East (x1912)(x1926), Huddersfield


Patent of 1792 : "1792. George Buttery, of the parish of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, musical instrument maker, for "his new (Jan. 26.) improvement in the construction of piano fortes and all other musical instruments in which hammers are or can be made use of." The Pianoforte, its origin, progress, and construction, Rimbault, 1860, p. 151


'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1792


 St. Martin-in-the-Fields (1792), London
BUTTON Edward  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1862


76, Strand, W.C. (*1862), London

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912

'Piano-Handlung' (x1912)


Back of 521 Green Lane, Harringay, N. (x1912), London
BUXTON Charles R.  

'Pianoforte-action-maker' ca. 1874


bd. John Buxton (*1874), Woburn

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906

'Piano-Handlung' (x1906)


88, Junction Road, N. (x1906), London
BYERS Walter Charles  

'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1902-26 [since 1896 (x1906) or since 1897 (x1912)]


BYERS Walter Charles (x1906)(x1912)(*1914)(y1914)(*1915)

'Piano-Fabrik - Piano-Manufacturer' (x1906)(x1912) ------- 'Piano-Handlung' (x1906)(x1912)(x1926)

See also BROCK & VINCENT, here above


61A, Fortess Road, Kentish Town, N.W. (x1902), Shop : 88, Junction Road, Upper Holloway, N. (x1906)(x1912), 61, Rhodes Street, St. James Road, [Liverpool Road], Lower Holloway [Station], N. (x1906)(y1907)(x1912)(*1914)(y1914)(*1915), 131, Holloway Road, N. (*1914)(x1926), London
BYFIELD Edward T.  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer  ca. 1901-12 [since 1867 (x1912)]

'Musikal- u. Piano-Handlung' (x1906) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1912)


67, Vicarage Road, S.E. (**1901)(**1904)(x1906), Plumstead near London

'Organ Builder' ca. 1793


Constitution Row, Battle-br. (**1793), London

"BYRNE & TURFREY solicit the attention of the public to their extensive stock of Rosewood and Walnut-tree Cottage, Semi-Cottage, and Piccolo Pianofortes, warranted of the best workmanship and materials, either with Check or Plain Actions to be seen at their Manufactory, 10, Upper Charlton-street, Fitzroy-square." The Illustrated London News, 10/12/1853, p. 524 - and -  The Musical Times, 01/01/1854, p. 312


Pianoforte-makers and/or pianoforte dealers ca. 1854

1854 - Partnership dissolved, The Economist, 07/04/1854, p. 411

"In consequence of a DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP the remaining part of the STOCK, of BYRNE and TURFREY, consisting of Rosewood & Walnut Cottage, Semi-Cottage, and Piccolo Pianofortes, will be offered for Sale at considerably reduced prices. These Instruments are all warranted and of exceedingly fine tone, and amongst them will be found some of the finest specimens of French Walnut in the kingdom. To be seen at the Manufactory, 10, Upper Charlton-street, Fitzroy-square." The Musical Times, 01/06/1854, p. 70


10, Upper Charlton Street, Fitzroy Square (**1853)(**1854), London
BYRT A. & Son Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890

'Piano- und Instr.-Handlung' (xx1890)

47-48, High Street (xx1890), Shepton-Mallet

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890

'Piano-Handlung' (xx1890)


Chapel Ash (xx1890), Wolverhampton


(*1789): 'The London directory, for the year 1789', p. 34-36

(z1789): 'La Liberta e Palinodia. Twenty Four Duetts in Four Books for Two Voices with ...', Giovanni Paisiello, 1789, p. 1

(*1792): 'The European Magazine', 1792, p. 496

(z1792): 'Gazette nationale, ou le moniteur universel', 22/11/1792, p. 1388

(*1793): 'The London Directory', 1793, p. 14

(**1793): 'Wakefield's Merchant and Tradesman's General Directory for London', 1793, Ball p. 15, Barnes p. 225, Bates p. 20, Beck p. 22, Betts p. 27, Broadwood p. 41, Brookes p. 42 Buckinger p. 46, Buntebart p. 48, Byfield p. 17

(*1794): 'Kent's Directory for the Year 1794. Cities of London and Westminster, & Borough of Southwark', 1794 (londonancestor.com)

(**1794): 'The European Magazine: And London Review', Volume 25, 1794, p. 496

(**1797): 'London Directory, Or Alphabetical Arrangement Containing the Names ...', 1797, p. 33

(*1799): 'Catalogue of Instrumental and Vocal Music, Printed and Sold by Broderip and Wilkinson', 1799, p. 1

(*1801): 'The Annual Register, Or, A View of the History, Politics, and Literature for 1801', p. 457-458

(*1803): 'Kent's Directory for 1803 : Containing an Alphabetical List of the Names and ...', 1803, Bland p. 24, Broderip p. 29, Barnes p. 15

(***1803): 'An Essay on the Law of Patents for New Inventions, to which are Prefixed Two ...', 1803, Becker p. 89

(*1804): 'Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Review', O1/1804, p. 89

(*1807): 'The Post office London directory', 1807, p. 17 (Ball)-30 (Bland & Weller) (babel.hathitrust.org)

(*1808): 'Post Office Annual Directory', 1808, p. 30+43+48 (Specialcollections.le.ac.uk)

(*1812): 'The Post-Office Annual Directory for 1812', p. 44

(x1812): 'The Monthly Magazine, Volume 34, 1812, p. 447

(*1813): 'The Tradesman', Volume 10, 1813, p. 505

(*1814): 'The Post-Office Annual Directory for 1814'

(**1814): 'The London Gazette', 15/03/1814, p. 582

(*1816): 'The Post office London directory', 1816, Ball p. 16, Bland p. 34, Butcher p. 55

(*1817): 'The Post office London directory', 1817, p. (Ball) 16 + (Bland) 33 (babel.hathitrust.org)

(*1818): 'Johnstone's London Commercial Guide, and Street Directory; on a New and More ...', 1818, p. 118

(**1818): 'The Poll Book, for Electing Two Representatives in Parliament for the City and Liberty of Westminster', 1818

(***1818): 'The Commercial Directory for 1818', p. 260

(x1818): 'The Royal Kalendar and Court and City Register for England, Scotland ...', 1818, p 131

(z1819): 'The European Magazine, and London Review', Volume 76, 1819, p. 85

(*1820): 'The Post office London directory', 1820, Buchan p. 15, Ball p. 17, Broadwood p. 47, Butcher p. 58

(**1822): 'History, Directory & Gazetteer, of the County of York: With Select Lists of ...', 1822, p. 34+63

(*1823): 'Kent's Original London Directory', 1823

(**1824): 'Repository of Arts, Literature, Fashions', 1824, p. 240

(x1825): 'Pigot & Co.'s new commercial directory of Scotland for 1825', p. 907-908-914 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1827): 'The London Gazette', 1827, p. 384

(***1827): 'The Harmonicon', 12/1827, p. 5

(**1828): 'Pigot and co.'s national commercial directory for 1828-9', p. 320

(*1830): 'Newton's London Journal of Arts and Sciences: Being Record of the Progress ...', 1830, p. 132

(**1830): 'The Harmonicon', 11/1830, p. 7

(**1831): 'The Harmonicon', 06/1831, p. 13

(*1832): 'The Harmonicon', Volumes 4-10, 1832, p. 346

(**1832): 'The Harmonicon', 01/08/1832, p. 5

(**1833): 'Louis Spohr's Grand Violin School: From the Original German', 1833, p. 12-13

(x1834): 'Pigot's Directory of 1834' (genuki.org.uk)

(z1834): 'Gore's Directory of Liverpool and Its Environs for the Year 1834', p. 66

(*1836): 'The Musical world', 10/06/1836, p. 214

(**1836): 'The Musical World', 25/03/1836, p. 21

(x1836): 'Mathews's Annual Bristol Directory and Commercial List: Being an Entire ...', 1836, p. 233

(*1837): 'Pigot and co.'s national commercial directory of the whole of Scotland', 1837, Aberdeen p. 186, Edinburgh p. 98, Liverpool p. 78, Leeds p. 54, Newcastle p. 126

(*1838): 'The Musical World a weekly record of Musical Science, Literature, and ...', 1838, p. 224

(**1839): 'The Musical World', 1839, p. 48-412

(*1840): 'The Annual Register of World Events: A Review of the Year 1840', Volume 81, 1840, p. 479

(**1840): 'The Mechanics' Magazine, Museum, Register, Journal, and Gazette', Volume 33, 1840, p. 350

(***1840): 'The Athenæum', 20/06/1840, p. 502

(**1841): 'Post Office London Directory', 1841, p. 807 (specialcollections.le.ac.uk)

(*1842): 'The Mechanic's Magazine, Museum, Register, Journal and Gazette', Volume 36, 1842, p. 159

(**1842): 'The Legal Observer, Or, Journal of Jurisprudence', Volume 23, 1842, p. 350

(x1842): 'Robson's London Directory', 1842, p. 1598 -1599 (archive.org)

(xx1842): 'Allgemeine musikalische Zeitung', 14/09/1842, p. 725

(*1843): 'The Post Office London Directory', 1843

(**1843): 'The Catholic Directory and Annual Register for the Year 1843', Volume 6, 1843, p. 199

(***1843): 'Proceedings of the Central Criminal Court', 27th February 1843, p. 210

(x1843): 'The Bankrupt Directory; Being a Complete Register of All the Bankrupts from ...', 1843, p. 21

(**1844): 'The London Gazette', 12/04/1844, p. 1286

(*1845): 'Williams's Directory of the Borough of Leeds: Giving an Entirely New ...', 1845, p. 307+21

(**1846): 'Mechanic's Magazine, Museum, Register, Journal & Gazette', 1846, p. 512

(***1846): 'The London Gazette', 23/10/1846, p. 3749

(y1846): 'Slater's National Commercial Directory of Ireland; Including in Addition to ...', 1846, Manchester p. 38, Liverpool p. 24, Leeds p. 75

(*1847): 'The Post Office London Directory', 1847, p. 1308

(**1848): 'Hunt & Co.'s directory & topography for the cities of Exeter and Bristol, etc', 1848, p. 68+15

(*1849): 'Birmingham: History and general directory of the borough of Birmingham, with ...', 1849

(*1850): 'The British Colonies: Their History, Extent, Condition and ...', Volume 4, 1850, p. 3

(**1850): 'Post Office Directory of Birmingham, Staffordshire & Worcestershire', 1850

(***1850): 'History, gazetteer, and directory, of Warwickshire', 1850

(x1850): 'History, gazetteer, and directory of Devonshire', 1850, p. 168

(xx1850): 'The London Gazette', 08/10/1850, p. 2674

(y1850): 'Bath Annual Directory: Comprising General Directory; Professional Directory ...',1850, p. 132

(**1851): 'Official description and illustrated catalogue of the Great exhibition 1851', p. 464-465

(***1851): 'The catholic directory and ecclesiastical register: for the year 1851', p. 179

(x1851): 'The Examiner', 16/08/1851, p. 525

(xx1851): 'Post Office Directory 1851, Chichester, West Sussex', 1851

(y1851): 'The British Colonies : their history, extent, condition and resources, 1851, p. 3-4 (archive.org)

(**1852): 'Post Office London Directory', 1852 (specialcollections.le.ac.uk)

(xx1852): 'The annals of Yorkshire from the earliest period to the present time, 1852, p. 430

(**1853): 'The Illustrated London News', 10/12/1853, p. 524

(y1853): 'Gore's Directory of Liverpool & its Environs', 1853 (specialcollections.le.ac.uk)

(**1854): 'The Economist', 07/04/1854, p. 411

(y1854): 'The British colonies : their history, extent, condition and resources', 1854, p. 6 (archive.org)

(**1855): 'Exeter Hall. Mr. George Case's Annual Concert, 1855, p. 30

(***1855): 'The London journal of arts and sciences and repertory of patent inventions ...', 1855, p. 187

(xx1855): 'Post office Kelly's directory of Hampshire, Dorsetshire, Wiltshire', 1855, p. 293

(*1856): 'Lunds' Bradford Directory; comprising the names, occupation, places of ...', 1856, p. 17+131

(y1857): 'The British colonies : their history, extent, condition and resources', 1857, p. 2-3 (archive.org)

(zz1857): 'Post Office Cheshire Trades Directory', 1857, p. 367 (cheshiredirectories)

(*1858): 'Annuaire-almanach du commerce, de l'industrie, de la magistrature et de l'administration : ou almanach des 500.000 adresses de Paris, des départements et des pays étrangers : Firmin Didot et Bottin réunis', 1858, p. 2249

(**1858): 'The London journal of arts and sciences', 1858, p. 376

(*1859): 'The Saturday Review of Politics, Literature, Science and Art', 1859, p. 532

(xx1860): 'The Cheltenham annuaire', 1860, p. 256

(*1861): 'Chronological and Descriptive Index of Patents Applied for and Patents', 1861, p. 190

(**1861): 'Saturday Review', 21/12/1861, p. 650

(x1861): 'Corporation general and trades directory of Birmingham ... and Wolverhampton', 1861, p. 751

(*1862): 'The Post Office London Directory', 1862, p. 1676-1677

(x1862): 'International exhibition, 1862 : Official catalogue of the industrial department', 1862, p. 54

(*1863): 'Chronological and Descriptive Index of Patents Applied for and Patents', 1863, p. 27+88

(***1863): 'The Post Office Directory of Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Shropshire, and ...', 1863, p. 154 (Boucher) p. 709 + (Barrett) 80

(**1864): 'The Musical Times', 01/11/1864, p. 383

(*1865): 'The illustrated record and descriptive catalogue of the Dublin international exhibition', 1865, p. 241

(**1865): 'Debrett's Illustrated Peerage, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain', 1865, p. 501

(x1865): 'The Economist', 15/04/1865, p. 450

(xx1865): 'The London Gazette', 11/04/1865, p. 2019

(**1866): 'Folthorp's Page's Court guide and general directory for Brighton', 1866, p. 437+257

(y1866): 'The British, Foreign, and Colonial Tradesmarks' Directory. To which is Added ...', 1866, p. 33-34

(*1867): 'Paris Universal Exhibition of 1867: Catalogue of the British Section, Great Britain. Imperial commission', Paris, 1967, p. 87-88

(**1867): 'Chronological index of patents applied for and patents', 1867, p. 116-172-227

(**1868): 'The Woburn Directory', 1868

(***1868): 'Allen's West London Street Directory, 1868, by Samuel Allen (gutenberg.jump&read)

(*1870): 'The London Gazette', 26/07/1870, p. 3532

(**1870): 'The 'Handbook' to the manufacturers & exporters of Great Britain', 1870, p. 367

(***1870): 'The Athenaeum', 22/10/1870, p. 518

(y1870): 'A. Green & Co.'s Directory for Liverpool and Birkenhead', 1870

(*1872): 'Journal of the Society of Arts', Volume 20, 1872, p. 889

(x1872): 'English Mechanic and World of Science', 04/10/1872, p. 80

(xx1872): 'The international guide to British and foreign merchants and manufacturers ...', 1872, London p. 382-384

(*1874): 'The Woburn Directory', 1874

(**1874): 'Post Office Directory of Middlesex', 1874, p. 501 (specialcollections.le.ac.uk)

(***1874): 'The Era Almanack 1874', p. 89

(x1874): 'Law Times, the Journal and Record of the Law and Lawyers', Volume 56, 28/03/1874, p. 389

(xx1874): 'The Law Times', 28/03/1874, p. 390

(*1875): 'The Commercial directory of Liverpool, and shipping guide', 1875, Aberdeen p. 434, Dewsbury p. 656, London p. 608, Coventry p. 582, Bradford p. 567, Liverpool p. 274

(**1878): 'Catalogue officiel de la section anglaise', 1878, p. 66- 67 (archive.org)

(y1878): 'The Post office [afterw.] Kellys directory of Birmingham with its suburbs ...', 1878, p. 526

(**1879): 'The Musical Standard: A Newspaper for Musicians, Professional and Amateur', 11/10/1879, p. 234

(***1879): 'History, Gazetteer and Directory of the County of Devon: Including the City ...', 1879, p. 404

(y1879): 'The Post Office Directory of Durham and Northumberland', 1879, Durham Music sellers p. 464, Durham Pianoforte makers, tuners and warehouses p. 469, Northumberland Music sellers p. 934, Northumberland Pianoforte makers p. 937-938

(yy1879): 'The Commercial directory of Liverpool, and shipping guide', 1879, p. 331

(z1879): 'Music Trades Review', 15/06/1879, p. 12

(zz1879): 'The Law Times', 05/07/1879, p. 176

(**1880): 'The Commercial directory of Liverpool, and shipping guide', 1880, Aberdeen p. 808, Armagh p. 844, Belfast p. 837, Halifax p. 975, Huddersfield p. 982, Liverpool p. 333-334, London p. 473, Manchester p. 436

(y1880): 'Post office Kelly's directory of Hampshire, Dorsetshire, Wiltshire ...', 1880, Hampshire p. 497

(y1881): 'Post Office Directory of Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire', 1881, Nottinghamshire p. 426, Derby p. 1262

(**1882): 'Post Office London Directory', 1882, p. 412 (specialcollections.le.ac.uk)

(yy1882): 'Eyre brothers' [afterw.] Eyre's post office Plymouth and Devonport ...', 1882, p. 690

(yy1883): 'Kelly's Directory of Somersetshire: With the City of Bristol', 1883, Somersetshire p. 550, Bristol p. 918

(**1884): 'Business Directory of London', 1884, p. 618-619

(y1884): 'Official Report of the Calcutta International Exhibition ...', 1884, p. 12

(**1885): 'The Furniture Gazette', 01/07/1885, p. 309-311

(xx1885): 'Official Guide to the International Inventions Exhibition', London, 1885, p. 59+98 (archive.org)

(y1885): 'Official Catalogue', 1885, p. 317-319

(y1886): 'Music Trades Review', 15/05/1886, p. 16

(y1887): 'Music Trades Review', 15/05/1887, p. 20

(*1888): 'Adressbuch aller Länder der Erde der Kaufleute, Fabrikanten ...', 1888, Hastings p. 1789

(**1888): 'The Furniture Gazette', 1888, p. 47

(z1888): 'The Official Catalogue of the Exhibits: With Introductory ...', 1888, p. 10

(**1889): 'Catalogue général officiel de l'exposition universelle de 1889', p. 16 (gallica.bnf.fr)

(xx1890): 'Weltadressbuch der gesammten Musikinstrumenten-Industrie', 1890, Accrington p. 150, Arbroath p. 151, Ashbourne p. 151, Banbury p. 152, Batley p. 153, Bedford p. 153, Birkenhead p. 154, Birmingham p. 154-155, Bishop-Auckland p. 155, Blackburn p. 155, Bolton p. 156, Bradford p. 156-157, Bridgewater p. 157, Brighouse p. 157, Bristol p. 158, Burnley p. 159, Burton p. 159, Buxton p. 159, Cheltenham p. 160, Chester p. 161>, Chorley p. 161, Cirencester p. 161, Clitheroe p. 161, Crewe p. 162, Dalton p. 162, Darwen p. 163, Dewsbury p. 163, Dover p. 164, Enfield p. 166, Gloucester p. 168, Gravesend p. 168, Guernsey p. 169, Hanley p. 169, Haverfordwest p. 170, Houghton-le-Spring p. 170, Huddersfield p. 171, Hull p. 171, Hunstanton p. 171, Hythe p. 171, Ilfracombe p. 171, Ilkeston p. 171, Ipswich p. 172, Keighley p. 172, Kings-Lynn p. 172, Leamington-Priors p. 173, Leeds p. 173-174, Leicester p. 174, Leigh p. 174, Liverpool p. 175, London PF p. 176-177 & London PD p. 178-182, Longton p. 190, Manchester p. 191-192, Mansfield p. 192, Maryport p. 192, Nantwich p. 193, Newcastle-on-Tyne p. 194, Nottingham p. 195, Peterborough p. 197, Preston p. 197, Reading p. 198, Richmond p. 198, Rochester p. 199, Salisbury p. 200, Shaftesbury p. 200, Sheffield p. 200-201, Shepton-Mallet p. 201, Skipton p. 201, Southport p. 202, Southsea p. 202, Sowerby-Bridge p. 202, Spilsby p. 202, Stalybridge p. 202, Sutton-in-Ashfield p. 204, Taunton p. 204, Tewkesbury p. 204, Wisbech p. 208, Wolverhampton p. 208, Woolford p. 208, Woolwich p. 208, York p. 209 (digital.slub-dresden.de)

(**1891): 'Post Office London Trades Directory', 1891, p. 480-481 (specialcollections.le.ac.uk)

(y1891): 'Kelly's Post Office London Directory', 1891

(*1893): 'Annuaire des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1893, p. 656-664 (gallica.bnf.fr)

(xx1893): 'Ilustrated London and its representatives of Commerce', 1893 (messybeast.com)

(y1894): 'Kelly's Directory of Liverpool & Birkenhead', 1894 (specialcollections.le.ac.uk)

(*1895): 'Annuaire des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1895, p. 717-718 (gallica.bnf.fr)

(**1895): 'Post Office London Directory, 1895, p. 2038-2039 (specialcollections.le.ac.uk)

(y1895): 'The London Gazette', 20/12/1895, p. 7382

(**1896): 'Kelly's London Suburban Directory', 1896, p. 954-955 (specialcollections.le.ac.uk)

(y1896): 'The Solicitors' Journal', 19/12/1896, p. 123

(*1897): 'Annuaire des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1897, p. 834-841 (gallica.bnf.fr)

(*1899): 'Annuaire des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1897, p. 1010-1017, Liverpool p. 1016 (gallica.bnf.fr)



(xx1900): 'Gore's Directory of Liverpool & Birkenhead', 1900, p. 199+277 (specialcollections.le.ac.uk)

(**1901): 'Kelly's London Suburban Directory', 1901, p. 1050-1051 (specialcollections.le.ac.uk)

(x1902): 'The London Gazette', 05/08/1902, p. 5057 (TheGazette.co.uk)

(*1903): 'Annuaire des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1903, p. 1103-1110 (gallica.bnf.fr)

(**1904) : 'Post Office London County Suburbs Directory', 1904, p. 1129-1130 (specialcollections.le.ac.uk)

(*1906): 'Annuaire des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique', 1906, p. 1091-1100 (gallica.bnf.fr)

(x1906): 'Weltadressbuch der gesammten Musikinstrumenten-Industrie', 1906, Accrington p. 373, Ashford p. 374, Bacup p. 375, Banbury p. 375, Bedford p. 377, Birkenhead p. 379, Birmingham p. 379-380, Bishop-Auckland p. 381, Blackburn p. 381, Blackpool p. 381, Bolton p. 382, Bournemouth p. 383, Bradford p. 383, Bridgewater p. 384, Bristol p. 385-386, Bulwell p. 386, Burnley p. 386-387, Cambridge p. 387-388, Carlisle p. 388, Chorley p. 390, Clacton p. 390, Cleckheaton p. 391, Cockermouth p. 391, Coventry p. 392, Crewe p. 392, Crowle p. 393, Croydon p. 393, Dalton p. 393, Darlaston p. 393, Deal p. 394, Derby p. 394, Dewsbury p. 394-395, Diss p. 395, East Grinstead p. 397, Egremont p. 399, Exeter p. 400, Falmouth p. 400, Feltham p. 400, Gloucester p. 403, Gravesand p. 403, Guernsey p. 404, Halifax p. 404-405, Helston p. 406, Houghton-le-Spring p. 408, Hunstanton p. 409, Ilford p. 409, Ilfracombe p. 410, Ilkeston p. 410, Ipswich p. 410, Keighley p. 411, Kettering p. 411, Kings-Lynn p. 412, Kingston p. 412, Leamington p. 413, Leeds p. 413-414, Leicester p. 414, Leigh p. 414, Liverpool p. 415-416, London PF p. 417-420 & London PD p. 423-434, Longton p. 462, Manchester p. 464-466, Maryport p. 466, Nantwich p. 468, Nelson p. 468, Newmarket p. 469, Norwich p. 471, Nottingham, p. 471-472, Oldham p. 472, Padiham p. 473, Pendleton p. 474, Plumstead p. 475, Plymouth p. 475, Portsmouth p. 476, Preston p. 476, Ravensthorpe p. 477, Richmond p. 478, Rochdale p. 478, Ross p. 479, Salisbury p. 481, Settle p. 481, Shanklin p. 482, Sheffield p. 482-483, Sidmouth p. 483, Slough p. 484, Southport p. 485, Sowerby-Bridge p. 486, Stacksteads p. 486, Stalybridge p. 486, Stockport p. 486, Stockton p. 487, Stourbridge p. 487, Swindon p. 488, Taunton p. 489, Tenderden p. 489, Walton p. 492, Warrington p. 492-493, Wednesbury p. 493, West Cowes p. 494, Weston-Super-Mare p. 494, Whitby p. 494, Wisbech p. 496, Woodhouse p. 496, Woolwich p. 496, Yeadon p. 497, York p. 498 (digital.sim.spk-berlin.de)

(xx1906): 'Kelly's Directory of Essex', 1906, p. 42+56 (the.hitchcock.zone)

(*1907): 'Annuaire des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1907, p. 1094-1104 (gallica.bnf.fr)

(y1907): 'Kelly's Directory of Merchants, Manufacturers and Shippers', 1907, p. 13-14, London p. 5-6

(*1909): 'Annuaire des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1909, p. 1105-1113 (gallica.bnf.fr)

(yy1909): 'Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review', 11/09/1909, p. 143

(*1910): 'Annuaire des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1910, p. 1144-1153 (gallica.bnf.fr)

(y1910): 'Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review', Volume 33, 1910, p. 317

(y1911): 'Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review', Volume 35, 1911, BEADLE & LANGBEIN p. 135, BELL p. 134-140, BROCK p. 135

(yy1911): 'Kelly's directory of Berkshire, Bucks and Oxon, 1911, Ascot, Maidenhead, Newbury, Reading, Windsor p. 389; Aylesbury, Bletchley, Slough, Wolverton, Wycombe p. 322

(*1912): 'The Music Trade Directory', 1912

(x1912): 'Welt-Adressbuch der gesamten Musikinstrumenten-Industrie', 1912, Accrington p. 500, Aldershot p. 500, Ashford p. 501, Ashton p. 501-502, Bacup p. 502, Banbury p. 502, Birmingham p. 506-508, Bishop-Auckland p. 508, Blackburn p. 508, Blackpool p. 508-509, Bolton p. 509, Bootle p. 510, Bournemouth p. 510, Bradford p. 510-511, Bridgewater p. 512, Brierfield p. 512, Bristol p. 513-514, Bromsgrove p. 514, Bulwell p. 514, Burnham p. 514, Burnley p. 514-515, Burslem p. 515, Calstock p. 515, Cambridge p. 515-516, Chesterfield p. 518, Chorley p. 518, Clacton-on-Sea p. 519, Coventry p. 520, Crewe p. 521, Dalton in Furness p. 522, Darlaston p. 522, Darwen p. 522, Dewsbury p. 523, Driffield p. 524, Egremont p. 527, Exeter p. 528, Falmouth p. 529, Feltham p. 529, Guernsey p. 534, Hale p. 534, Halifax p. 534-535, Harpenden p. 535, Havant p. 536, Helston p. 536, Hitchin p. 537, Huddersfield p. 538-539, Hull p. 539, Hunstanton p. 540, Ilford p. 540, Ilfracombe p. 540, Ilkeston p. 540, Ipswick p. 540-541, Keighley p. 541, Kettering p. 542, Kingsbridge p. 542, Kings-Lynn p. 542, Lancaster p. 543, Leamington p. 543, Leeds p. 543-545, Leicester p. 545, Leigh p. 545-546, Liverpool p. 546-457, London PF p. 550-554 & London PD p. 559-572, Longton p. 601, Malton p. 603, Manchester p. 603-605, Margate p. 605, Maryport p. 605, Nelson p. 607, Newbury p. 608, Newcastle-on-Tyne p. 608, Newmarket p. 609, New mills p. 609, Newtown p. 609, Northampton p. 609-610, Nottingham p. 610-611, Nuneaton p. 611, Oldham p. 611-612, Padiham p. 613, Pendleton p. 613, Penrith p. 613, Plumstead p. 614, Plymouth p. 614, Portsmouth p. 615, Radcliffe p. 616, Ravensthorpe p. 616, Reading p. 616-617, Redditch p. 617, Richmond p. 617, Rochdale p. 617-618, Ross p. 618, Rotherham p. 618, Rugby p. 618, Salisbury p. 620, Selston p. 621, Sevenoaks p. 621, Shanklin p. 621, Sittingbourne p. 622, Slough p. 623, Southampton p. 623, Southport p. 624, Stacksteads p. 625, Stockton-on-Tees p. 626, Sutton p. 627, Tenderden p. 529, Uckfield p. 631, Wakefield p. 631, Wednesbury p. 633, Wells p. 633, West Cowes p. 633, Weston-Super-Mare p. 634, Whitchurch p. 634, Wisbech p. 635, Woolwich p. 636 (digital.sim.spk-berlin.de)

(*1914): 'Post Office London Directory', 1914, p. 1837-1838 (specialcollections.le.ac.uk)

(y1914): 'Kelly's manufacturers and merchants directory, including industrial services', 1914, p. 3019-3020 London p. 2356-2357 (archive.org)

(*1915): 'Post Office London Directory', 1915, p. 1796-1797 (specialcollections.le.ac.uk)

(*1916): 'Post Office London County Suburbs Directory', 1916, p. 606 (specialcollections.le.ac.uk)

(y1916): 'Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review, Volume 40, 1916, p. 702

(*1917): 'Post Office London County Suburbs Directory', 1917, p. 592-593 (specialcollections.le.ac.uk)

(y1917): 'Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review', Volume 40, 1917, p. 728

(*1918): 'Post Office London County Suburbs Directory', 1918, p. 571-572 (specialcollections.le.ac.uk)

(*1919): 'Post Office London County Suburbs Directory', 1919, p. 555 (specialcollections.le.ac.uk)

(**1919): 'A Pictorial and Descriptive Guide to London and Its Environs: With Two Large ...', 1919, p. 68

(*1921): 'The Music Trade Directory', Volume 32, 1921

(x1921): 'Kelly's Directory of Stationers, Printers, Booksellers, Publishers and ...', 1921, Liverpool p. 954-966

(y1921): 'Guys Cork Almanach, 1921', p. 201 (CorkPastAndPresent.ie)

(x1926): 'Weltadressbuch der gesammten Musikinstrumenten-Industrie', 1926,  Aldershot p. 187, Ashford p. 188, Ashton-under-Lyne p. 189, Banbury p. 190, Berwick-on-Tweed p. 193, Bingley p. 193, Birmingham p. 194-196, Bischop-Auckland p. 196, Blackburn p. 196-197, Bootle p. 198, Bournemouth p. 198-199, Bristol p. 201-202, Broadstairs p. 202, Bulwell p. 203, Burnley p. 203, Chatteris p. 206, Chesterfield p. 207, Chorley p. 208, Coventry p. 210, Crewe p. 211, Derby p. 212-213, Dunstable p. 218, Faversham p. 222, Folkstone p. 223, Greenfield p. 228, Huddersfield p. 234, Hull p. 234-235, Ilford p. 235, Ipswich p. 236, Keighley p. 237, Kings-Lynn p. 238, Leeds p. 239-240, Leicester p. 240-241, Leigh p. 241, Leigh-on-Sea p. 241, Leiston p. 242, Liverpool p. 243-245, London PF p. 246-252 & London PD p. 260-269, Manchester p. 296-300, March p. 300, Margate p. 300, Nelson p. 303, Newcastle-on-Tyne p. 304, Norwich p. 306-307, Nottingham p. 307, Nuneaton p. 307, Oldham p. 309, Padiham p. 310, Peterborough p. 312, Plymouth p. 313, Retford p. 317, Rugby p. 319, Salisbury p. 320, Southporth p. 325-326, Southsea p. 326, South-Shields p. 326, Spalding p. 326, Stockport p. 328-329, Stockton-on-Tees p. 329, Sutton-in-Ashfield p. 330, Sydenham p. 331, Weston-super-Mare p. 338, Whitchurch p. 339, Whitehaven p. 339, Wisbech p. 340, Wolverhampton p. 342 (digital.sim.spk-berlin.de)

(x1929): 'The London Gazette', 03/05/1929, p. 2960 (TheGazette.co.uk)

(¹): 'Histoire de piano de 1700 à 1950', Mario Pizzi, 1983

(²): 'Makers of the Piano 1700-1820' and 'Makers of the Piano 1820-1860', Martha Novak Clinkscale, 1993

(³): Will of John Bond, Piano Forte Maker of No 19 Frederick Place Hampstead Road, Middlesex, Nationalarchives.gov.uk

(⁴): Information friendly given by Bill Kirby of PianoHistory

(⁵): Haydn's Dictionary of Dates: Relating to All Ages and Nations, for Universal ..., 1871, p. 299

(⁶): 'Pianohistory', Bill Kibby

(⁷): 'List of wills of pianoforte and musical instrument makers (not exclusive), identified by the author from the Index of Wills registered in The Prerogative Court of Canterbury', 1384–12 January 1858 (series PROB 11),1 held at The National Archives, UK.Margaret Debenham, 4 November 2103 (debenham.org.uk)

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