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Facteurs de pianos en France
"HIS MAJESTY has been pleased, on the
Report of the Judicial Committee of his Privy Council, to grant to
PIERRE ERARD, of Great Marlborough Street, Harp and PianoForte Maker
to Her Majesty and the Royal Family, new Letters Patent for his
This being the first instance in which
the powers of the recent Act of Parliament have been exercised, Mr.
Erard, in announcing to the public the encouragement he has thereby
received, takes the opportunity of submitting a few observations on
the subject of the invention.
Aware of the
necessity of awaiting the effect of time for establishing a
well-founded reputation, he has hitherto avoided any publication
which might bear the construction of an anxiety on his part to
proclaim the merits of this production, which is the result of
researches and experiments commenced and continued with more desire
for the advancement of musical science than for the promotion of
individual interests; and, satisfied with the invention, as
attaining a great step towards perfection in musical performance, by
entirely obviating a great and longacknowledged defect in the
Pianoforte, and accomplishing all that was necessary to constitute
it a perfect instrument, the Patentee has been content to rest his
prospects of indemnification upon the advantages of the Instrument
Nor has he been
deceived in the opinion he had formed of the character of the
invention; for notwithstanding the great degree of perfection and
consequent reputation attained by the makers of instruments of the
old construction, the Patent Action Pianofortes have obtained the
preference by the great musical performers of the day, and have
received the patronage of the late King, Her present Majesty, and
all the Royal Family. At the first
introduction of his patent instruments, it was boldly asserted that
his invention involved no improvement.
"Was it likely," it
was asked, "that an individual who had been occupied all his life in
making Harps, should on a sudden invent an improvement in the
Pianoforte which had not occurred to persons engaged in that
particular manufacture for forty years ?" This objection was
plausible, and produced its effect, but it could not maintain its
ground when opposed to the opinion of the best judges.
But another quickly
succeeded: it was said, "Although the instrument produces beautiful
sounds, the internal mechanism cannot but be too fine to last, and
the instruments must be more expensive than those of the old
construction." Other and still more futile objections have also been
raised, to which it is unnecessary more particularly to refer.
The object of the
Patentee in now coming forward, at the instance of his friends, is
to lay before the public a plain statement of the facts connected
with the invention, to do an act of justice at once to the invention
itself, and the memory of Sebastian Erard, its original author. It was about this
period that the Pianoforte first made its appearance as a rival of
the Harpsichord, which it very soon after entirely superseded.
Messrs. Erard were among the earliest manufacturers of Pianofortes
in France, and it was not until some years later that their
attention was turned to the Harp.
Even in those early
days they effected several improvements in both those instruments,
which attracted considerable attention: with those, however, they
were by no means contented; and as the science of musical
composition and performance advanced, under the composers and
performers of more modern times, and the necessity of perfection in
the instrument became every day more urgent, Messrs. Erard devoted
their whole study and talent to devise instruments equal to the
duties required of them.
Sebastian Erard
came over to this country in the year 1792, leaving his brother in
Paris; and in that year he established the manufactory in
Marlborough Street, which has subsisted ever since.
His first Patent
was granted in 1794 : the specification contains or describes
several improvements for the Pianoforte, and his important
alterations in the plan of construction for the singleaction Harp
(the only Harp then known), and of which Sebastian Erard was nearly
if not absolutely the first manufacturer in this country. This
instrument he advanced to the highest degree of perfection by a
succession of improvements in its construction, rendering it almost
a new instrument.
Notwithstanding all
that was done for it, however, the singleaction Harp continued
defective in modulation; and Sebastian Erard's efforts were
thenceforth directed to devise a totally different instrument. It would be foreign
to the subject here to notice the merits of that instrument, except
in as far as they afford the most incontestable proof of the
mechanical genius of Sebastian Erard.
A more intricate
piece of mechanism than that of the double-actioned Harp cannot well
be conceived; yet the experience of twenty-five years has shown that
its inventor was deceived neither in the principle nor in the
details of his calculations.
The conception of
the instrument and its performance alike bear testimony to the
genius and mechanical skill of its author. The first Patent for the
double-actioned Harp was taken out in the year 1800; but the model
was afterwards improved upon by the inventor, and it was not until
the year 1810 that his ideas of perfection were attained. Being more at
leisure after the establishment of the doubleaction harp, he devoted
the whole of his time and attention to preliminary experiments upon
the various sorts of actions for the Pianoforte.
His object was, if
possible, to endow the Pianoforte with the power of modulating the
tones with the touch, giving it at the same time a greater facility
of repetition; those improvements, demanded from the earliest time
of the pianoforte by the great masters of the art, and in particular
by Dussek and Steibelt, had been frequently attempted, but in vain. The mechanism
effecting this movement is termed "the action"; and as the whole of
the performance is dependent upon this machinery, it will be at once
seen that it forms the most important part of the instrument. It is
also the most difficult to construct, its functions involving great
activity and much delicacy of operation in a very combined form.
At the period in
question there were in England two different principles of action
for Pianofortes; the one generally known by the name of the " Grand
Action", and the other the "Square Action."
They were not
always. confined to the instruments from which their names aretaken,
but were applied occasionally to every shape and description of
Each of these
actions had its ownpeculiar defect. In the (so-called) " Square
Action ", the hammer being without any check played with much
freedom, but was apt to rebound after the blow, and interrupt the
vibration of the strings. The cause of the
tardiness of the "Grand Action" lay in its construction, which did
not admit of the hammer returning to the string until the key had
been brought to its horizontal position; the consequence was that
the player had great difficulty to modulate his sounds or dwell upon
the notes: he was limited to a blow, which could be repeated
effectually only when the key had risen to a perfect level with the
other keys. The mechanism
requisite to produce such effects was necessarily of very difficult
invention, requiring far more than the skill of an ordinary mechanic
to construct; a position amply proved by the fact, that although
numerous endeavours had been made at different periods, the
principle of action in theGrand Pianoforte had never been improved
upon from its earliest days up to the period of Erard's Invention.
Fortunately for the
science of music Sebastian Erard's genius was equal to the task he
had imposed on himself; and in the year 1821, eleven years after the
invention of the doubleactioned Harp, he completed his invention of
the new Pianoforte.
At this period Mr.
S. Erard was advanced in years aad unequal to the toil and labour
necessary to bring his invention into use and work the Patent.
He was fully
satisfied with his success, and impressed with its importance to the
science of music; but he had experienced in the case of his Harp the
anxieties, difficulties, and disappointments incident to the
introduction of a new Invention, and he felt that he was unequal to
this part of the undertaking.
Under these
circumstances the task of bringing the invention into practical use
devolved on Mr. P. Erard, who had for some years conducted the
establishment in London, to which, upon the death of Mr. S. Erard,
he has since succeeded. Her present Majesty
has given preference to Erard's Instruments, and her Royal Highness
the Duchess of Kent and other members of the Royal Family have also
for some time adopted them.
They have,
moreover, during the last few years been almost universally played
upon in public, In preference to all other instruments, by the most
celebrated performers; among whom Moscheles, Hummel, Hers, Madame
Dulcken, Mendelssohn, Liszt, Pixis, Belleville, Kiallmark, and
Weipert may be named.
These facts speak
more powerfully than any language in favour of the Instrument; but
it will not be uninteresting to those acquainted with the subject to
hear the opinions of several competent judges, as expressed before
the Right Honourable the Lords of the Privy Council on the occasion
of Mr. P. Erard's Petition for the extension of his Patent.
Madame Dulcken examined by Mr. Peel.
How long is it since you came to this
country ? — Seven years.
Mrrs. Latoub was examined by Mr. Peel.
You are a professor of the pianoforte
? — Yes. Were you a Director of the Philharmonic Concerts in 1827
and 1828 ? — I was.
Mr. Kiallmark examined by Mr. Peel.
You are
a composer and musical professor ? — Yes.
Signor Scappa examined by Mr. Peel.
You are a composer and leader at the
Opera ? — I have been. I believe you at one time entertained a
prejudice against these instruments ? — I did.
Mr. Werner examined by Mr. Peel.
You are a musical amateur ? — I am. Do
you know Mr. Erard's pianofortes ? — I do. What is your opinion of
them compared with those manufactured by other makers ? — That they
are superior.
Mr. Graddon examined by Mr. Peel.
You have been iu Mr. Clementi's
service ? — I have.
Mr. W. H. Steil, examined by Mr. Peel.
You are a musical professor I believe
? — Yes.
Mr. John Fabey, examined by Mr. Cresswell.
believe you are an engineer ? —
I am. It may be said that
in the Square Piano the key is too much connected with the hammer,
so that it cannot get free from it when required, and in the Grand
Pianoforte that it is not sufficiently connected with it to be able
to repeat rapidly. In Mr. Erard's both advantages are combined. Whilst the blow is
struck, the hammer is connected with the key by means of a sticker,
therefore the blow must be certainly transmitted from the key to the
hammer to strike the wire; after the sticker recedes from under the
hammer, there is no longer any connexion between the hammer and the
key, but the hammer is supported by a spring to render the hammer
That circumstance
alone enables it to repeat so quickly, because if the hammer had
descended, it is of inevitable necessity that the key must rise
entirely to fetch it up again: that is one most important part of
the improvement; it is an essential part; it is the application of a
spring which, without at all acting till the blow is struck, shall
act instantly after the blow is struck, and takes from the hammer
the disposition to descend by its own weight. One fact alone
remains to be stated in refutation of the objections advanced
against it. It has been diligently rumoured that Erard's instruments
are more expensive than those of the ancient construction; the fact
is, that not with standing the expenses of the Patent, and the
greater cost of manufacturing the instruments from the novelty of
their construction and their superiority in every respect, the
Patentee has, ever since the manufacture has been brought to a
system, limited his charge to the price currently paid for the Grand
Pianofortes of the ancient construction.
He would have been
justified, from their superiority, their increased cost, and their
greater durability, in asking a higher price for them, but his
principle throughout has been to abstain from making a monopoly of
his Patent, and to consider his own present interest less than the
advancement of science in the sale of his instruments.
The desire to
excel, which actuated the researches of Sebastian Erard, has
presided over the labours of the Patentee and supported him against
all opposition. To this in him has been added an anxiety to support
the credit of the name he bears.
Had his improvement
on the Pianoforte been unworthy the Inventor of the double-actioned
Harp the Patentee would have suppressed it rather than have risked
the loss of reputation.
His own judgement
assured him that he had nothing to fear on this score, and the
testimony of the most exalted in station and talent in favour of the
superiority of his instrument, together with the experience of time
in favour of its durability, has shown that he was correct. The
Patentee feels that all which is now required to secure the
universal adoption of his instruments is to make them generally
Where they have
been tried they have established and maintained their own
preeminence. His sole object in this publication has been to
vindicate the invention from unfounded objections, and to direct the
public attention towards it. All he asks for his instruments is a
fair trial — Their own properties will do the rest."
The London and Edinburgh Philosophical
Magazine and Journal of Science, 1836, p. 88
Cet appareil consistait dans une barre de métal dite harmonique, fixée d'un
bout à la paroi de droite de la caisse du piano. Cette barre était maintenue
dans sa longueur et posée à cheval sur les autres barres formant le barrage
habituel des grands pianos.
Cette barre de métal était de plus, fixée au
sommier, de manière à faire de l'appareil ou barre du sommier et du barrage
ordinaire un tout ou un corps solide, appuyé d'un côté à la caisse et
offrant alors une grande résistance aux coups de marteaux aux cordes.
remarquait également dans ce piano, un nouveau moyen d'accorder, consistant
dans une tige ajustée à un pignon qui engrenait dans une roue.
Le filet
cuivre ou agrafe inventé par cette maison en 1809, prend une nouvelle forme.
(B. F.)"
Organographie: La facture instrumentale depuis
1789 jusqu'en 1857 inclusivement, Adolphe Le Doulcet
Pontécoulant, 1861
- "PIANOS CARRÉS.– Brevet d'invention de 1843. MM. Érard, facteurs de pianos du Roi etc., ont l'honneur de prévenir les Professeurs et Amateurs de musique qu'ils sont parvenus d'introduire dans les pianos de forme carrée les divers perfectionnemens qui distinguent les PIANOS A QUEUE D'Érard de ceux de l'ancien principe." Journal des débats politiques et littéraires, 05/12/1843, p. 3 -
"722. M. Erard (P. O.),
rue du Mail, 13; application aux pianos carrés du
mécanisme dit échappement d'Erard, dispositions
nouvelles nécessitées par cette application et diverses
améliorations essentielles apportées aux pianos. (15
mars. — 15 ans.)"
Bulletin de la Société
d'encouragement pour l'Industrie Nationale quarante ...,
1844, p. 525
"Brevet de 1848 : La Maison Érard, reprend l'idée de Sébastien Érard et adapte à son piano à queue grand modèle un clavier de pédales donnant la facilité à l'artiste d'exécuter les notes de basses, tandis que les deux mains sont occupées dans le haut de l'instrument. La puissante sonorité de cet instrument se prête à merveille à l'application d'un clavier de pédales de deux octaves tel que Érard l'a établi, et la combinaison des deux mains réunie à l'exécution des pieds produit un effet qui surpasse tout ce qu'on peut obtenir sur un autre grand piano,-quel que soit d'ailleurs le talent de l'artiste par qui celui-ci est joué. Un pareil instrumentpeut seul fournir les ressources nécessaires pour l'exécution des pièces d'orgue magnifiques de J.-S. Bach et des autres grands organistes de l'Allemagne. Peu d'organistes ont à leur disposition des instruments sur lesquels ils puissent s'exercer pour former leur talent : un piano semblable à celui d'Érard leur tient lieu d'un orgue." Organographie: La facture instrumentale depuis 1789 jusqu'en 1857 inclusivement, Adolphe Le Doulcet Pontécoulant, 1861
"180° Le brevet d'invention de quinze ans, dont
la demande a été déposée, le 15 février 1851, au secrétariat de la
préfecture du département de la Seine, par le sieur Érard (Pierre), rue
du Mail, n° 13, à Paris, pour divers perfectionnements introduits dans
la construction des pianos."
Bulletin des lois de la République française, 07/1852, p. 585
A method of arranging the strings of pianofortes so as to produce on the
sounding-board an equal pressure, both in an upward and downward
direction, and so also that the sounding part of all the strings shall
lie in the same plane, which has not been hitherto managed when the
pressure on the sounding-board has been equalized.
This the patentee
effects by passing each of the wires through holes in three studs
attached to the bridge-the holes in the centre studs being made either
at a higher or lower level than those in each of the other studs, so as
to cause the wires in passing through the studs to make an angle with
the bridge, and thus either exert an upward or downward pressure on the
By placing the studs so as to make every alternate wire
at the reverse angle to that immediately next it, the pressure on the
sounding-board will be exactly balanced.
An arrangement for tuning the wires of pianofortes. The ends of the
wires, after passing round screws the heads of which keep them from
rising, are attached to slides moving in guides on the wrest plank; and
these slides are actuated by screws, the turning of which in either
direction tightens or slackens the wires accordingly.
An improved construction of hammerbutt for “Erard’s patent action,” in
which a regulating screw is introduced at the hammer centre."
The Mechanics' Magazine Museum, Register, Journal, and
Gazette, 1852, p. 435
La seconde amélioration se
trouvait dans un chevalet à agrafes dans le but d'obtenir une pression
égale, et de balançer les cordes sur le chevalet, ce qui conservait au
piano la qualité brillante et légère du son.
Mais pour éviter les
entailles que finissent par faire les frottements de la corde sur les
agrafes en bronze, on avait enchâssé dans chaque trou de l'agrafe,
destiné au passage d'une corde, un petit cylindre d'acier. (B. F.,
Pour voir le
brevet original
ERARD sur ce site
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