Brand |
Image |
Info |
Addresses |
Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca.
1906-12 [since 1870
'Piano-Handlung' (x1906)(x1912)
50, Bridge Road, Hammersmith, W.
48-50, Bridge Road, Hammersmith, W.
London |
ZEITTER Jacob Frederick

Image of a Pianoforte
in an advertisement of a pianoforte of
The Musical World, Volume 22, 1847, p. 179 |

Patent of 1833 :
"Nov. 1, 1833. — Jacob
Zeitter. Sounding-board bars made of two or more pieces."
The History of the Pianoforte, Edgar Brinsmead,
1879, p. 205 ( - more info :
The London Journal of Arts and Sciences, and Repertory
of Patent ..., Volume 17, 1841, p. 211-212
Patent of 1834 :
"Jacob Frederick Zeitter, of
New Cavendish-street, piano-forte maker, for certain improvements in
piano-fortes and other stringed musical instruments."
The Annual Register, Or, A View of the History,
Politics, and ..., Volume 76, 1835, p. 391
1838 - "Her Majesty's Piano. — We had the
opportunity a few days since of examining one of Zeitter's New Patent Grand
Piano Fortes, which has been constructed for the use of the Queen. The
instrument is in every respect a magnificent one — its tone brilliant, and
its touch smooth and even. Her Majesty, who is not only a good judge of
music, but also an accomplished singer and pianoforte player, would, we
should think, be much pleased with the admirable manner in which her
commission has been executed."
The Musical World a weekly record of Musical Science,
Literature, and ..., 1838, p. 149
1839 - "ZEITTER & Co. of 4
and 5, New Cavendish-street, Portland-place, which greatly added to the
power and quality of tone. So decided has been the success of Mr. Zeitter's
invention, that it has excited the jealousy of those makers who had
flattered themselves that they had secured a perpetual monopoly of the
fashionable musical world. Reports have been most industriously circulated
that Zeitter's Pianofortes, although brilliant at first, are not durable,
either in the mechanical action or in the tone. The direct contrary is the
fact, of which Messrs. Zeitter & Co will be happy to convince such of their
friend as will honour them with a call at their
Manufactory, 4 and 5, New Cavendish-street, by the exhibition of
testimonials from parties who have had Zeitter's Pianofortes in use for
years, which have not only remained unimpaired in any respect, but bave
improved in tone."
The Athenaeum, 17/08/1839, p. 623

"ZEITTER and Company, Respectfully submit the following List of
Prices of their NEW PATENT PIANO FORTES, which have all the latest
improvements, particularly Wrought Iron String Plates, Wrought Iron Bracings
over the Sounding Board, and an additional Iron Bar on and under the front
OBTAINED His Majesty's Royal Letters Patent, DATED 1st NOVEMBER, 1833, and
which has been admitted by the first Professors to be the most important
improvement ever applied to Piano Fortes, producing a more full and equal
quality of tone, and being on a principle somewhat similar to the
Violin-warranted not to lose its elasticity, or to yield by the pressure of
the Strings, which is invariably the case with Sounding Boards on the old
Two UNISON GRANDS 6 OCTAVES. Mahogany Cases from 100 to 120 Guineas.
Rosewood ditto 110 to 130 ditto.
Mahogany Cases from 120 to 140 Guineas.
Rosewood ditto 140 to 160 ditto.
According to the Workmanship of the Cases, Legs, Lyres, &c.
N.B. Zeitter and Company engage to keep all Instruments purchased of them in
tune fo six months free of expence in London. 4 and 5, NEW CAVENDISH STREET,
The Musical World, Volume 4, 24/02/1837, p. 46

"By his Majesty's Royal Letters Patent. ZEITTER & CO. most respectfully solicit the attention of the Public to
their new j GRAND PIANO-FORTES, the sounding j Hoard of which is constructed
on an entirely new principle, producing a more powerful and finer quality of
tone than any hitherto manufactured.— 4 & 5, New Cavendish-street,
The Musical World, 09/06/1837, p. 216

"PIANOFORTES. A few years since
a very important improvement was introduced into the construction of Grand
Pianofortes, by Zeitter and Co., of 4 and 5, New Cavendish Street, Portland
Place, which greatly added to the power ami quality of tone. So decided has
been the success of Mr. Zeitter's invention, that it has excited the
jealousy of those makers who had nattered themselves that they had secured a
perpetual monopoly of the fashionable musical world. Reports nave been most
industriously circulated that Zeitter's Pianofortes, although brilliant at
first, are not durable, either in the mechanical action or in the tone. The
direct contrary is the fact, of which Messrs. Zeitter and Co. will be happy
to convince such of their friends as will honour them with a call at their
manufactory, 4 and 5, New Cavendish Street, by the exhibition of
testimonials from parlies who have had Zeitter's Pianofortes in use for
years, which have not only remained unimpaired in any respect, but have
improved in tone."
The Musical World, 17/10/1839, p. 396

AND COMPANY respectfully beg to submit the following list of prices of their
New Patent Pianofortes, which have all the latest improvements, particularly
wrought iron string plates, wrought iron bracings over the sounding-board,
and an additional iron bar on and under the wrest plank.Also, their newly-invented Sounding Board, for which they obtained His late
Majesty's Royal Letters Patent, dated 1st November, 1833* and which has been
admitted by the first professors to be the most important improvement ever
applied to Pianofortes, producing a more full and equal quality of tone, and
being on a principle somewhat similar to the violin, warranted not to lose
its resiliency or to yield by the pressure of the strings, which is
invariably the case with sounding boards on the old construction, and are
therefore warranted to stand better in extreme climates than any pianofortes
hitherto made. (see next
'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1833-47
& Co (**1841)(x1842)(*1843)
"Manufacturers of all kinds of horizontal &
upright pianofortes by Royal letters patent."
Student of ERARD (see
WINKELMANN Publicity in 1854)
He worked also in Vienna (Catalogue of
ZEITTER & WINKELMANN 20th century)
Succeeded by
ZEITTER moved back to Germany ca. 1849 and became
associated with WINKELMANN in Brunswick (Braunschweig.
Friedrich & WINKELMANN Christian Ludwig Theodor in Braunschweig, Germany

Mahogany 60 to 70 guineas.
Rosewood 70 to 80 guineas.
Mahogany, with grand action. 75 to 90 guineas.
Rosewood ditto 80 to 100 guineas.
Mahogany 90 to 110 guineas.
Rosewood 100 to 120 guineas.
Mahogany 120 to 140 guineas.
Rosewood 130 to 160 guineas.
Particularly adapted for singing, only four feet high, and being veneered
and polished at the back, can be placed in any part of the room.
Mahogany 40 to 50 guineas.
Rosewood 45 to 60 guineas.
Mahogany with grand action. 50 to 60 guineas.
Rosewood ditto 60 to 70 guineas.
Mahogany 45 to 60 guineas.
Rosewood 50 to 70 guineas.
Mahogany, with grand action. 55 to 70 guineas.
Rosewood ditto 60 to 80 guineas.
N.B. ZEITTER and Co. engage to keep all instruments purchased of them in
tune for six months, free of expense, in Loudon, and to exchange them, if
returned to them free of carriage, within the same time.
4 and 5, New Cavendish Street, Portland Place, London."
The Musical World, Volume 16, 1841, p. 112

& COMPANY - Respectfully beg to submit the following list of prices of their
Patent Pianofortes, which have all the latest improvements, New particularly
wrought iron string plates, wrought iron bracings over the sounding board,
and an additional iron bar on and under the wrest plank.
Also, their Newly Invented Sounding Board, fbr which they obtained His late
Majesty's Royal Letters Patent, dated 1st November, 1833, and which has been
admitted by the first professors to be the most important improvement ever
applied to the Pianoforte, producing a more full and equal quality of tone,
and being on a principle somewhat similar to the violin, warranted not to
lose its resiliency or to yield by the pressure of the strings, which is
invariably the case with sounding-boards on the old construction, and are
therefore warranted to stand better in extreme climates than any Pianofortes
hitherto made—
SIX OCTAVES. Particularly adapted for singing, only four feet high, and
being veneered and polished at the back, can be placed in any part of the
Mahogany 40 to 50 guineas.
Rosewood 45 – 60 guineas.
Mahogany, with gran 50 – 60 guineas.
Rosewood, 60 - 70 guineas.
Mahogany, 45 to 60 guineas.
Rosewood, 50 – 70 guineas.
Mahogany, with grand action. 55 — 70 guineas.
Rosewood ditto, 60 – 80 guineas.
SIX-AND-A-HALF octaves,
Mahogany, 60 to 70 guineas.
Rosewood, 70 – 80 guineas.
Mahogany, w 75 – 90 guineas.
Rosewood 80 – 100 guineas.
SIX-AND-A-HALF octaves.
Mahogany, 90 to 110 guineas.
Rosewood, 100 — 120 guineas. GRANDS, SIX-AND-A-HALF OCTAVES.
Mahogany, 120 to 140 guineas.
Rosewood, 130 – 160 guineas.
N.B.-ZEITTER and Co. engage to keep all instruments F. of them in tune for
six months, free of expence, in ondon, and to exchange them if returned to
them free of carriage within the same time."
The Musical World, 1842 p. 396

PIANOFORTES CHEAP - The large and valuable STOCK of PIANOFORTES manufactured
by ZEITTER & CO., IS NOW SELLING OFF, At 4, New Cavendish Street, Portland
Place, London, In consequence of a
Dissolution of Partnership. The
Instruments, consisting; of mahogany and rosewood Grands, Semi-Grands,
Cabinet, Cottage, and Piccolos remade with the patent Sounding Board,
Metallic Plate, Check Action, and all the latest improvements. The
Pianofones made by ZEITTER and Co. have always enjoyed a preference among
the nobility and gentry, having been honored with the patronise of Her
Majesty the Queen, the Duchess of Sutherland, &c. The peculiar construction
of the sounding-Hoard insures their greater durability and the firm tone is
well known. Parties desirous of possessing one of these superior
Instruments, may now purchase the same on very advanti>geous terms. Grands,
heretofore from 120 to 145 Guineas, are now selling at 50 to 70, and ethers
in proportion. The premises No. 5 have been recently closed."
The Musical World, Volume 22, 1847, p. 179
[4-5], New Cavendish Street, Portland
Place (*1835)(xx1837)(*1839)(*1841)(**1841)(x1842)(*1843),
4, New Cavendish Street, Portland Place (*1847), London |
'Pianoforte-makers' ca. 1895-1912
& Co
'Piano-Fabrik' - 'Piano-Manufacturer'
3a, Luke Street, Great Eastern Street
22a, Cazenove Road, High Street, Stoke Newington Station
ZENDER Henry & Co |

"A distinctly clever idea
is that of H. Zender & Co., who, with the object of saving the musician
the cost of a music cabinet and stand, provide the same with their
pianos by extending the ends and constructing a cabinet to hold music,
or two cabinets, one at either side, furnished with music stands. This
contrivance enables instrumentalists - a quartette party if need be - to
perform with a pianist, and its advantages to the violinist, flautist,
or mandolinist who wishes to practise with his accompanist are
Musical Courier: A Weekly Journal Devoted to Music and the ...,
22/06/1895, p. 24e |
'Pianoforte-makers' ca. 1895-1907

list London, 1894 |
32a, Scrutton Street, E.C.
(**1895), 22 ½,
Cazenove Road, Stoke Newington, N. (**1904)(y1907),
London |
ZENDER Sydney & Co |


'Pianoforte-makers' ca. 1900
From 1980, succeeded by
BARRAT & ROBINSON, and from 1984 by
WHELPDALE took over in 1993
End : ca. 2003
London |

Patent of 1871 : "April
25, 1871. - A. ZEWADSKI. Octave-coupler."
The History of the Pianoforte: With an Account of
the Theory of Sound and ..., Edgar Brinsmead, 1889, p. 222
'Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1870 |
London ? |
ZIMMERMANN Jules-Henri |
'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1899-1910
'Piano-Handlung' - 'Cottage-Orgeln,
Pianos u. Orgophons etc.' - 'Auch Verlag.'(x1906)

ZIMMERMANN in Leipzig, Germany
BRANCH : 67, New Bond Street, W. Street (*1899)(*1903),
4, Wells Street, Oxford Street, W. (*1906)(x1906)(*1907)(*1909)(*1910),

FACTORY in Leipzig, Germany
ZUMPE Johannes Christoph
(1735 - 1783) |

Nameboard of a square pianoforte of SCHOENE & Co, successors of ZUMPE, Present owners unknown
Click on the
photo to enlarge

ZUMPE Joannes
pianoforte ca. 1766, Württembergisches Landesgewerbemuseum, Stuttgart, Germany
pianoforte ca. 1766, National Music Center, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
pianoforte ca. 1766, Cambridge University, Emmanuel College, Cambridge, England,
pianoforte ca. 1766, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, Williamsburg, V.A., U.S.
pianoforte ca. 1767, Royal Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland,
pianoforte ca. 1767, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, England, U.K.
pianoforte ca. 1767, Metropolian Museum of Art, New York, N.Y., U.S.
pianoforte ca. 1767, Stewart Symonds Antique Piano Collection, Sydney, N.S.W.,
pianoforte ca. 1767, Andy Pforzheimer Collection, Wilton, C.T., U.S.
pianoforte ca. 1768,
Royal Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K.
pianoforte ca. 1768, Kolthoorn Collection, Geelvinck Muziek Musea,
Heerde, The Netherlands
pianoforte ca. 1868, Germanisches Nationalmuseum,
Nürnberg, Germany
pianoforte ca. 1768, Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada
pianoforte ca. 1768, The Schubert Club, St. Paul, M.N., U.S.
pianoforte ca. 1778, Musée de Bagnols-sur-Cèze, Bagnols-sur-Cèze, France
pianoforte ca. 1780, Collection Frenanda Giulini, Brisoco, Italy
pianoforte ca. 1780, Christian Depard Collection, Mont Saint Aignan,
pianoforte ca. 1782, Historisches Museum Sammlung alter Musikinstrumente,
Basel, Switzerland
end of the 18th century, château du Plessis-Macé, Longuenée-en-Anjou,
Maine-et-Loire, France

pianoforte of 1769, Eric Feller Early Keyboard Instruments Collection, Germany

pianoforte ca. 1769, Historic Deerfield, M.A., U.S.
pianoforte ca. 1769, Ian Pleeth, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, England, U.K.
pianoforte ca. 1769, Musée Gétry, Liège, Belgium
pianoforte ca. 1769, Kolthoorn Collection, Geelvinck Muziek Musea,
Heerde, The Netherlands
pianoforte ca. 1769, Cobbe Collection, Hatchlands Park, Surrey, England, U.K.
pianoforte n° 24 ca. 1770, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, Williamsburg, V.A.,
pianoforte ca. 1770, Daniel and Deborah Jeffs, East Ilsley, England, U.K.
pianoforte ca. 1770, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, M.A., U.S.
pianoforte ca. 1770, Marlow A. Sigal Collection, Newton Centre, M.A., U.S.
pianoforte ca. 1770, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., U.S.
pianoforte ca. 1770, University of Edingburgh, St. Cecilia's Hall of
Musical Instruments, Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K.
pianoforte ca. 1770, Frederick R. Selch Center for American Music, Oberlin
Conservatory of Music, Oberlin, O.H., U.S.
pianoforte ca. 1770, Private Collection, Gloustershire, England, U.K.
pianoforte ca. 1770, Accademia Nazionale di santa Cecilia, Rome, Italy
pianoforte ca. 1772, Marlow A. Sigal Collection, Newton Centre, M.A., U.S.
pianoforte ca. 1773, Haags Gemeentemuseum, Den Haag, The Netherlands
pianoforte ca. 1773, Händel-Haus, Halle an der Saale, Germany
pianoforte ca. 1773, Private Collection, London, England, U.K.
pianoforte ca. 1773, Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, N.S.W., Australia
pianoforte ca. 1773, Private Collection, Penn, Buckinghamshire, England, U.K.
pianoforte ca. 1774, Cité de la Musique, Paris, France
pianoforte ca. 1774, State Palace of Grand Duke Paul, Pavlovsk, Russia
pianoforte ca. 1774, Musée communal d'Histoire et d'Archéologie, Nivelles,
pianoforte of 1774, Private collection, Basel, Switzerland
pianoforte ca. 1775, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
pianoforte ca. 1775, Museum of Welsh Life, Cardiff, South Wales, U.K.
pianoforte ca. 1776, Museu de la Música, Barcelona, Spain
pianoforte ca. 1776, National Music Museum, Vermillon, S.D., U.S.
pianoforte ca. 1777,
Pooya Radbon Collection, Germany
Square pianoforte ca. 1777-78, The Cobbe Piano Collection, Surrey, England,
pianoforte ca. 1778, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Paris, France
pianoforte ca. 1778,
Museo degli Strumenti
Musicali, Castello Sforzesco, Milano, Italy
pianoforte ca. 1800,
Museu de la Música,
Barcelona, Spain

pianoforte ca. 1778, Museo degli Strumenti Musicali, Castello Sforzesco, Milano,

"The most noteworthy pianofortes in the Exhibition were the following : —
[...] A small square pianoforte by Zumpe and Mayer, London, 1776, lent by
Mr. C. K. Salaman. The instrument has a lute stop and a vibration stop."
A Descriptive Catalogue of the Musical Instruments in
the South Kensington ..., 1874, p. 359

1788 -
"Die bekanntesten Mechaniker, die dieses Instrument zur Volkommenheit
brachten, waren Bunterbart und Zumpe in Gesellschaft in London, ihr Anschlag
geschah mit belederten Häåmmern, statt daß man in der Schweiz gekautes
Papier, papiermaché dazu, aber nicht mit gleichem Vortheile brauchte, und
dies ist die eigene Art der jeßo in ganz Europa (selbst im
Großsultansserail, wovon wir Instrumente kennen,) üblichen sogenannten
englischen Pianofortes, wie man in London schreibt, oder ausserhalb
genannten Fortepianos. In dieser Art hat tiefen Töne angreift, damit die
tiefen promt aus sich Erhard [ERARD] und Merken [MERCKEN] in Paris, Mayer [MEYER] in
Amsterdam, überhaupt Deutsche hervorgethan. Sie haben die Figur eines
gewöhnlichen Klavichords, und den Vortheil, daß man hierauf Koncerte mit
ganzem Orchester accompagnirt vortragen, sich in großen Sälen, (was auf dem
Klavichord nicht angeht) mit Nuancen, die der Flügel nicht zuläßt)
produciren kann. Ihre Form blieb aber immer jene des Klavicords."
Deutsche Encyclopädie oder Allgemeines Real-Wörterbuch
aller ..., 1788,
p. 710


ZUMPE on Wikipedia

'Pianoforte-maker' ca.
One of the 'twelve apostles'
He came from (Furth) Germany, was part of the
group of students of Gottfried SILBERMAN, passed Paris, and emigrated to
London, where he first worked for
Tschudi BURCKHARDT. Later he worked as
associate with some other pianoforte-makers :
look for
(1772) - see also
CLICQUOT (°1754)
(1778), look for
ZUMPE John & co
Succeeded by
SCHOENE, VINSEN & Cie in 1798.

1809 - "Piano Forto is tegenwoordig het alöm
gezochte en begeerde Snaren-Instrument, welke in London, bij uitzondering,
volmaakt vervaardigd wordt, en van daar voorzeker na alle oorden van de
wereld verzonden wordt; de invoering hiervan is nieuw en van een Duitsche
afkomst, zoo als de Heer SCHOENE mij verhaald heeft; men heeft, namentlijk
in Duitschland, zoogenaamde Hamer-Clavieren, in welke slechts houten hamers
tegen de snaren sloegen. Johannes SUMPE, een Klaviermaker uit Furth, wilde
zich in London nederzetten. Vóór zijne afreize, moedigde BACH
(waarschijnlijk de groote Hamburgsche Bach) hem aan, om zijn Hamer-Klavier,
naar den thans heerschenden smaak, te verbeteren, dat is : met leder te
beslaan, en het Klavier een gedempten toon te bezorgen; hieröm heet het
Piano Forto. In het jaar 1765 vervaardigde SUMPE de eerste kleine Piano
Forto’s in London. Zij verkregen den verlangden bijval, en zijn sedert tot
de grootste volkornenheid gebragt.
Na het overlijden van SUMPE, werd deszelfs Fabriek door zijn landsman, den
voornoemden SCHOENE, voortgezet. Tegenwoordig luidt de Firma SCHOENE en
Nieuwste reize door Engeland, Schotland en Ierland,
voornamentlijk ..., Philipp Andreas Nemnich, 1809, p. 284-285
1810 -
"Johann Zumpe, ein Claviermacher aus Fürth,
welcher sich in England niederließ, war mit einer der ersten und
vorzüglichsten Verfertiger der Fortepiano's. Fast úberall in Teutschland
waren noch die sogenanen Hammerklaviere im Gebrauch. Bach munterte den Zumpe
vor seinern Abgange nach England sebr ernstlich auf, sich auf die
Verfertigung der Fortepiano's zu legen, oder die Hammer mit Leder anschlagen
zu lassen und Dämpfer anzubringen. Zumpe befolgte dieser Rath; und wårklich
war er auch der erste, welcher in England solche Instrumente machte. Im Jahr
1765 verfertigte er die ersten kleinen Fortepiano's in London. Sie erhielten
vielen Beyfall; und dadurch aufgemuntert, machte sie Zumpe immer vollkommner
und schöner. Nach dem Tode dieses geschickten Mannes setzte sein landsmann
Schöne die Fabrik fort. Gute gesponnene Darmsaiten wurden in England
forvorgebracht ; aber gute Drathfaiten mußten die englischen Künstler immer
noch aus Nürnberg kommen lassen, zwar reiste ein Instrumentmacher aus
England expreß nach Nürnberg, um daselbst die Vorteile in der Verfertigung
der Drathsaiten abzufeben. Allein demongeachtet konnten die Künstler in
England sie nicht zu der erforderlichen Härte und Elasticitat bringen."
Geschichte der Technologie, 1810, p.
1812 - "[...] A gentleman, who signs himself
R. R. D. in the Monthly Magazine, September 21, 1809, informs Capel Lofft,
esq. who had inquired in the same publication when piano-fortes were first
invented, that he has a square piano-forte made by Zum in 1768; it is upon
the common construction. It has the mark XVIII upon it, which appears to
have been the number be had then mode."
The Gentleman's Magazine (London, England), Volume
111, 1812, p. 11
1815 -
"Das Pianoforte. Dieses in England so beliebte und von London nach allen
Weltgegenden versandte Instrument, wurde von einem Deutschen erfunden, und
zuerst im Jahr 1765 in London verfertigt Johannes Zumpe, ein Klaviermacher
aus Fürth, wollte sich in London niederlassen. Vor seiner Hinreise munterte
Bach ihn auf, das Clavker, nach der jetzige Art zu verbessern, das ist mit
Leder anzuschlagen und Dämpfer anzubringen. . Daher entstand der Namen
Pianoforte. Im Jahr 1765 verfertigte Zumpe die ersten in London, sie
erzielten den größten Beifall, seine Fabrik hatte gutten Fortgang und wird
nun von seinen Landsmann Schöne, unter der Firma Schöne und Reyh
fortgeführt. Von London gehen sie stark nach Spanien, Amerika, Rußland c. In
der oben genannten Fabrik kostet ein großes Pianoforte von 6 Octaven 85
Guineen, detto von 5 ½ Octaven 75 Guineen, ein kleines Pianoforte mit
zirkelrunden Enden und 6 Octaven, 3 Pedalen, 60 Guineen, detto viereckig
kleiner, 5 ½ Octaven, 32 Guineen."
Der Wanderer, 09/10/1815, p.1160
1841 -
"THE PIANO-FORTE. - FATHER Wood, an English
monk, made the first piano-forte, of which we have any account, in 1711.
After the arrival of Bach in England, and the establishment of his concert
in conjunction with Abell, all the harpsichord makers tried their mechanical
powers at piano-fortes; but the first attempts were always on the large
size, till Zumpe, a German, constructed small piano-fortes of the shape of
the virginal, of which the tone was very sweet, and the touch, with a little
use, was equal to any degree of rapidity. These, from their low prices, the
convenience of their form, as well as power of expression, suddenly grew
into such favor, that there was scarcely a house in the kingdom, where a
keyed instrument ever had admission, but was supplied with one of Zumpe's
piano-fortes, for which there was nearly as great a demand in France as in
England. In short, he could not make them fast enough to gratify the public
fondness for them. Pohlman, whose instruments were very inferior in tone,
fabricated a great number for such as Zumpe was unable to supply. From this
period, the piano-forte has constantly been improving, until it has attained
its present complete state."
Musical Reporter, 01/1841, p. 27
1853 -
"Ebenso besaß Ph. E. Bach
eines, das sich, ebenfalls fortwährend gut hielt ungeachtet der Myriaden
Noten, die Bady darauf spielte. – In England ward das Silbermann'sche
Instrument 1760 durch, Zumpe, einen Deutschen, eingeführt und daselbst diese
Mechanik auf das dortige beliebte Harpsichord (Sonderbarer Weise erhielt
sich in England auf den Musikalien bis in neuere Zeit das stereotype for the
harpsichord: ein Beweis, wie schwer man dort vom Hergebrachten abgeht.)
übertragen. Das große Pianoforte deint in London zuerst am 16. Mai 1767
producirt worden zu sein; auf einem noch aufbewahrten Theaterzettel steht:
„Am Ende des ersten Actes wird Miß Brickler ein beliebtes Lied aus Judith
singen, welches von Hrn. Dibbin auf einem neuen Instrument, Pianoforte
genannt, begleitet wird."
Musicalische Neu-Jahrs-Gedichte: Gott zu Ehren, und zu
Vermehrung ..., 1853, p. 8
1855 -
"Every harpsichord-maker
now tried to render the pianoforte practicable and popular. The failures
were many; and it was not till 1766, that a German named Zumpe succeeded in
the construction of some small pianofortes (similar in shape and size to
their remote progenitor the virginal), whereof the tone was peculiarly
sweet, the touch facile, and the price sufficiently moderate to place it
within the reach of all those who had hitherto been purchasers of the
harpsichord and clavecin. A revolution the most sudden ensued in every
musical household in the kingdom. Zumpe could not meet the demand, and
orders more numerous than he could execute poured in from all parts of the
United Kingdom, and even from the capital and northern shores of France."
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science and
Arts, 1855, p. 259
1861 -
"About 1760, however, two
manufactories were established; one in London by Zumpe, and the other by
Silverman [SILBERMANN], in Germany. Both were successful, but that of Zumpe pre-eminently
so. Shortly after, M. Sebastian Erard commenced the manufacture of
pianofortes in France, and it is to him that we are indebted for many of the
most important improvements in the instrument. At the commencement of the
present century, pianoforte-makers were multiplying rapidly all over Europe;
the firms of Zumpe, Kirkman, Longman, the predecessors of ColJard & Collard,
Broadrip, Broadwood, Erard, and Clementi, were now flourishing."
Beeton's Dictionary of universal information, 1861,
p. 1393
1870 -
"[...] These apostles “with a mission" seem to have quite content to subside into obscurity;
unless, indeed some of them afterwards cropped up under the names Zumpe,
Pohlmnn, Buntebart, and Co., several of whose productions yet exist; for
instance, the Joannes Zumpe, fecit AD. 1776, which was in the possession of
Mr. Ramsay, of Bury, in 1802. According to Capel Loft, Sir George
Smart possessed a square piano, also made by Zumpe, in which some of the
keys were divided as they were in some spinets and harpsichords, to produce
what are incorrectly termed quarter tones, for amending tbe unavoidably
imperfect intonation of instruments which are limited to twelve intervals.
Although the Zumpe, dated 1776, is the earliest square piano certainly made
in England which I remember to have read of, it is probably far from the
first made here."
English mechanic and mirror of science, 1870,
p. 469
Succeeded by
SCHOENE & Co in London
Princes Street, Cavendish Square (*1786)(P1789), London |
(*1786): 'The
London Directory', 1786, p. 200
(*1835): 'The
Annual Register, Or, A View of the History, Politics, and ...', Volume 76,
1835, p. 391
(xx1837): 'The
Musical World', 09/06/1837, p. 216
(*1839): 'The
Musical World', 17/10/1839, p. 396
(*1841): 'The
Musical World', Volume 16, 1841, p. 112
(**1841): 'Post
Office London Directory', 1841, p. 807
(x1842): 'Robson's
London Directory', 1842, p. 1598 -1599 (
(*1847): 'The
Musical World', Volume 22, 1847, p. 179
(xx1890): 'Weltadressbuch der gesammten Musikinstrumenten-Industrie',
London PF p. 176-177 &
London PD p. 178-182 (
(*1893): 'Annuaire
des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1893,
p. 656-664 (
(**1895): 'Post
Office London Directory, 1895, p. 2038-2039
(*1897): 'Annuaire
des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1897,
p. 834-841 (
(*1899): 'Annuaire
des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1897,
p. 1010-1017,
Leeds p. 1016 (
(*1903): 'Annuaire des artistes et de
l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1903, p. 1103-1110 (
(**1904) : 'Post
Office London County Suburbs Directory', 1904, p. 1129-1130
(*1906): 'Annuaire
des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique', 1906, p. 1091-1100
(x1906): 'Weltadressbuch
der gesammten Musikinstrumenten-Industrie', 1906,
London PF p. 417-420 &
London PD p. 423-434 (
(*1907): 'Annuaire
des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1907,
p. 1094-1104 (
(y1907): 'Kelly's
Directory of Merchants, Manufacturers and Shippers', 1907, p. 13-14,
London p. 5-6
(*1909): 'Annuaire
des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1909,
p. 1105-1113 (
(*1910): 'Annuaire
des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1910,
p. 1144-1153 (
(x1912): 'Welt-Adressbuch der gesamten Musikinstrumenten-Industrie', 1912,
London PF p. 550-554 &
London PD p. 559-572 (
(y1914): 'Kelly's
manufacturers and merchants directory, including industrial services', 1914,
p. 3019-3020
London p. 2356-2357 (
(x1921): 'Kelly's Directory of Stationers,
Printers, Booksellers, Publishers and ...', 1921,
Liverpool p. 954-966
(x1926): 'Weltadressbuch der gesammten Musikinstrumenten-Industrie', 1926 (
(¹): 'Histoire de piano de 1700 à 1950',
Mario Pizzi, 1983
(²): 'Makers of
the Piano 1700-1820' and 'Makers of the Piano 1820-1860', Martha Novak
Clinkscale, 1993
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