Brand |
Image |
Info |
Addresses |
Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-12 [ since
1892 (x1912)]
'Piano- u. Orgel-Händler,
-Reparateur u. Stimmer' (x1906) ------- 'Orgelbauer, sowie Piano- u. Orgel-Händler' (x1912)
South Main Street (x1906)(x1912), Bandon |
Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-21
'Orgelbauer u. -Stimmer' (x1906)
MAGAHY T. W. & Son
(y1921) |
Lower George Street (x1906), 10-11,
Merchant Street (y1921), Cork |
Image of
the shop of
in Dublin,
The Industries of Dublin. Historical, statistical,
biographical. An account of the leading business men, commercial interests,
wealth and growth, 1887, p. 119
BIO-ADV "Messrs. Mansfield,
Musical Instrument Dealers and Fancy Goods Depot, 89 and 90, Grafton
Street. — An old-establisment and eminently reliable firm engaged in
dressing-bag and despatch-box manufacture, and the importation of Parisian
and Viennese fancy goods, in addition to trading in music and musical
insstruments, is that so wellknown throughout the country as Messrs.
Mansfield Bros., of 89, Grafton Street, a leading thoroughfare in the city
of Dublin. This house was founded many years ago, and since the commencement
conducted operations on a scale of considerable magnitude, until, at the
present lime, there is not a more influential concern in its different
branches of industry than the one under notice. The premises occupied
comparise a handsome shop and ware-rooms, and are well litled and appointed
for the reception of a high-class cliailfle, who resort to the shops and
take delight in appreciating the splendid displays of golds on view.
Valuable and comprehensive stocks .are
maintained, compiising a first-class selection of musical instruments,
includng a choice variety of pianofortes, harmoniums, and American organs
obtained from the leading fon-ign and English manufactories. Amongst the
varied stock of pianofortes will be found specimens of the world-renowned
makers — Collard & Collard, Kirkman, Broadwood, Cadby, etc., both new and
secondhand, at prices to defy competition.
Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1887-90
'Pianoforte-wareroom and Music- Wareroom' (*1887)
------- 'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Harmonium-Handlung'
BIO-ADV (continuation)
They are also agents for the celebrated
makers, Haake, of Hanover, and Hoelling and Spangenberg, of Zeitz, whose
instruments received a large number of prize medals at the different
exhibitions within the last few years. This department is kept well stocked
with the newest English and foreign musical compositions and operas. In the
second department, which is devoted to the sale of fancy goods and
elcclro-plate, we find the stock held is of a very high-class nature, and is
thoroushly complete, embracing a variety of dressing-bags, despatch-boxes,
albums, leather and plush work-cases, photo-screens and frames, purses,
etc., of the most excellent make, as well as a miscelaneous assortment of
articles to decorate the parlour or drawing-room, such as bronzes, brass and
silver writing-sets. Their collection of fans is simply superb. The
high-class character of this concern's manufacture obtained for it an
ever-increasing and widening connection, and it contains among its patrons
names of the nobility and gentry all over the country. An idea of the
high-class character of the trade may be had when we mention that the
distinctive honour of the patronage of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales and the
Lord Lieutenant, by special appointment, is conferred on this house. Before
concluding we must notice that the successes achieved by the firm have
caused them to open a photographic gallery on the premises. The first-class
work turned out by this studio has already made this venture a distinct
success. The members of the firm have, by managerial ability combined with
commercial rectitude, achieved for their establishment a foremost position
among the industrial institutions of the Irish metropolis."
The Industries of Dublin. Historical, statistical,
biographical. An account of the leading business men, commercial interests,
wealth and growth, 1887, p. 119 |
89-90, Grafton Street (*1887), 89, Grafton Street (xx1890),
Dublin |
MAY & Sons |
"May & Sons, Music Sellers, Pianoforte,
Harmonium, and Organ Warehouse, 130, Stephen's Green. - One of the chiet
houses (now established a quarter of a century) in Dublin lor the sale of
musical instruments is that of Messrs. May & Sons. The two large windows
that introduce the sight eer or customer to the instruments sold are well
dressed with the latest publications of music, and with many different kinds
of portfolios and reticules made to carry and contain works on music. In the
ware-rooms is placed on view a very large and choice stock of pianos,
harmoniums, organs, violins, meloleons, concertinas, and, in particular, a
good stock of instruments used in life and drum and reed bands, together
with an assortment of music-stands and stools, violin cases, etc. The
premises throughout are maintained in admirable order by an efficient stair,
and the stock is well kept up to meet the large trade that the house has, by
conscientious dealings, acquired. Superintending their own business,
avoiding unnecessary expenditure of management, and inordinate advertising,
they sell at the very smallest profit compatible with fair trading. The
tuning of pianos is a speciality that the house has ever been famous for,
the skilful hands employed gaining for it a name that adds to and enhances
the reputation enjoyed by it for the constant introduction of the latest
novelties in its line. In adililum lo catering for a valuable and
inlluential private connection, the sales of the shop make the business a
most lucrative one. In its equipment nothing has been left undone to make it
complete, and every accommodation has been requisitioned for the ease and
comfort of all who inspect their fine show of goods. The quality of the
articles sold is exceptionally good, and it has ever been the aim of this
firm to give best possible value at lowest remunerative prices ; and the
popularity attained by the house proves that the success has been
commensurate with the efforts used to gain it. The utmost consideration for
the customers' interests is shown, and the most painstaking energy
characterises the transactions of the house, which well deserves ihe
prosperity that true worth merits."
The Industries of Dublin. Historical, statistical,
biographical. An account of the leading business men, commercial interests,
wealth and growth, 1887, p. 57
Pianoforte-makers and/or piano dealers ca. 1887-1910
& Sons
'Musikal.- u. Instr.-Handlung' (xx1890)
MAY Brothers
(*1903)(*1906)(*1909)(*1910) |
130, Stephen's Green (*1887)(xx1890),
31, Lincoln Place (*1903)(*1906)(x1906)(*1909)(*1910), Dublin |
'Music Seller and Professor' ca. 1800
33, Moore Street (*1800), Dublin |
'Music Seller' ca. 1804
33, Moore Street (*1804), Dublin |
McCARTHY P. & Sons |
Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-12 [since
'Late P. CORBETT' (x1906)(x1912)
1906-12 -
Owner : Stephen McCARTHY (x1906)(x1912)
'Piano-, Orgel- u. Instrumenten-Handlung' (x1906)
38, George Street (x1906), 45, George
Street (x1912), Limerick |
Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912-26 [since
'Piano-, Orgel-, Musikinstr.- u.
Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1912) ------- 'Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Händler.
Verfertiger von Dudelsäcken, Flöten, Trommeln u. Jazzinstrum.' (x1926)
1926 - Manager : Robert
HILLOCK (x1926) |
MAIN FIRM : Dublin (x1926)
BRANCH in 1926 : 18, Howard Street (x1912), 8, Howard
(x1926), Belfast |
McCULLAGH Edward & James |
'Pianoforte-wareroom and Music-Wareroom' ca. 1830-50
Mc.CULLAGH Edward & James
Mc.CULLAGH Edward*
& McCULLAGH (**1837)(*1842)(*1847)(*1849)(*1850), 'Pianoforte
warerooms, and music warerooms'
& Co (*1852)
1, Royal Arcade (**1830), 22, Suffolk Street*
(**1830)(*1832)(x1835)(**1837)(*1842)(*1847)(*1849)(*1850)(*1852), 108, Grafton Street
(*1832)(x1835)(*1842)(*1847)(*1849)(*1850), Dublin |
John |
"Mr. John M'Cullagh, Pianoforte Maker, 6,
Donegal square, North, Belfast.
1243 Cottage pianoforte, 6¾ octaves, double action; in rosewood case and
octagon legs with carved tops, fret cut front.
1244 Cottage pianoforte, 6¾ octaves, brass centre mechanism, Victoria
fall, carved trusses, repetition under hammer, and fret cut front.
1245 Picola pianoforte, 6¾ octaves, brass centre mechanism, repetition
under hammer, rosewood case, octagon legs, with fret-work.
1246 Cottage pianoforte, 6¾ octaves, with repetition under hammer, brass
centre mechanism; in rosewood case, and carved trusses.
1247 Cottage pianoforte, 6 1/4 octaves, rosewood case, brass centre
mechanism, octagon legs."
Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society, Volume 87,
1851, p. 60
"To Mr. John M’Cullagh, 6, Donegal-square,
Belfast, for five cottage piano-fortes, ranging from twenty-seven to
thirtyfour guineas in price, a Certificate is awarded. The great difficulty
hitherto experienced in competing with the longestablished makers of
piano-fortes renders it incumbent to sustain and encourage those who
persevere in such a task, Mr. M’Cullagh has succeeded in creating a market
to a considerable extent for the sale of his manufacture, and it is said
they have become articles of export. It is conceived that, having
established himself in a branch of industry, and in a district of the empire
where it had been previously unknown, Mr. M'Cullagh, as a successful
manufacturer, has high claims upon public favour."
Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society, Volume 87,
1851, p. 35
"16. Caldwell, S. M.,
Mountjoy-square, Dublin. Proprietor. — Carved ebony piccolo pianoforte,
manufactured by the late John M'Culloch, Belfast."
The Irish Industrial Exhibition of 1853, p.
257 |
'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1846-51
(y1846), 'Pianoforte-manufacturer'
CO. PIANO MAKERS, Respectfully announce to their Friends and Customers, and
to the Public generally, that they have removed their Manufactory to 9,
Arthur-place, and 11, George's-lane, Belfast. Where all orders with which
they be favoured shall be executed with their usual care expedition. They
beg to add, that the Royal Dublin Society's Large Silver Medal was awarded
to them, at last Exhibition, for superior workmanship. For the very liberal
support afforded to them, for the last seven years, they wish to express
their sincere thanks; and hope, by pursuing a similar course, to merit its
continuance. Repairing and Tuning carefully attended to. Old Pianos taken in
Exchange. The Trade supplied on liberal terms. Shipping Orders with
expedition. - Belfast, Aug. 15th, 1845."
Slater's National Commercial Directory of Ireland,
1846, p. 196
Exhibitors list
Dublin, 1850 | Exhibitors list Dublin, 1853 |
Arthur Place, Arthur Street
(y1846), Factory : 11,
George's Lane (y1846), 6, Donegal square, North (*1851), Belfast |
Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca.
1912 'Buch-, Musikal.- u.
Musikisntr.-Handlung' (1912) |
Eyre Square (x1912), Galway |
Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca.
'Musikal.- u. Piano-Handlung' (x1906)
------- 'Piano-Händler u. -Stimmer' (x1912)
Clarendon Street
95, Dover Street
Belfast |
McDONNELL Alexander |
'Musical-instrument-maker' ca. 1802 |
12, Anglefea Street (*1802), Dublin |
McDONNELL Alexander & James |
pianoforte ca. 1790-1800, Frederick Historic Piano Collection, Ashburnham,
M.A., U.S.
'Harpsichord, Pianoforte and guitar-makers' ca. 1787-1810;
(¹)(²) |
2, Church Lane (*1800)(*1802)(*1804), Dublin |
McDONNELL Daniel |
pianoforte ca. 1775-1800, National Museum of Ireland, Dublin, U.K.
pianoforte ca. 1790, Private collection, England, U.K.
pianoforte ca. 1790, National Museum of Ireland, Dublin, U.K.
pianoforte ca. 1795, Private collection, Vancouver, Canada
'Harpsichord Maker and Piano-Forte-maker' ca. 1790-1827
26, Fleet Street (*1800), 28, Fleet Street
(*1802), 12, Anglesea Street
(*1804)(*1814)(*1815), 6, Crow Street (x1827), Dublin |
McDONNEL James |
Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1835 |
13, Liffey Street, West (x1835), Dublin |
'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1830-37 |
6, Crow Street (*1830)(**1830)(x1830)(*1832)(x1835)(**1837), Dublin |
C. |
Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte
ca. 1926 [since 1921
'Trommel-Macher u. -Reparateur, Piano-, Sprechm.- u.
Musikinstr.-Händler' (x1926)
44, Corporation Buildings (x1926), Dublin |
'Musical Instrument Manufacturer' ca. 1821-35 |
10, Essex Quay (*1821), 11, Aston's Quay (**1830)(x1830)(*1832), 12, Ormond Quay,
Lower (x1835), Dublin |
McLEAN John |
'Pianoforte & music warehouse'
ca. 1835-42
10, Bachelors' Walk (x1835)(*1842), Dublin |
Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte
ca. 1842-1926
'Geigen-Macher, -Händler u. -Reparateur' (x1926)
137, Capel Street (*1842), 140, Capel Street
(*1847)(*1849)(x1926), Dublin |
Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926
'Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1926)
54, Donegal Street (x1926), Belfast |
pianoforte ca. 1785-90, Private collection ?, listed by
Period Piano Co, Kent, England, UK
pianoforte ca. 1792-94, The Early Piano, Graham Walker, Dorset,
'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1785-90 |
Dublin |
"310. Mr. JOHN MELLY, 33, Aungier-street. For
a Grand Square Pianoforte, metallic plate, &c."
The Report and Adjudication of the Judges on the
Exhibition of Irish Manufacture, produce, and Invention, 1847, p.
"Mr. John Melly, Pianoforte Maker, 41,
Aungier-street, Dublin. Three miniature pianofortes in cottage style,
eighteen inches high, fourteen inches in width, and nine and a half pounds
in weight."
Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society, Volume 87,
1851, p. 62
'Pianoforte-maker and Tuner' ca. 1830-52
Exhibitors list
Dublin, 1850 |
5, Stephen Street (*1830)(**1830)(x1830), 20, S. King Street
(*1832), 2, Aston Quay
21, Aungier Street (*1847),
41, Aungier Street (*1851),
33, Aungier Street (**1847)(*1849)(*1852), Dublin |
MELLEY William
'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1842-47 |
9, Bedford Row (*1842), 6, Bedford Row
(*1845)(y1846), 29, Aungier Street (*1847), Dublin |
MERRICK Samuel John |
Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca.
'Pianohandlung' (xx1890)
'Piano- u. Harmonium-Handlung' (x1906)
'Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1912)
80-83, North Main Street
(xx1890)(x1906)(x1912), Youghal |
MILLS Edward S. |
Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca.
'Handlung u. Import von Pianos, Harmoniums u.
amerikan. Orgeln' (xx1890)
'Piano- u. Harmonium-Handlung' (x1906)
------- 'Musiklehrer, handelt auch
mit Pianos u. Orgeln' (x1912)(x1926)
Bann Terrace (xx1890)(x1906)(x1912)(x1926), Banbridge |
MOORE William |
'Cabinet and Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1800-15 |
47, Capel Street (*1800), 48, Capel Street (*1814),
43, Capel Street (*1815)(y1815), Dublin |
Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-26 [ since
'Orgelbauer u. Piano-Händler' (x1906)
------- 'Orgelbauer u. Piano- u. Orgel-Händler' (x1912) -------
'Orgelbauer u. Piano-, Orgel u. Sprechm.-Handlung'
Stainley Mount, Finch Road (x1906), Church
Buildings, Well Road (x1912), Market Street
(x1926), Douglas
(Isle of Man) |
pianoforte ca. 1800-25, National Museum of Ireland, Dublin, U.K.
pianoforte ca. 1807, National Museum of Ireland, Dublin, U.K.
pianoforte ca. 1821, Christie's in 1982, Present owners unknown
pianoforte ca. 1825, Sotheby's in 1985, Present owners unknown
'Garnd-Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1800-46 |
Mecklenburg Street
33, Lowe Mecklenburg Street, Lower
(*1842)(y1846), Dublin |
The University Magazine: A Literary and Philosophic
Review, 1837, p. 377 |
HARP, AND MUSIC WAREHOUSE, No. 4, Westmorland-Street (Near the Bank.) -
MARCUS MOSES - BEGS to mention, that his Ware-rooms are, as usual, well
supplied with Piano- Fortes and Harps of every description, for Sale or Hire
in Town or Country. From a Stock of more than
THREE HUNDRED PIANO-FORTES, He is enabled to submit to Public Inspection an
assortment of Instruments of all classes in greater variety than will be
found in any House in London, and of quality equal to any yet manufactured
by the most eminent London Makers--viz., BROADWOOD, COLLARD, and TOMKINSON,
comprising Grand, Semi-Grand, Cabinet, Cottage, and Grand Square
Piano-Fortes of the very latest construction. Old Instruments taken in
A numerous selection of Double and Single-action Harps, by Erard and others.
PIANO-FORTES, HARPS, &c. FOR HIRE, by the Week, Night, or Month.
Accordions in great variety, with from six to nineteen Keys, and Semitones.
Panormo's and Foreign Spanish Guitars, Seraphines.
Music Paper, Portfolios, Blank Music Books, Music Slates, Ruling Pens,
Piano-forte Wire. Rudall, Nicholson, and Monzani's Flutes. Violins,
Violoncellos, Flagcolets.
Foreign and English Harp, Guitar, and VIOLIN STRINGS; and every other
article connected with the Trade, of the best description.
A regular weekly supply from London of the newest Musical Publications.
PIANO-FORTES Tuned and Repaired, Packed for the country, &c. &c.
Covered Spring Caravans for the conveyance of Piano-fortes."
The University Magazine: A Literary and Philosophic
Review, 1838, p. 15
MOSES - to that his Ware-rooms are, as usual, well with Piano-Fortes and
Harps of every description, for Sale or Hire in Town or Country. From a
Stock of more than THREE HUNDRED PIANO-FORTES, He is enabled to submit to
Public Inspection an assortment of Instruments of all classes in greater
variety than will be found in any House in London, and of quality equal to
any yet manufactured by the most eminent London Makers-viz., BROADWOOD,
COLLARD, and TOMKINSON, comprising Grand, Semi-Grand, Cabinet, Cottage, and
Grand Square Piano-Fortes of the very latest construction. Old Instruments
taken in Exchange. A numerous selection of Double and Single-action,
by Erard and others. PIANO-FORTES, HARPS, &c. FOR HIRE, by the Week, Night,
or Month. Accordions in great variety, with from six to nineteen Keys, and
Semitones. Panormo's and Foreign Spanish Guitars, Seraphines. Music Paper,
Portfolios, Blank Music Books, Music Slates, Ruling Pens, Piano-forte Wire.
Rudall, Nicholson, and Monzani's Flutes. Violins, Violoncellos, Flageolets.
Foreign and English HARP, GUITAR, and VIOLIN STRINGS; and every other
article connected with the Trade, of the best description. A regular weekly
supply from London of the newest MUSICAL PUBLICATIONS. PIANO-FORTES TUNED
and REPAIRED, Packed for the country, &c. &c. Covered Spring Caravans for
the conveyance of Piano-fortes."
Dublin University Magazine: A Literary and Political Journal, 02/1838,
p. 140 |
'Music and Musical Instrument-seller, and Publisher'
since 1801
Succeeded by
CRAMER in Dublin, same address.
"74. Moses, Marcus, Westmoreland-street, Dublin, Importer.— Specimens of
pianofortes and harps, of different classes, and in various woods,
manufactured to order, expressly for the Exhibition, by Broadwood and Sons,
Collard and Collard, and S. & P. Erard."
The Irish Industrial Exhibition of 1853, p.
4, WESTMORLAND-STREET, (Near the Bank of Ireland) - MARCUS MOSES,
PROPRIETOR. An extensive and well selected assortment of Grand, Semi-grand,
Cabinet, Cottage, Grand-square, Circular, and Square Piano-Fortes, of the
latest and
most improved construction, by Broadwood, Collard, Tomkisson, and Errard,
constantly for Sale, at the lowest London prices. Old Instruments taken in
exchange at their highest value. Double and Single-action Harps by Erard and
others. Piano-Fortes, Harps, &c., for Hire, in Town or Country, by the Week,
Night, or .Mont-h. Accordions, in great number, the best German and French.
Spanish Guitars, by Panormo, and approuved Foreign Makers. Music Paper,
Portfolios, Blank Music Books, Music Slates, Flutes, Flaneolets, Violins,
Piano-forte Wire. Superior Roman and Bnghsh Harp, Guitar, and Violin
Strings, and every other article connected with the trade, of the best
A regular Weekly Supply of new London Music. PIANO-FORTES, and HARPS
carefully TUNED AND Repaired, packed for the country, &c. Covered Spring
Caravans, for the conveyance of Piano-Fortes in Town or Country. M. M.
thinks it right to assure the Public, that his Stock of Piano-Fortes for
Sale are quite distinct from those he reserves for Hire; so that with every
Piano-Forte sold by him as new, he is enabled to give an engagement that it
has not been in use for a single day, on hire or otherwise. Of this, the
numerous Patrons of his Establishment are already fully aware."
The University Magazine: A Literary and Philosophic
Review, 1837, p. 634 - and -
The University Magazine: A Literary and Philosophic
Review, 1839, p. 25
by Messrs. Broadwood and Sons, Collard and Collard, and S. & P. Erard. -
MARCUS MOSES, 4, Westmoreland-street. Begs to announce the arrival of a
great variety of piano-fortes, specially selected for him at the houses of
the above eminent Manufacturers, of the following classes : -
NEW PATENT REPEATER GRAND PIANO-FORTES, with drilled Brass Bridge, &c., in
Mahogany and Rosewood.
BICHORD GRANDS, of 6 ½ Octaves, with New Patent Repetition Action.
SEMI-GRANDS, with Grand Piano-Forte Action, in Rosewood, Zebra-wood, and
SUPERIOR EXTRA SIZE GRAND SQUARES of 6 ½ Octaves, Repetition Action, in
Ocean-wood, Rosewood, Zebrawood, Ornamental and Plain Mahogany.
Repeater Action and Metallic Centres, in Mahogany, Rosewood, Zebra-wood, and
COTTAGE, CABINET, and SEMI COTTAGES, with Grand Piano-Forte Action, in
Rosewood and Mahogany, various styles of finish, plain and high
ornamental. All of which he is enabled to ofl‘er for sale at considerably
reduced prices, allowing the full value for Instruments in exchange.
He is likewise extensively sup lied with ERARD'S DOUBLE-ACT ON HARPS, New,
of the latest construction, and Second-hand, in the best preservation.
The University Magazine: A Literary and Philosophic
Review, June 1844, p. 646
Exhibitors list
Dublin, 1853 |
4-[5], West-Morland Street (*1832)(x1835)(*1837)(*1838)(*1842)(xx1844)(y1846)(*1847)(*1848)(*1849), 5,
6, 7,
West-Moreland Street (*1839), 40, Fleet Street
(*1845), 40-41, Fleet
Street (y1846)(*1852), 4-5,
Westmoreland Street (*1852), Dublin |
MULLINEUX Brothers |
Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926
'Orgelbauer u. Piano-Handlung' (x1926) |
(x1926), Ramsey |
Robert |
'Piano-forte-maker' ca. 1814-24 |
76, Abbey Street (*1814), 62, Upper Sackville Street (*1815)(y1815),
9, Gloucester Place (*1819)(*1821), 10, College Street (*1824), Dublin |
Samuel |
'Piano-forte-maker' ca. 1827 |
63, Mecklenburgh Street (x1827), Dublin |
MURPHY Gerald H. |
Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926
'Piano-Handlung' (x1926) |
33, Upper O'Connell Street (x1926), Dublin |
Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1846
'Musical Instrument & Music Seller' (y1846) |
16, Pembroke Street (y1846), Cork |
(*1800): 'Gentleman's
and Citizen's Almanack', 1800, p. (McCalley)
70 + (McDonell)
71+ (Moore)
(*1802): 'The
Gentleman and Citizen's Almanack, for the Year of Our Lord', 1802,
p. 71
(*1804): 'The
Treble Almanack for the Year 1804', 1804, p. (McCalley)
64, (McDonell)
(*1814): 'The
Gentleman and Citizen's Almanack for the Year of Our Lord 1814',
p. 70+77+78+79
(*1815): 'Treble
Almanack for the Year of 1815, Dublin', 1815
(y1815): 'The
Gentleman and Citizen's Almanack ... for the Year of Our Lord', 1815, p.
(*1819): 'The
Treble Almanack for the Year 1819', p. 112-113
(*1821): 'The
Treble Almanack for the Year 1821', p. 95/103
(*1824): 'The
Treble Almanack for the Year 1824', p. 115
(x1827): 'Watson's,
Or, The Gentleman's and Citizen's Almanack', 1827, p. 96/106
(*1830): 'Dublin
Directory', 1830
(**1830): 'The
Gentleman's and citizen's almanack, for the year 1830', p. 97/103/105
'Wilson's Dublin Directory for the year 1830', p.
(*1832): 'The
Gentleman's and citizen's almanack, for the year 1832', p. 103/104/110/113
(x1835): 'Dublin
Almanac and General Register of Ireland', 1835, p. 401
(*1837): 'The
University Magazine: A Literary and Philosophic Review', 1837, p.
(**1837): 'Dublin
Almanac and General Register of Ireland for the Year of Our Lord', 1837,
p. 449/574
(*1838): 'The
University Magazine: A Literary and Philosophic Review', 1838, p.
(*1839): 'The
University Magazine: A Literary and Philosophic Review', 1839,
p. 25
(*1842): 'Gentleman's
and Citizen's Almanack', 1842, p. 773-774
(xx1844): 'The
University Magazine: A Literary and Philosophic Review', June 1844,
p. 646
(*1845): 'Dublin
Almanac and General Register of Ireland', 1845, p. 545/549
(**1846): 'The
Almanac and General Register of Ireland', 1846, p. 549
(y1846): 'Slater's National Commercial Directory of Ireland; Including in Addition to ...', 1846,
Cork p. 215,
Belfast p. 409
(*1847): 'The
Dublin almanac, and general register of Ireland, for 1847',
p. 894
(**1847): 'The
Report and Adjudication of the Judges on the Exhibition of Irish
Manufacture, produce, and Invention', 1847, p. 34
(*1848): 'The
Almanac and General Register of Ireland', 1848, p. 899
(*1849): 'The
Dublin Almanac and General Register of Ireland', 1849, p. 910/673
(*1850): 'Thom's
Directory of Ireland', 1850
(*1851): 'Proceedings
of the Royal Dublin Society, Volume 87, 1851, p. 60-61
(*1852): 'Thom's
Directory of Ireland', 1852
(**1853): 'The
Irish Industrial Exhibition of 1853', p. 257-259
(*1887): 'The
Industries of Dublin. Historical, statistical, biographical. An account of
the leading business men, commercial interests, wealth and growth, 1887,
p. 57+119
(xx1890): 'Weltadressbuch der gesammten Musikinstrumenten-Industrie',
Banbridge p. 152,
Dublin p. 164,
Youghal p. 209
(*1903): 'Annuaire des artistes et de
l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1903, p. 1103-1110 (
(*1906): 'Annuaire
des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique', 1906, p. 1091-1100
(x1906): 'Weltadressbuch
der gesammten Musikinstrumenten-Industrie', 1906,
Banbridge p. 375,
Bandon p. 375, Cork p. 392,
Douglas p. 395,
Dublin p. 396,
Limerick p. 415, Londonderry p. 462,
Youghal p. 498 (
(*1909): 'Annuaire
des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1909,
p. 1105-1113 (
(*1910): 'Annuaire
des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1910,
p. 1144-1153 (
(x1912): 'Welt-Adressbuch der gesamten Musikinstrumenten-Industrie', 1912,
Banbridge p. 502,
Bandon p. 502,
Belfast p. 504-505,
Douglas p. 524,
Galway p. 530,
Limerick p. 546,
Youghal p. 637
(y1921): 'Guys
Cork Almanach, 1921', p. 201 (
(x1926): 'Weltadressbuch der gesammten Musikinstrumenten-Industrie', 1926,
Banbridge p. 189,
Belfast p. 192,
Douglas p. 215,
Dublin p. 215-216,
Ramsey p. 315 (
(¹): 'Histoire de piano de 1700 à 1950',
Mario Pizzi, 1983
(²): 'Makers of
the Piano 1700-1820' and 'Makers of the Piano 1820-1860', Martha Novak
Clinkscale, 1993
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