home Pianoforte-makers in England

Pianoforte-makers in England

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Brand Image Info Addresses
VALENTINE James Upton  

   Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890-1906 [since 1877 (xx1890)(x1906)]

VALENTINE James Upton (xx1890), 'Piano- u. Instr.-Handlung'

VALENTINE & Sons (x1906), 'Photographen, Musikal.-, Piano- u. Instrumenten-Händler' - Owner : James Upton VALENTINE (x1906)


9, Somerset Place (xx1890)(x1906), Teignmouth
VANE H. E.  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912

'Möbel-, Piano-, Musikinstr.-, Sprechm. u. Saiten-Handlung' (x1912)


9, Liverpool Road (x1912), Warrington
VANEY Louis  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-15

'Piano-Handlung' (x1906)


Gordon House, Gospel Oak, N.W. (x1906), Carlton Works, Carlton Road, Kentish Town, N.W. (x1912), 257, Mare Street, Hackney, N.E. (*1914)(y1914)(*1915), London
VAN GRUISEN Nicholas L.  


VAN GRUISEN in Leeuwarden, Netherlands



Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1853-1926 [since 1844 (xx1890)(x1906)(x1912)(x1926)]

'Organ, piano-forte & musical instrument maker' (y1853) ------- 'Organ buildern piano, harmonium, and musical instrument warehouse' (y1870) ------- 'Organ builder, Pianoforte, Harmonium and general musical instrumentmaker' (*1875) ------- 'Pianoforte Manufacturer' (yy1879) ------- 'Piano-, Harmonium- u. Orgel-Handlung' (xx1890)(x1906) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)

VAN GRUISEN [N. L.] & Son (xx1890)(*1893)(*1895)(*1897)(*1903)(*1905)(*1906)(x1906)(*1907)(y1907)(*1909)(*1910)(x1912)(y1914)(x1926)

"VAN GRUISEN N. L., organ builder, Pianoforte, harmonium, and general musical instrument maker, 17 Bold street W." The Commercial directory of Liverpool, and shipping guide, 1875, p. 147


Shop : 7, Newington Street (y1853), 21, Paradise Street (y1853), Shop : 62, South Castle street (y1853), 17, Bold Street, W. (y1870)(y1871)(*1875)(yy1879)(**1880), 27-29, Bold Street (*1881)(xx1890)(*1893)(*1895)(*1897)(*1903)(*1905)(*1906)(x1906)(*1907)(y1907)(*1909)(*1910)(*1921), 27-29, Bold Street (x1912)(y1914)(x1926), 109a, 111-113, Kirkdale Road (y1914), Liverpool

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912-26

'Piano-, Orgel-, Musikinstr. - u. Saiten-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)


555, Wakefield Road (x1912)(x1926), Bradford

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890 [since 1873 (xx1890)]

'Piano-, amerik. Orgel- u. Instr.-Handlung' (xx1890)


97, Northgate, North Bridge End (xx1890), Halifax

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912

'Piano-Handlung' (x1912)


87, Oldham Road (x1912), Manchester

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1926)


167, Kirkgate (x1926), Wakefield
VATCKY Frederick & Co  

'Pianoforte-makers' ca. 1882


9, Claro Terrace, Richmond Road, S.W. (**1882), London

'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1906-26 [since 1897 (x1906)(x1912)(x1926)]

'Pianobauer und Händler' (x1906) ------- 'Pianobauer, -Importeur u. -Händler' (x1912)(x1926)


244, Spring Bank, Mozart House (x1906)(x1912), 242, Spring Bank, Mozart House (x1926), Hull
VEITCH Andrew  

'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1845-52; (⁴)


 17, Everett Street, Brunswick Square (1845-52)(⁴)(*1847), London
VENABLES Charles  

Patent of 1872 : "April 16, 1872. - C. S. VENABLES. Two damper pedals." The History of the Pianoforte: With an Account of the Theory of Sound and ..., Edgar Brinsmead, 1889, p. 223

Patent of 1885 : "March 5, 1885. - G. P. VENABLES. Protection of pianoforte-hammers from damp, especially applicable to pianofortes exposed to varying temperatures." The History of the Pianoforte: With an Account of the Theory of Sound and ..., Edgar Brinsmead, 1889, p. 238



Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1862-1926 [since 1840 (x1906)(x1912)]

VENABLES C[harles] (*1862)(**1870)(xx1872)

VENABLES C[harles] & Co (**1882)(**1884)(**1885)(**1891)(*1893)(**1895)(x1906)(y1907)(x1912)(*1914)(*1915)(x1926)

'Pianohandlung' (xx1890)(x1906)(x1926)

Pianos later made by KEMBLE

LONDON - "At 3,658, Messrs. C. VENABLES & Co., Essex-road, show a case of elegant design in American walnut-wood. The fall has ornamental brass hinges upon it, and the front panel has a bevelled mirror framed in. A novel treatment is noticeable in the legs. Some of the panels are decorated with paintings upon a ground of dead gold. There are two pianofortes with folding keyboards." The Furniture Gazette, 01/07/1885, p. 311

Exhibitors list London, 1872 | Exhibitors list London, 1885


2, Union Place, Lower Road, Islington, N. (*1862), 1-2-4, Canonbury Road, Islington, N. (**1882)(**1884), 2, Canonbury Road, Islington, N. (**1891)(**1895), 187-189, Essex Road, Islington, N. (**1870)(xx1872)(**1882)(**1884)(**1885)(xx1890)(**1891)(*1893)(**1895)(x1906)(y1907)(x1912)(*1914)(*1915)(x1926), London
VENN Robert J.  

'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1862


65, Baker Street, Portman Square, W. (*1862), London
VEREL Ludovicus  


Portable square pianoforte of 1783, formerly the Colt Clavier Collection, Berdersden, Kent, Angleterre, U.K., Thomas Strange Collection, U.S.

'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1783 2 Great Maddox St Hanover Square (1783), London
VERNON H. D. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano- u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1926)

117, Nantwich Road (x1926), Crewe
VERNON William 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1842 15, Plumbers Row, City Road (x1842), London
VEVERS & STEAD Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-12 [since 1895 (x1906)(x1912)]

'Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1906)(x1912)

Prince Street (x1906), Trinity Road (x1912), Bridlington Quay
VICHAND 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. ?? London

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890-1926 [since 1880 (xx1890)(x1912)(x1926)]

'Musikal.- u. Instr.-Handlung' (xx1890) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1906) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Orgel-, Musikinstr.- u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)


37-39, Higher Bridge Street (xx1890), 47, Knowsley Street (x1906)(x1912)(x1926), Bolton




Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890-1926

Pianofortes made in Germany ?


'Piano- u. Orgelhandlung' (xx1890)


'Piano- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1906)  ------- 'Pianobauer, Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)



BRANCH : Manchester (xx1890)

BRANCH : 5, Newington (x1906)(x1912)(y1914), 1-3, Newington (y1907), 76, St. James Place (y1907), 35, Bold Street (y1907)(y1914), 5, Newington (x1926), Liverpool

Berlin, Germany


VICKERY George Henry 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1893-1912

'Musikal.-, Musikinstr.- u. Saiten-Handlung' (x1912)


1, Bedford Road, Clapham (*1893), 55, Friern Road, East Dulwich, S.E. (**1896), Purcell House, [79], Manor Road, Wallington (**1901)(x1912), London


VICKERY George Henry Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1907-26

 'Musikal.-, Musikinstr.- u. Saiten-Handlung' (x1926)


79, Manor Road, [Purcell House], Wallington S.O. (y1907), Surrey


VICKERY Nicholas   Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890-1912 [since 1867 (xx1890)(x1906)(x1912)]

'Piano-Handlung' (xx1890)(x1906)(x1912)

72, Shakesperae Road, Herne Hill, S.E. (xx1890), 1, Railton Road, [Herne Hill], Brixton, S.W. (x1906)(y1907)(x1912), London


American brand, see The Music Trade Review, 23/11/1901, p. 33 (mtr.arcade-museum.com)


'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1912

See T. G. FOX


VICTORY PIANO-PLAYER MANUFACTORY Co Ltd. 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1921-29

'Kunstspiel-Piano-Fabrik' (x1926)


Victory Works (*1921)(x1926)(*1929), Steyning


VIËTOR Fritz & Co 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1882-84 Brackley Street, Barbican, E.C.(**1882)(**1884), 299, Goswell Road, E.C. (**1884), London
VILE Samuel Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912-14

'Piano-Handlung' (x1912)

128, Junction Road, N. (x1912)(*1914), London

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-15

VINCENT & Co (*1906)(*1907)(*1910)

VINCENT MUSIC Co Ltd. (*1907)(*1909)(*1914)(*1915)


30, Berners Street, W. (*1906), 60, Berners Street, W. (*1907)(*1909)(*1910)(*1914)(*1915), London


Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1900 [since 1848]

VINCENT Charles John Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1879

'Pianoforte & Harmonium Warehouse & music seller' (y1879)

30, Bridge Street (y1879), Bishopwearmouth, Durham
VINCENT & CULVER Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1907 232, Stretfool Road, Hulme (y1907), Manchester
VINCENT Geo. Randall Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912-26

'Piano-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)

448, Ashton Old Road (x1912), 956, Ashton Old Road (x1926), Manchester

  Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890-1912 [since 1871 (xx1890)(x1906)(x1912)]

'Musikal.- u. Piano-Handlung' (xx1890) ------- 'Musikal.- u. Piano-Vertretung' (x1906) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1912)


38, City Road, Stoke's Croft (xx1890)(*1897)(*1903)(*1906)(x1906)(*1909)(*1910)(x1912), Bristol

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912-14

VINCENT MUSIC Co (x1912), 'Piano-Handlung'

Owner of ROGERS & Sons (x1906)(x1912), London

VINCENT MUSIC Co Ltd. (y1914)


60, Berner Street, W. (y1914), London

See also adresses ROGERS & Sons between 1906-12


VINCENT Thomas Melville

Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review, Volume 40, 1916, p. 702



'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1914-26

'Piano-Fabrik - Piano-Manufacturer' (x1926)

Office & Factory : 7-8, Greenland Place, Camden Town, N.W. (*1914)(*1915)(y1916)(x1926), London
VINCENT Thomas & Son  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-15

'Piano-Handlung' (x1906)


59, Oseney Crescent, Kentish Town, N.W. (x1906), 61, Oseney Crescent, Kentish Town, N.W. (*1914)(y1914)(*1915), London
VINER Henry William  

Patent of 1860 : "3189. Henry William Viner, of Penzance, in the County of Cornwall, Professor of Music, for an invention for Improvements in grand pianofortes." Chronological and Descriptive Index of Patents Applied for and Patents, 1861, p. 209 - or - "Dec. 29, 1860. - H. VINER. “One set of keys transmits motion to two sets of hammers, one to strike up (on the strings in the grand piano], and the other to strike down" upon a second set of strings tuned in unison with, or an octave above or below, the upper set." The History of the Pianoforte: With an Account of the Theory of Sound and ..., Edgar Brinsmead, 1889, p. 214


'Professor of Music' ca. 1861 Penzance, Cornwall

Hunt & Co.'s directory & topography for the cities of Exeter and Bristol, etc, 1848, p. 23

1913 - "UNDER an order of the court in the dissolution of partnership of Vinnicombe Bros. of Exeter and Exmouth, the master has directed a sale by tender, which Messrs. Percy Mason & Co. of Gresham Street, E.C., have been instructed to carry through." Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review, Volume 36, 06/1913, p. 694


Family VINNICOMBE by Roger Green, Heritage Officer (pdf)(16/11/2022)


Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1848-1912 [since 1820 (x1912)]

[since 1820 (xx1890)(x1906)]

'Piano forte maker, tuner, &c.' (***1848) ------- 'Musiklehrer, Musikal.- u. Piano-Händler' (xx1890)(x1906)

VINNICOMBE G. (***1848)

VINNICOMBE William (xx1890)(x1906)

VINNICOMBE William & Co (y1907)


'Music & Musical Instrument Seller and Tuner' (***1848) ------- 'Piano- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1906) ------- 'Piano-, Orgel-, Musikinstr.- u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1912)

VINNICOMBE John Pewtner (***1848)

VINNICOMBE Brothers (x1906)(x1912)


Parade Cottage (***1848), 10, Rolle Street, Public Hall (xx1890)(x1906)(y1907)(x1912), 3, Parade (y1907)(x1912), Exmouth

15, Northern Place (***1848), 132, Sidwell Street (x1906), Queen Street (x1912), Exeter

VIRGIL PRACTICE CLAVIER Co Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906

'Piano-Handlung' - 'Stumme Übungs-Klaviere' (x1906)

12, Princess Street, Hanover Square, W. (x1906), London
VIZER C. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906

'Piano-Handlung' (x1906)

14, Eckington Gardens, New Cross Road, S.E. (x1906), London
VOGEL Richard Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-12

'Piano-Handlung' (x1906)(x1912)

8, New Basinghall Street, E.C. (x1906), 46, Queen Victoria Street, E.C. (x1912),  London
VOIGT A. Junior  

'Pianoforte-tuner' ca. 1860


3, Regent Street (xx1860), Handel House, St. George's Place (xx1860), Cheltenham, Gloucester

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906

'Piano-Handlung' (x1906)

Representative for Carl MAND, Coblenz, PAILLARD, St. Croix (x1906)


37, Dean Street, Oxford Street, W. (x1906), London

'Pianoforte-maker & tuner' ca. 1860-63

VOIGT G. A. (xx1860)

VOIGT Augustus William (xx1861)(**1863)

1861 - "Bankrupts. [...] Friday, March 22, 1861. [...] Voigt, Augustus William, Dealer in Pianofortes, Handel-house, 49, St. George's-place, Cheltenham. Com. Hill: April 8, at 1; and May 6, at 11 ; Bristol. Off. Ass. Miller. Sol. Packwood, Cheltenham, Pot. March 20." The Solicitors' Journal and Reporter, 23/03/1861, p. 389


St. George's House (xx1860), Handel House, 49, St. George's-place (xx1861), Handel House, St. George's Place (**1863), Cheltenham, Gloucester
VOIGT George A.  

'Pianoforte-warehouse' ca. 1841-42

VOIGT & ROBINSON (before 1841)

1841 - "Partnership dissolved. Tuesday 16 febr. [...] Voigt and Robinson. Church Row, Islington, pianoforte warehouse." The Spectator, 20/02/1841, p. 188

VOIGHT George A. (**1841)


2, Church Row (x1841)(x1842), Islington, London

Pianoforte-makers and/or pianoforte dealers ca. 1906-12 [since 1904 (x1912)]

'Piano-Handlung' (x1906)(x1912)

Representative for STEINWEG Nachfolger, Braunschweig, Germany (x1906)(x1912)

Representative for GROTRIAN STEINWEG Nachf., Braunschweig, Germany (y1910)(xxx1911)(x1912)


19, Australian Avenue, Aldengate Street, E.C. (x1906), 2, Jewin Street, E.C. (y1910)(xxx1911)(x1912), 19, Edmund Place, Aldersgate Street, E.C. (y1910)(xxx1911)(x1912), London

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-12 [since 1873 (x1906)(x1912)]

'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1906)(x1912)



1, Glover Terrace (x1906), 1-2, Woodbine Street (x1906)(x1912), 114, Ocean Road (x1912), South-Shields


VOSS & Co 'Pianoforte-makers' ca. 1916-17 The Pavement, South End Lane, Sydenham, S.E. (*1916)(*1917), London


(**1841): 'Post Office London Directory', 1841, p. 807 (specialcollections.le.ac.uk)

(x1841): 'The Spectator', 20/02/1841, p. 188

(x1842): 'Robson's London Directory', 1842, p. 1598 -1599 (archive.org)

(***1848): 'Hunt & Co.'s directory & topography for the cities of Exeter and Bristol, etc', 1848, p. 100

(y1853): 'Gore's Directory of Liverpool & its Environs', 1853 (specialcollections.le.ac.uk)

(xx1860): 'The Cheltenham annuaire', 1860, p. 256

(xx1861): 'The Solicitors' Journal and Reporter', 23/03/1861, p. 389

(*1862): 'The Post Office London Directory', 1862, p. 1676-1677

(***1863): 'The Post Office Directory of Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Shropshire, and ...', 1863, p. 461

(**1870): 'The 'Handbook' to the manufacturers & exporters of Great Britain', 1870, p. 367

(y1870): 'A. Green & Co.'s Directory for Liverpool and Birkenhead', 1870

(y1871): 'The Commercial directory of Liverpool, and shipping guide', 1871, p. 238-239

(*1872): 'Journal of the Society of Arts', Volume 20, 1872, p. 889

(xx1872): 'The international guide to British and foreign merchants and manufacturers ...', 1872, London p. 382-384

(*1875): 'The Commercial directory of Liverpool, and shipping guide', 1875, Aberdeen p. 434, Dewsbury p. 656, London p. 608, Coventry p. 582, Bradford p. 567, Liverpool p. 274

(y1879): 'The Post Office Directory of Durham and Northumberland', 1879, Durham Music sellers p. 464, Durham Pianoforte makers, tuners and warehouses p. 469, Northumberland Music sellers p. 934, Northumberland Pianoforte makers p. 937-938

(yy1879): 'The Commercial directory of Liverpool, and shipping guide', 1879, p. 331

(**1880): 'The Commercial directory of Liverpool, and shipping guide', 1880, Aberdeen p. 808, Armagh p. 844, Belfast p. 837, Halifax p. 975, Huddersfield p. 982, Liverpool p. 333-334, London p. 473, Manchester p. 436

(*1881): 'The comic guide to the Isle of Man', 1881, p. 125

(**1882): 'Post Office London Directory', 1882, p. 412-413 (specialcollections.le.ac.uk)

(**1884): 'Business Directory of London', 1884, p. 618-619 (specialcollections.le.ac.uk)

(**1885): 'The Furniture Gazette', 01/07/1885, p. 309-311

(xx1890): 'Weltadressbuch der gesammten Musikinstrumenten-Industrie', 1890, Bolton p. 156, Bristol p. 158, Exmouth p. 166, Halifax p. 169, Liverpool p. 175, London PF p. 176-177 & London PD p. 178-182, Teignmouth p. 204, Wiveliscombe p. 208 (digital.slub-dresden.de)

(**1891): 'Post Office London Trades Directory', 1891, p. 480-481 (specialcollections.le.ac.uk)

(*1893): 'Annuaire des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1893, p. 656-664 (gallica.bnf.fr)

(**1895): 'Post Office London Directory, 1895, p. 2038-2039 (specialcollections.le.ac.uk)

(*1897): 'Annuaire des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1897, p. 834-841 (gallica.bnf.fr)



(**1901): 'Kelly's London Suburban Directory', 1901, p. 1050-1051 (specialcollections.le.ac.uk)

(*1903): 'Annuaire des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1903, p. 1103-1110 (gallica.bnf.fr)

(**1904) : 'Post Office London County Suburbs Directory', 1904, p. 1129-1130 (specialcollections.le.ac.uk)

(*1906): 'Annuaire des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique', 1906, p. 1091-1100 (gallica.bnf.fr)

(x1906): 'Weltadressbuch der gesammten Musikinstrumenten-Industrie', 1906,  Bolton p. 382, Bridlington p. 384, Bristol p. 385-386, Exeter p. 400, Exmouth p. 400, Hull p. 409, Liverpool p. 415-416, London PF p. 417-420 & London PD p. 423-434, South-Shields p. 485, Teignmouth p. 489 (digital.sim.spk-berlin.de)

(*1907): 'Annuaire des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1907, p. 1094-1104 (gallica.bnf.fr)

(y1907): 'Kelly's Directory of Merchants, Manufacturers and Shippers', 1907, p. 13-14, London p. 5-6

(*1909): 'Annuaire des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1909, p. 1105-1113 (gallica.bnf.fr)

(*1910): 'Annuaire des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1910, p. 1144-1153 (gallica.bnf.fr)

(y1910) : 'Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review, Volume 33, 1910, GROTRIAN p. 231

(xxx1911): 'Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review', 1911, p. 82

(x1912): 'Welt-Adressbuch der gesamten Musikinstrumenten-Industrie', 1912, Bolton p. 509, Bradford p. 510-511, Bridlington Quay p. 512, Bristol p. 513-514, Exeter p. 528, Exmouth p. 528, Hull p. 539, Liverpool p. 546-457, London PF p. 550-554 & London PD p. 559-572, Manchester p. 603-605, South-Shields p. 624, Wallington p. 631, Warrington p. 632 (digital.sim.spk-berlin.de)

(*1914): 'Post Office London Directory', 1914, p. 1837-1838 (specialcollections.le.ac.uk)

(y1914): 'Kelly's manufacturers and merchants directory, including industrial services', 1914, p. 3019-3020 London p. 2356-2357 (archive.org)

(*1915): 'Post Office London Directory', 1915, p. 1796-1797 (specialcollections.le.ac.uk)

(*1916): 'Post Office London County Suburbs Directory', 1916, p. 606 (specialcollections.le.ac.uk)

(y1916): 'Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review', Volume 40, 1916, p. 702

(*1917): 'Post Office London County Suburbs Directory', 1917, p. 592-593 (specialcollections.le.ac.uk)

(*1921): 'The Music Trade Directory', 1921

(x1921): 'Kelly's Directory of Stationers, Printers, Booksellers, Publishers and ...', 1921, Liverpool p. 954-966

(x1926): 'Weltadressbuch der gesammten Musikinstrumenten-Industrie', 1926, Bolton p. 198, Bradford p. 199, Crewe p. 211, Hull p. 234-235, Liverpool p. 243-245, London PF p. 246-252 & London PD p. 260-269, Manchester p. 296-300, Steyning p. 328, Wakefield p. 335, Wallington p. 335 (digital.sim.spk-berlin.de)

(*1929): 'Musique-Adresses Universel', 1929

(¹): 'Histoire de piano de 1700 à 1950', Mario Pizzi, 1983

(²): 'Makers of the Piano 1700-1820' and 'Makers of the Piano 1820-1860', Martha Novak Clinkscale, 1993

(⁴): 'The Piano-Forte, its history traced to the great exhibition of 1851', Rosamond E. M. Harding, 1933


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