home Pianoforte-makers in Scotland

Pianoforte-makers in Scotland

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Brand Image Info Addresses

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1860-1926

'Musikal.- u. Pianohandlung' (xx1890) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)



17, Crown Street (*1860), 181, Union Street (xx1890)(x1912), 261, Union Street (x1926), Aberdeen


MACFADYEN John Junior Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1846  

52, Queen Street (y1846), Glasgow


MACFADYEN Joseph Taylor Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1846  

133, Buchanan Street (y1846), Glasgow


MACHELL Thomas  

Dulcitone pianoforte ca. 1910, Tagliavini Collezione, Bologna, Italy



  Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1879-1937 [since 1874 (xx1890)(x1906)(x1926)]

MACHELL Thomas (xx1890), 'Musikal.- u. Pianohandlung'

MACHELL Thomas & Sons (x1906)(y1907)(*1910)(x1912)(*1923)(x1926)(*1927)(*1929)(*1933)(*1936)(*1937)

1906-26 - Owners : Thomas, Edward, William & Leonard MACHELL (x1906)(x1912)(x1926)

'Fabrik d. «Dulcitone»-Stimmgabel-Instr. m. tatsen u. Musikal.-, Orgel-, Piano-Handlung' (x1906) ------- 'Verfertiger der «Dulcitone»-Stimmgabel-Instrum. mit Tasten, sowie Musikal.-, Piano- u. Orgel-Händler' (x1912)(x1926)




35-39, Great Western Road (xx1890), 39, [Great] Western Road (***1879)(*1893)(*1895)(*1897)(*1903)(*1906)(*1909), Great Western Hill (*1910), 45, Great Western Road (x1906)(y1907)(x1912)(*1923)(x1926)(*1927)(*1929)(*1933)(*1936)(*1937), Glasgow
MACKIE Alexander & Co Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912

'Piano-Händler' (x1912)


291, St. George's Road (x1912), Glasgow


MACKINNON Hector Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912 [since 1879 (x1912)]

'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1912)


11, Victoria Street (x1912), Rothesay


MACKINTOSH J. L. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1926)


285, Maryhill Road, N. W. (x1926), Glasgow


MACKLURE Alfred 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1846  

80, West Nile Street (y1846), Glasgow



Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano-Handlung' (x1926)


57, Monkcastle Drive (x1926), Cambuslang
MACPHERSON J. Sturrock  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano-, Musikinstr.- u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1926)


24, West High Street (x1926), 15, Hill Street (x1926), Crieff
MAILER Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912-26

'Händler mit Musikal., Pianos, Orgeln u. Sprechm.' (x1912)(x1926)


50, High Street (x1912)(x1926), Alloa


MALCOLM Thomas 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1824-39  

6, East Richmond Street (**1824), 41, North Richmond Street (**1829)(***1833)(***1834), 28, Elder Street (**1836)(**1837), Drummond Street (**1839), Edinburgh


MANN John A. 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1856-79  

7, Argyle Street (**1856)(*1857), 21, Argyle Street (*1864)(y1870), 11, Miller Street (***1879), Glasgow


MANN Robert 'Piano fortemaker' ca. 1797-98  

Head of North Bridge (*1797-98), Edinburgh


MARINO J. & M. Pianoforte-makers and/or pianoforte dealers ca. 1889-95  

3, York Place (**1889), 13a, North Street, Andrew Street (**1890)(***1892)(***1893)(***1894)(***1895), Edinburgh


MARR Andrew

(? - 1818)


'Pianoforte-maker' untill 1812-18

1812 - "Mariages [...] Jan. [...] 6 [...] - Mr. Andrew Marr, piano-forte-maker, to Elliot, youngest daughter of Mr. Robert Clark, cabinet maker, Edinburgh." Host Bibliographic Record for Boundwith Item Barcode ..., 1812, p. 77

1818 - "Deaths - [...] Jan. [...] 3. At Edinburgh, Mr Andrew Marr, late piano-forte-maker." Blackwood's Magazine, 1818, p. 607


MARR James


"JAMES MARR, PIANOFORTE MANUFACTURER, TUNER, AND REPAIRER, 3, CASTLE TERRACE, HOUSE AND WORKSHOP, 29, CASTLE STREET. JAMES MARR has always in Stock a number of New and Second-hand Instruments of his own and London make, which he can with confidence recommend. Pianoforte Wareroom, 3, Castle Terrace." Post Office Aberdeen Directory, 1868, p. 384 (digital.nls.uk)


Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1868-1926

MARR J. & A. (**1896)(**1897)(**1898)(**1899)(**1900)(**1901)(**1902)(**1903)(**1904)(**1905)(**1906)(x1906)(**1907)(**1908)(**1909)(**1910)(**1911)(x1912)(x1926)

'Pianoforte-manufacturer and tuner' (*1868)(*1869) ------- 'Pianoforte tuner' (*1870)(*1873) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1906)(x1912)(x1926)


3, Castle Terrace (*1868)(*1869), Workshop & house : Lobban's Court, 29, Castle Street (*1868)(*1873)(x1878), 14, Schoolhill (*1883)(*1884)(*1885), 5, Northfield Place (*1886)(*1887)(*1888)(*1889)(*1890)(*1891), 12, Northfield Place (*1892)(**1893), 300, George Street (**1895)(**1896)(**1897), 184, George Street (**1898)(**1899)(**1900)(**1901)(**1902), 130-134, George Street (**1903)(**1904)(**1905)(**1906), 148, George Street (x1906), 58-[60], St. Nicholas Street (**1907)(**1908)(**1909)(**1910)(**1911)(x1912), 11, Bridge Street (x1926), 64, George Street (x1926), Aberdeen

"J. MARR - PIANO-FORTE BEGS to intimate his REMOVAL to his New Premises, PIANO-FORTE SALOON, 218, UNION STREET WEST, 218. Where he hopes to meet with a continuance of the liberal patronage he has hitherto enjoyed. The Selection of PIANO-FORTES to be seen at the Saloon is the largest and most varied north of Edinburgh — Grand, Semi-grand, Cabinet, Cottage, Square, and Grand Square, some of which are from the most celebrated London makers.
Parties in town or country may, on a day's notice, have a good Piano-Forte on hire or otherwise, as J. M. has it in his power to have a regular supply, both of his own and from the best London Houses.
PIANO-FORTES Tuned and Regulated on the shortest notice. Piano-Forte Saloon, July, 1846." Post-Office and Bon-accord Directory, 1846, p. 253 (digital.nls.uk)

"218 UNION STREET. 218 - Royal Music Saloon - BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT. J. MARR - MUSIC SELLER AND PIANO-PORTE MAKER To the Queen - A WELL-SELECTED Stock of PIANO-FORTES from the most eminent London Makers ; also those of his own manufacture, as approved of and purchased by her Majesty. HARPS, GUITARS, VIOLINS, FLUTES, and BRASS INSTRUMENTS in great variety, and every article in the Music Trade. *** New Music every Week." Post-Office Directory Aberdeen, 1851, p. 19 (digital.nls.uk)

"Aberdeen. - Marr and Co., Pianoforte Makers to the Queen, beg to call attention to their Cottage Piano which has given unqualified satisfaction wherever introduced. Price 30 guineas. A large and carefull-selected Stock of Pianofortes and Harmoniums by the most celebrated London and Foreign Makers, publishers of 'The Crookit Bawbee' (gd. net), and 'Cries of Bon-accord'." Monthly musical record, Volume 2, 1872, p. 154

"MARR & CO.'S Pianoforte Saloon, 218 Union street, pianoforte makers to Her Majesty" The Commercial directory of Liverpool, and shipping guide, 1875, p. 434

"PIANOFORTES & HARMONIUMS of First-class quality at the lowest possible prices. J. MARR, Jun, & CO., Pianoforte Makers and Music Sellers, 5 ST. CATHERINE'S WYND  (3rd door from Union Street) ABERDEEN. Pianos and Harmoniums Tuned and Repaired." Post Office Aberdeen Directory, 1878, p. 468 (digital.nls.uk)

"Marr, J., Wood & Co. (late Marr & Co., and Selby Wood & Co.), pianoforte and musicsellers to the Queen and H. R. H. the Prince of Wales, 183 Union street, piano factory, Union wynd." Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1890, p. 227 (digital.nls.uk) - see also SELBY, WOOD & Co, Aberdeen

"PIANOFORTE MAKERS TO THE QUEEN AND H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. J. MARR, WOOD AND CO. Respectfully invite inspection of their New Music Saloons, admitted by all to be The Most Magnificent Saloons in the North of Scotland. PIANOS, ORGANS, HARMONIUMS, FOR SALE, HIRE, OR HIRE PURCHASE. Violins, Banjos, Mandolines, Strings, and everything in the Music Trade. Newest Music, 2d. off 7/- to all Cash Purchasers. 183 UNION ST., ABERDEEN." Post Office Aberdeen Directory, 1895, p. 607 (digital.nls.uk)



'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1829-1912 [since 1826 (xx1890) in Aberdeen or since 1790 (x1906)(x1912)]


MARR John (*1829)(*1831)(*1832)(*1833)(*1834)(*1835)(*1836)(*1837)(**1837)(*1838)(*1839)(*1840)(*1841)(*1842)(*1843)(*1844)(*1845)(***1846)(*1848)(*1849)(*1851)(*1852)(*1853)(*1854)(*1855)(*1860)(*1861)

MARR & Co's (*1870)(*1871)(*1872)(**1875)(*1876)(*1877)(*1878)(x1878)(*1879)(*1880)'**1880)(*1881)(*1883)(*1884)(*1886)(*1887)(*1888)(*1889)(xx1890)

'Pianoforte-maker to the Queen' (*1852)(*1868) ------- 'Piano-forte maker to Her Majesty' (*1860) ------- 'Musikal.- u. Pianohandlung' (xx1890)

MARR J., WOOD & Co [Ltd.] (*1890)(xx1890)(*1891)(*1892)(**1893)(**1894)(**1895)(**1896)(**1897)(**1898)(**1899)(**1900)(**1901)(**1902)(**1903)(**1904)(**1905)(**1906)(x1906)(**1907)(y1907)(**1908)(**1909)(*1910)(**1910)(**1911)(x1912)

«Aberdeen Pianoforte and Music Warehouse, 183 Union street; J. Marr, Wood & Co.», successors of SELBY, WOOD & Co, Aberdeen

1906 - Owner : MUIR WOOD & Co (x1906)

1912 - Director : William ADLINGTON (x1912)

'Musikal.-, Piano-, Orgel-, Harmonium-, Musikinstr.- u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1912) ------- 'Musikal.- u. Piano-Handlung' (x1926)

MARR J. & Co (x1926)


'Musikal.-, Piano- und Instrumenten-Handlung' (x1906) in Dumfries


1906 - Director : William ADLINGTON (x1906) in Glasgow

'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1906) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1912)


'Musikal.- u. Piano-Handlung' (xx1890)(x1906) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1912)


'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1906) in Paisley


A History of Wood & Co, Marr & co and Logan & co, pianoforte makers, Music sellers and publishers, Scotland, 1790-1925, by Geoff Hore


MAIN FIRM : 182, Union Street (*1829), 17, Queen Street (*1831), 43, Broad Street (*1832)(*1833)(*1834)(*1835)(*1836)(**1837), 179, Union Street, entry from 2, South Silver Street (*1837)(*1838), 115, Union Street (*1839)(*1840)(*1841)(*1842)(*1843)(*1844)(*1845), 'Pianoforte-saloon' : 218, Union Street [house above saloon] (***1846)(*1848)(*1849)(*1851)(*1852)(*1853)(*1854)(*1855)(*1858)(*1859)(*1860)(**1860)(*1861)(**1861)(*1862)(*1863)(*1868)(*1869)(*1870)(*1871)(*1873)(*1874)(*1875)(**1875)(*1876)(*1877)(*1878)(x1878)(*1879)(*1880)(**1880)(*1881)(*1882)(*1883)(*1884)(*1885)(*1886)(*1887)(*1888)(*1889)(xx1890), Factory : Union Wynd (*1884)(*1890), 183, Union Street (*1890)(*1891)(*1892)(**1893)(**1894)(**1895)(**1896)(**1897)(**1898)(**1899)(**1900)(**1901)(**1902)(**1903)(**1904)(**1905)(**1906)(x1906)(**1907)(y1907)(**1908)(**1909)(**1910)(**1911), 47, Union Street (x1926), Aberdeen

BRANCH : 70, High Street (x1906), Dumfries

BRANCH : 42, Buchanan Street (by William ADLINGTON)(x1906)(*1910)(x1912), Glasgow

BRANCH : 27, Bridge Street (xx1890), 23, Church Street (x1906)(x1912), Inverness (x1901)

BRANCH : 49, High Street (x1906), Paisley

MARR J. Junior  

"PIANOFORTES & HARMONIUMS - of First-class quality at the lowest possible prices. J. MARR, Jun. & CO., Pianoforte Makers and Music Sellers, 5 St. Catherine's Wynd (3rd door from Union Street), ABERDEEN. Pianos and Harmoniums Tuned and Repaired." Post Office Aberdeen Directory, 1878, p. 468 (digital.nls.uk)


'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1878-93

MARR J. Junior & Co (*1878)(*1883)(*1884)(*1886)(*1887)(*1888)(*1889)(*1890)(*1891)(*1892)(**1893)

'Musikinstr.-Handlung' (xx1890)


5, St. Catherine's Wynd (*1878)(*1882)(*1883)(*1884)(*1885)(*1886), House : 43, Constitution Street (*1883), House : 2, St. Catherine Wynd (*1884), 14 [A], Schoolhill (*1887)(*1888)(*1889)(*1890)(*1891)(*1892)(**1893), School Street (xx1890), Aberdeen


MARR Robert
'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1794-1808  

Head of North Bridge (*1794)(*1797-98), Head Walkerston wy. (*1800), High Street, North Side (*1805)(*1806)(*1807)(*1808), Edinburgh


MARSHALL William 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1927-33 21, Maryhill Road (*1927)(*1929), 34, Maryhill Road (*1933), Glasgow

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1896-1912 [since 1885 (x1906)]

'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1906) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1912)


Bonnington Hall (***1896), 360, Leith Walk [in Leith] (***1897)(***1898)(***1899)(***1900)(***1901)(***1902)(x1906)(x1912), Edinburgh
MASON & Co  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912-36

MASON & Co (x1912)(*1923)(*1927)(*1929)(*1933)(*1936)

MASON Walter Ltd. (*1937)


'Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1912)


126-132, George Street (x1912)n 128, George Street (y1914), 16, Bridge Street (*1923)(*1927)(*1929)(*1933)(*1936)(*1937), Glasgow

Rothesay (x1912)


Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926 [since 1913 (x1926)]

'Piano-Grosshandlung' (x1926)


11, Bothwell Street (x1926), Glasgow
MATHEWS Mason Johnston  

Patent of 1867 : "MATTHEWS, 19th October 1867. - 2939. Mason Johnston MATTHEWS, of Glasgow, in the County of Lanark, North Britain, Musical Instrument Maker, for an invention for Improvements in pianofortes. Letters Patent sealed." Chronological index of patents applied for and patents granted ..., 1868, p. 201



'Musical Instrument Maker' ca. 1867


Glasgow, in the County of Lanark, North Britain
MAVER Robert  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1855-1936 [since 1845 (xx1890)(x1912)(x1926)]

MAVER Robert (**1855)(*1857)(*1864)(y1870)(***1879)

MAVER Robert & Son (xx1890)(x1912)(*1923)(x1926)(*1927)(*1929)(*1933)(*1936)(*1937)

'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Instr.-Handlung' (xx1890) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)



82, West Nile Street (**1855), 75, West Nile Street (*1857), 11, Renfield Street (*1864)(y1870)(***1879)(xx1890), 97, West Georges Street (x1912), 46, Grant Street (*1923)(x1926)(*1927)(*1929)(*1933)(*1936)(*1937), Glasgow


MAVER William & Son Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906 [since 1845 (x1906)]

'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1906)

97, West Georges Street (x1906), Glasgow
MAXWELL Peter & Son Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-12 [since 1875 (x1906)(x1912)]

'Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1906)(x1912)

457, Paisley Road (x1906)(x1912), 455-457, Paisley Road (y1907), Glasgow
McBETH James

"Scotland Pianoforte music saloon, 161 Union street; Pianofortes of his own make besides those of the best London makers, Harmoniums by the best English und French makers, harp, guitar & violin strings. Instruments exchanged, let on hire, tuned aud repaired, in town or Country." The Commercial directory of Liverpool, and shipping guide, 1875, p. 434

"ADVERTISEMENTS. - PIANOFORTES, HARMONIUMS, AND AMERICAN ORGANS. James Macbeth Begs respectfully to request inspection of his carefully selected Stock of Pianos, Harmoniums, and Organs, GRAND PIANOS, IRON-FRAMED UPRIGHT PIANOS, COTTAGE PIANOS, HARMONIUMS, AMERICAN ORGANS. For Sale, or Hire, or on the Three Years' System of purchase. I can always show for Selection, Pianos by — BROADWOOD & SON. CHALLEN & SON. ERARD. COLLARD & COLLARD. CHAPPELL & CO. BREWER & CO. HOPKINSON. LANGE. BRINSMEAD & CO. &c, &c. Also, CLOUGH & WARREN'S PRIZE MEDAL ORGANS. These Organs are really the Finest Instuments made. Pianoforte Tuning done only by experienced tuners. A call to inspect our Stock, before settling elsewhere, is respectfully solicited. James Macbeth, North of Scotland Music Saloon, 164 UNION STREET. NEWEST MUSIC SENT FOR SELECTION." Post Office Aberdeen Directory, 1880, p. 486 (digital.nls.uk)



'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1859-84

MACBETH James 1859-1876

MACBETH D. & J. (*1877)(*1878)(x1878)(*1879)

MACBETH James (*1880)(*1881)(*1882)(*1883)(*1884)(*1885)(*1886)(*1887)(*1888)(*1889)(*1890)(*1891)(*1892)(**1893)(**1894)(**1895)(**1896)(**1897)(**1898)(**1899)(**1900)(**1901)(**1902)(**1903)(**1904)(**1905)(**1906)(x1906)(**1907)(**1908)(**1909)(**1910)(**1911)

"North of Scotland Pianoforte and Music Saloon, 181 Union st., James Macbeth." (**1906) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1906)


17, Crown Street (*1859)(**1860)(*1861)(**1861)(*1862), House : 17, Huntley Street (**1861)(*1863), 161, Union Street (**1875), 164, Union Street (*1869)(*1870)(*1871)(*1872)(*1873)(*1874)(*1875)(*1876)(*1877)(*1878)(x1878)(*1879)(*1880)(**1880)(*1881)(*1882)(*1883)(*1884)(*1868), House : 11, Margareth Street (*1868)(*1869)(*1870)(*1873), Workshop : Thistle Lane (*1868)(*1869)(*1870)(*1873)(*1884), House : 4, Marine Terrace (*1884), 181, Union Street (*1885)(*1886)(*1887)(*1888)(*1889)(*1890)(*1891)(*1892)(**1893)(**1894)(**1895)(**1896)(**1897)(**1898)(**1899)(**1900)(**1901)(**1902)(**1903)(**1904)(**1905)(**1906)(x1906)(**1907)(**1908)(**1909)(**1910)(**1911), Aberdeen
McCOMBIE Brothers

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912

'Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1912)


21, Portland Street (x1912), Troon
McDADE J. T.  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano-Händler' (x1926)


8, Montheit Row (x1926), Glasgow

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer and 'organ builder to the Queen' ca. 1890-98

'Late HAMILTON & MULLER' (**1891)



98a, George Street (**1890)(**1891)(***1892)(***1893)(***1894)(***1895), 22a, Pitt Street (***1896)(***1897)(***1898), House : 27, Rutland Street (**1891), Edinburgh


McDONALD Brothers

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1907-12

'Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1912)


253, New City Road (y1907), 233, New City Road (x1912), Glasgow

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912-23

'Piano-Händler' (x1912)


24, Burnbank Terrace (x1912)(*1923), Glasgow
'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1855 40, Brunswick Street (**1855), Glasgow
McFADYEN Joseph T.
'London Pianoforte Warehouse' and/or 'pianoforte-maker'  ca. 1840-48 63, Wilson Street (**1840), 133, Buchanan Street (**1842)(**1844)(**1846)(**1848), Glasgow

'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1841

"Divorce [...] July 20, 1841. Hugh Macfarlane, Piano Forte maker, in Glasgow, v. His wife." The Law Magazine and Review: A Quarterly Review of Jurisprudence, Volume 29, 1841, p. 308 - or - First Report of the Commissioners Appointed to Enquire Into the Law of ..., 1853, p. 74



Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1884-85


142, Ferry Road (**1884)(**1885), Edinburgh
McGREGOR William

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Orgel- u. Piano-Import' (x1926)


Ashgrove, Ladysmith Street (x1926), Wishaw
'Musical Instrument Maker' ca. 1804 84, Bridgegate (*1804), Glasgow
McINTOSH D. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Musikal.-, Piano, u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1926)

21, Castle Street (x1926), Inverness

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1881-1926

'Orgelbauer, Musikal.- u. Harmonium-Handlung' (xx1890) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Harmonium-Handlung' (x1906) -------- 'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)

MCINTOSH Henry & Son (x1912)(x1926)



House : 10, Gillespie Crescent (**1881)(**1882), 130, George Street (**1881)(**1882)(**1884)(**1885)(**1886)(*1887)(**1888)(**1889)(**1890)(xx1890)(***1892)(***1893)(***1894)(***1895)(***1896)(***1897)(***1898)(***1899)(***1900)(***1901)(***1902)(x1906)(x1912), 39, Georg Street (x1926), Edinburgh


'Musical Instrument Maker' ca. 1789-91 King's Street (*1789)(*1790-91), Glasgow

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912-26

'Piano- u. Orgel-Stimmer, sowie -Reparateur' (x1912) ------- 'Piano- u. Orgel-Händler' (x1926)

McKAY & Co (x1926)



3, Torback Street (x1912), 73, Dunlop Street (x1926), Glasgow


Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1882-1900  

6, Guild Street (*1882)(*1883)(*1884)(*1885)(*1886)(*1887)(*1888)(*1889)(*1890)(*1892), 16, Guild Street (**1893)(**1894)(**1895)(**1896)(**1897)(**1898)(**1899)(**1900), Aberdeen


McKAY Hugh
'Pianoforte-maker' [and Spirit-dealer in 1842] ca. 1841-44 29, Park Street (*1841)(*1842)(*1843)(*1844), Aberdeen

'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1833-48

McKELLAR & ROBERTSON (**1833)(**1840)(**1842)

McKELLAR P[eter] (**1844)(y1846)(**1846)(**1848)


111, Buchanan Street (**1833), 89, Buchanan Street (**1840), East Milton Street (**1842), 16, North Portland Street (**1844)(y1846)(**1846), 245, George Street (**1846), 18, North Portland Street (**1848), Glasgow
'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1844-66, 'Upholsterer, cabinet-maker and pianoforte-maker and tuner' (**1844)(**1854)(**1855)(*1857)(**1863)

See also McKENZIE in London, England


12, North Portland Street (**1844)(y1846)(**1846)(**1848), House : 42, Clyde Street, Calton (**1844), House : 77, Hope Street (**1854)(*1857), [18], North Portland Street (**1854)(*1857), 22, Bothwell Street (**1854)(**1855)(**1856)(*1857)(**1863), 26, Bothwell Street (*1861)(**1863)(*1866), House : 15, Ure Place, Montrose Street (**1863), 22-26, Bothwell Street (*1864), works : 96-100, Renfrew Street (**1863)(*1866), 100, Renfrew Street (y1870), 52, Rose Street, Garnett Hill (*1866), Glasgow

London, England


McKINNON Hector Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906 [since 1879 (x1906)]

'Musikal.- und Piano-Handlung' (x1906)

11, Victoria Street (x1906), Rothesay
McLACHAN & Son  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano-Handlung' (x1926)


7, St. Mary's Street (x1926), Dumfries
McLURE Alfred
'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1844-46


80, West Nile Street (**1844)(y1846), Glasgow

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912-29

McMILLAN J. C. (x1912), Piano- u. Musikinstr.-Händler'

McMILLAN J. C. & Son (*1923)(*1927)(*1929)


31, Scotia Street (x1912)(*1923)(*1927)(*1929), Glasgow
'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1879 128, Annfield Street (***1879), Glasgow

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-12

'Musikal.- und Piano-Handlung' (x1906) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1912)


35, Bridge Street (x1906), 6, Queensgate (x1912), Inverness
MEADLEY T. L. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1864-65 70 ½ High Street (x1864), Dundee
MECK J. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912

'Piano-u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1912)

1264, Dumbarton Road, Whiteinch (x1912), Glasgow
MELLOR Hirst  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-26 [since 1897 (x1906)(x1912)(x1926)]

'Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1906)(x1912)(x1926)

MELLOR H. & Son (x1921)


325-327, High Street (x1906)(x1912), 263, High Street (*1921)(x1921)(x1926), Kirkcaldy



Advertisement of 1826, The Glasgow Directory for 1826, p. 150 (archive.org)


"On the Kings Patent granted to Francis Melville, Piano forte Maker & Music Seller, Sole inventor of the improved PIANO FORTE, 608, Argyll Street corner of the Queen Street, Glasgow
From the house of CLEMENTI & Co, London. Best London Piano Fortes and Harps. Instruments Tuned and repaired.
Melville's Patent Piano-Forte.
Is acknowledged to be much superior in the power and brilliancy of its tone, from the Instrument being now wholly converted into a sonorous body, by the light and simple construction of the Patent Frame-work, combining, at the same time, strength and durability.
These Instruments are manufactured only by Clementi & Co., London, and to be had of the Patentee, 608, Argyll-Street, Glasgow." The Glasgow Directory for 1826, p. 150 (archive.org)


'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1825-54

'From CLEMENTI' (*1826)

MELVILLE F. & G. (x1825)

MELVILLE Francis (***1828)(**1842)(**1844)(**1846)

Patent of 1825 : "19. To Francis Melville of Argyle Street, Glasgow, pianoforte maker, for an improved method of securing that description of small piano-fortes commonly called Square Piano-Fortes, from the injuries to which they are liable from the tension of the strings. Sealed at Edinburgh 5th April 1825." The Edinburgh Philosophical Journal, Volume 13, 1825, p. 203 - or - The Technical Repository, 1825, p. 144 (archive.org) - or -"Jan, 18, 1825.— Francis Melville. Metallic bracing for square pianos." The History of the Pianoforte, Edgar Brinsmead, 1879, p. 203 (archive.org)


[609], Argyll Street (**1825)(x1825), [608], Argyle Street (*1825)(*1826), 80, Argyll Street (***1828), 374, Argyll Street (**1833), 14, Buchanan Street (**1842), 35, Paterson Street (**1844), 230, Argyll Street (**1846)(**1848), House : 57, York Street (**1854), Glasgow

'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1828-48



609, Argyll Street (x1825), 14, Buchanan Street (***1828)(**1833)(**1837)(**1840)(**1842)(**1844)(**1846)(**1848), Glasgow



Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-26

'Musikal.- und Piano-Handlung' (x1906) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)


2, Chapel Street (x1906)(x1912)(x1926), Peterhead

(1828 - 1865)



Showroom in 112, Nethergate, Dundee, Post Office Dundee Directory, including Lochee, Broughty Ferry, and Newport, for 1867-68, p. 532 (digital.nls.uk)



Image of a pianoforte in an advertisement, Dundee directory 1886-87, p. 687-688 (digital.nls.uk)



The 'People's Piano, in walnut, rosewood, or ebonized case, Price - 18 Guineas, The Morrisonian, 07/1894, p. 15 (morrisonsacademyarchive.org)



The Washington Piano, With Iron-frame, The Morrisonian, 02/1897, p. 16 (morrisonsacademyarchive.org)




"M. S. & Co beg to call special attention to their Stock of Harmoniums, which is one of the largest (if not the largest) in Scotland, and embraces seyeral entirely new Models, containing improvements which have greatly enhanced their useruless, and will certainly increase the popularity of this already favorite Instrument. They are to be had in plain or figured Walnutj Rose-wood, Mahogany, Oak, Ash, or Stained Pine Cases, suitable for the Drawing-room, the Cottage, the Church, or the School, at all prices, from 6 guineas upwards. PIANOFORTES AHO HARMONIUMS FOR HIRE, BY THE WEEK, MONTH, OR SEASON, At Moderate Rates, mid may he had with option of purchase on most favourable terms. From their extensive Hiring connection, M. S. & Co. have always on. hand a large assortment of Pianofortes and Harmoniums which have been returned from short periods of Hire. Many of them are instruments of the highest class, and, though, as good as new, are offered at very advantageous rates. Instruments which have been taken in exchange are invariably thoroughly Repaired by their own skilled Workmen, and may be purchased with every confidence, as they are never offered for sale until they have been put into excellent condition. PIANO STOOLS, HARMOMIUM CHAIRS, CANTERBURIES, AND OTHER ACCESSORIES IN ALL THE NEWEST STYLES. TUNING, REGULATING, AND REPAIRING, BY A STAFF OF EFFICIENT AND EXPERIENCED TUNERS AND PRACTICAL PIANOFORTE MAKERS. Yearly Contracts for Tuning at Moderate Rates. THE STOCK OF MUSIC - Includes all the Classical and Modern Compositions of interest, and Teachers and Amateurs will find Vocal and Instrumental Music suited for all capacities and tastes. Violin, Harp, and Guitar Strings and Fittings, and every item connected with the Music trade. 112 NETHERGATE, DUNDEE." Post Office Dundee Directory, including Lochee, Broughty Ferry, and Newport, for 1867-68, p. 531-532 (digital.nls.uk)

"PIANOFORTES. METHVEN, SIMPSON, & CO. Respectfully invite attention to their extensive and varied Stock of High Class PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS, embracing every variety of Shape and Style of instruments by BROADWOOD, COLLARD, AND ERARD, and other eminent Makers. Liberal Discounts to Cash Purchasers. THE THREE YEARS* SYSTEM. M., S., & Co. give out Pianofortes and Harmoniums on Hire for the space of Three Years at Moderate Rates per Quarter, and, provided the Quarterly Payments be made regularly during that period, the Instrument becomes the property of the Hirer without further payment. Pianofortes and Harmoniums for Hire by the Week, Month, or Season, at Moderate Rates. PIANOFORTE TUNING AND REGULATING. M., S., & Co.'s experienced Pianoforte Makers and Tuners visit the various districts of Forfarshire, erthshire, and Fifeshire, at regular intervals. Orders left with their Agents, or sent direct to there Warehouse, carefully attended to. All New Music; published in London, Edinhurgh, and Glasgow kept in Stock; and Sold at Half Price. METHVEN, SIMPSON, & CO. 112 NETHERGATE, DUNDEE." County directory of Scotland 1868, p. 560 (digital.nls.uk)

"Respectfully invite the attention of the Musical Public to their Extensive Assortment of GRAND AND UPRIGHT PIANOFORTES of the Newest Construction and most Elegant Design, by the most celebrated English and Foreign Makers. As M., S., & Co. are unhampered by any obligation to push the Pianof oi'tes of any particular Maker into prominence, but are free to purchase upon the best cash terms, from any maher in the tvorld, whose Instruments they consider of sufficient merit, they offer their patrons an opportunity of comparing the Pianofortes of the best side by side in their Extensive Saloons. INSPECTION INVITED. LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO CASH BUYERS. METHVEN, SIMPSON, & CO. Musicsellers to the Queen, 122 NETHERGATE, DUNDEE. - TUNING, Methven, Simpson, & Co. retain a permanent staff of experienced and skilful men as out-door Tuners, and contract for single or annual Tunings, in the counties of Forfar, Fife, Perth, and Kincardine. REPAIRS.


  METHVEN in England


Dundee celebrities of the Ninetheenth Century, 1873, p. 265-266 (electricscotland.com)

Methven & Norrie (mcmanus168.org.uk)


Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer and publisher ca. 1864-1926 [since 1887 (xx1890)(Dundee ?) or since 1804 (xx1890)(x1906) or since 1795 (x1912)(x1926)]


METHVEN W. & co (x1864)

METHVEN, SIMPSON & Co since 1861; (x1867)(**1888)(**1889)(**1890)(xx1890)(***1892)(***1893)(***1894)(***1895)(***1896)(***1897)(***1898)(***1900)(***1901)(***1902)(x1906), see Alexander SIMPSON

SIMPSON, successor of METHVEN also acquired the bussiness of John PURDIE in 1887

METHVEN, SIMPSON Ltd. (x1906)(***1909)(***1909)(x1912)(x1926)

1910 - "MESSRS. METHVEN SIMPSON (Lim.), whose head office is in Dundee, some twenty-five years ago purchased the oldest business in established in 1804, which they successfully Edinburgh, namely, that of John Purdie, St., they have now acquired the goodwill of the carried on in the same premises at 83, Princes old firm of Wood & Co. After the disposal of the stock at 49, George Street, it is intended to transfer the Wood business to Princes St. As was stated in a recent article in Musical only music firm in Scotland who have conOpinion, Messrs. Methven Simpson are the ducted business for over a hundred years at the same address." Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review, 01/06/1910, p. 663

1912-26 - Owner Dundee :  Alexander SIMPSON (x1912)(x1926)

'Piano- u. Instr.-Handlung' (xx1890) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1906) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano-, Orgel- u. Sprechm.-Handlung, auch Konzert-Agentur' (x1912)(x1926)


'Musikal-, Piano-, Harmonium- und Instr.-Handlung' (xx1890) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Harmonium- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1906) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano-, Orgel-, Musikinstr.- u. Sprechm.-Handlung, auch Konzert-Agentur' (x1912)(x1926)

1906 - Owner Edinburgh : Alexander SIMPSON (x1906)(x1912)(x1926)


'Piano-, Musikinstr.- u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1926)

North Berwick

'Musikal.- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1906) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano-, Orgel-, Musikinstr.- u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1912) ------- 'Piano-, Musikinstr.- u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1926)


'Musikal.-, Piano-, Orgel-, Musikinstr.- u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)


1926 - Owner : Alexander SIMPSON (x1926)

St. Andrews

'Musikal.- u. Piano-Handlung' (x1906) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano-, Orgel- u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)

1912-26 - St. Andrews : Alexander SIMPSON (x1912)(x1926)


  - Methven, Simpson, & Co. make a special feature of this department, having in their regular employment an experienced Pianoforte maker, formerly employed by Collard & Collard and other eminent London firms. Estimates given for the repair and renovation of any class of Pianoforte, apd the use of another Piano given free during the repair, if necessary. EXCHANGES. - Methven, Simpson, & Co. will allow liberal value for any Piano a customer may be desirous of exchanging for a New Instrument, and will send to estimate for the same to any address. - SECOND-HAND INSTRUMENTS. Methven, Simpson, & Co. offer the instruments which have been out on hire or taken in exchange (after executing all necessary repairs) at very moderate prices. Lists of such instruments sent free on application." Dundee directory 1886-87, p. 687-688 (digital.nls.uk)

"The 'People's Piano, in walnut, rosewood, or ebonized case, Price - 18 Guineas. With Iron-frame, trichord Treble, Damp-proof Hammers, Full Compass of seven Octaves, is silidly made of sound material by skilled workmen, and is without doubt the cheapest reliable Piano in the Market. N.B. - The 'People's' Piano is registered, and being manufactured solely for Methven, Simpson & Co, can only be had from their establishments. Methven, Simpson, & Co., 122 Nethergate, Dundee. 83 Princes Street, Edinburgh | 1 North Bell St., St. Andrews." The Morrisonian, 07/1894, p. 15 (morrisonsacademyarchive.org)

"The Washington Piano, With Iron-frame, Check Action, Full trichord, seven Octaves; Full Tone-Rosewood, walnut, or ebonized case of Elegant Design. Price from 24 Guineas. To be had only from Methven, Simpson & Co, musicsellers to the Queen, 122 Nethergate, Dundee. 83 Princess Street, Edinburgh | 1 Greyfairs Garden, St. Andrews.
The Morrisonian, 02/1897, p. 16 (morrisonsacademyarchive.org)

"PIANOS AT ALL PRICES. Purchasing for Five Busy Branches - METHVEN SIMPSON - BUY Reliable Pianos  - CHEAP and are therefore able to SELL - Reliable Pianos CHEAP, TERMS TO SUIT BUYERS. New Iron-Framed Upright Pianos, of Up-to-Date Construction, in neatly designed well-finished Cases, from £ 16 16/- upwards. ILLUSTRATED PRICE LISTS ON APPLICATION. Methven Simpson Ltd. 122 NETHERGATE, DUNDEE." Dundee directory for 1909, p. 963 (digital.nls.uk)



 MAIN FIRM : Nethergate (x1864), 112, Nethergate (**1868), 122, Nethergate (xx1890)(1897)(x1905)(x1906)(***1909), 50, Reform Street (x1906), 22, Reform Street (x1912)(x1926), Dundee

BRANCH : 83 [a], Princes Street (**1888)(**1889)(**1890)(***1892)(***1893)(x1894)(***1894)(***1895)(***1896)(x1897)(***1897)(***1898)(***1899)(***1900)(***1901)(***1902)(x1906)(x1912), Edinburgh

BRANCH : 88, East High Street (x1926), Forfar

BRANCH : 83, High Street (x1906)(x1912)(x1926), North Berwick

BRANCH : 29, County Place (x1912)(x1926), Perth

BRANCH : 1, North Bell Street (x1894), 1 Greyfairs Garden (x1897)(x1906), 3, Greyfairs Garden (x1912)(x1926), St. Andrews

BRANCH : Berwick-on-Tweed, England (x1906)

MEW Charles James Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1880

'Pianoforte dealer & warehouse' (y1880)

Palmerston Road (y1880), Southampton
MICHIE J. D. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912-26 [since 1902 (x1912)(x1926)]

'Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)

22, Panmure Street (x1912)(x1926), Brechin
MILLAR John junior Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906 [since 1879 (x1906)]

'Pianist, Piano-Händler u. Instrumenten-Händler' (x1906)

429, Great Western Road (x1906), Glasgow

"Miller, C. Bruce, & Co., pianoforte and music-sellers, phonograph and graphophone agents, 51 George st. Tele phone No. 474." Post Office Aberdeen Directory, 1901, p. 294 (digital.nls.uk)



'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1901-26 [since 1900 (x1906)(x1912)(x1926)]

1912 - Owner : C. BRUCE MILLER (x1912)

'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1906) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano-, Harmonium-, Musikinstr.- u. Sprechm.-Handlung'(x1912)(x1926)

51, George Street (**1901)(**1902)(**1903)(**1904)(**1905)(**1906)(x1906), 51-53, George Street (**1907)(**1908)(**1909)(**1910)(**1911)(x1912)(x1926), Aberdeen
MILLER J. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1885 13, Hall Place (**1885), Edinburgh
MILLER James R. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912

'Möbel-Händler, führt auch Pianos' (x1912)

7, Broad Street (x1912), Fraserburgh
MILLER John T. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912

'Piano-Händler' (x1912)

14, Montrose Street (x1912), Glasgow
MILLS F. & Co Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906

'Musikal.- u. Piano-Händler u. -Importeure' (x1906)

69, Bank Street (x1906), Coatbridge
MILLS F. & Co  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926


'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1926)


'Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung u. -Import' (x1926)


MAIN FIRM : Motherwell

BRANCH : 40-42, Stirling Street (x1926), Airdrie 

BRANCH : 71, Bank Street (x1926), Coatbridge

MILNE P. G. & Co Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano- u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1926)

16, guild Street (x1926), Aberdeen
Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-10 [since 1811 (x1906)]

'Orgelbauer' (x1906)

13-19, Cambridge Lane (x1906)(*1910), Glasgow
MITCHELL William Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912-26

'Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1912) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Geigen-Handlung' (x1926)

84-86, Main Street (x1912), 111, Main Street (x1926), Wishaw
MITCHELL W. H. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912-26

'Piano- u. Musikinstr.-Händler' (x1912)(x1926)

302, New City Road (x1912), 72, Maryhill Rise (x1926), Glasgow

(ca. 1809 - 1867)

SHOP in Glasgow, Post-Office annual Glasgow directory 1850, p. 736 (digital.nls.uk)


"PIANO-FORTE AND HARP SALOON, PRINCE OF WALES BUILDINGS, 42, BUCHANAN-STREET, GLASGOW. - MITCHISON, Pianoforte & Music Seller to Her Most Gracious Majesty QUEEN VICTORIA, - Respectfully invites the Nobility and Gentry Visitors to Scotland to an inspection of his spacious and elegant MUSICAL EMPORIUM, now considered the first Establishment in the Trade in this part of the Kingdom, where an extensive selection of every item connected with the Art and Science of Music may be had.
The Stock of Music consists of every Work of Merit, English and Foreign, and all New Publications received as soon as Published. - The following, in great variety, are constantly on Sale : GRAND, SEMI-GRAND, SQUARE, PICCOLA, COTTAGE, AND CABINET PIANO-FORTES, IN ROSEWOOD AND MAHOGANY, - Suited to any description of Apartment, and Manufactured by BROADWOOD & SONS, COLLARD & COLLARD, ERARD, and other Makers, combining power and purity of Tone, with finished elegance of appearance.
An Elegant and Extensive Variety of Piano-Forte STOOLS, CHAIRS, CANTERBURIES, &c. Also, for Grand, Semi-Graud, and Square Piano-Fortes, COVERS in Stamped Leather and Glazed Cloth.
SPANISH GUITARS, in every description of finish, by PANORMA, and other English and Foreign Makers. COCOA FLUTES, SILVER KEYS, by RUDALL and ROSE, HASTRICK, METZLER, &c.; also, Cocoa FLUTES, German Silver Keys; Common Flutes, in great variety; ITALIAN and ENGLISH STRINGS, for the Harp, Spanish Guitar, Violin, &c. Silver Strings for ditto. Double and Single FLAGEOLETS; VIOLINS, New and Second-hand, of all descriptions in Quality and Price. English and Foreign Manufactured CORNOPEANS. with all the improvements. A Large and Elegant Variety of every description of French and German ACCORDIONS, with and without Semitones. Self-acting MUSICAL BOXES, Playing Two, Three, Four, Six, Eight, and Twelve Tunes.
W. MITCHISON, to meet the wishes of his numerous Customers in every department, has established for some years, a MUSIC SUBSCRIPTION LIBRARY, which proves highly useful and convenient to Musical Amateurs, as every New and Popular Musical Work is added for the perusal of the Subscribers.
(see on the right)



Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1846-50

MITCHISON William (to her Majesty) (y1846)

MITCHISON & Co (x1850)


"Mitchison William, musician and publisher, was born about 1809. He was a music publisher in Glasgow till about 1854, when he went to America. He died at Brooklyn, July 1, 1867. He issued The Psalmist's Companion, a collection of devotional harmony for the use of Presbyterian Churches, selected from the works of Steven, Robertson, R. A. Smith, etc., Glasgow, n.d. [c. 1843]. A few Remarks on the Pianoforte, giving details of the mechanical construction of that instrument, etc., Glasgow, 1845. Selection of Sacred Music, n.d. R. A. Smith's anthems, edited Glasgow, n.d. The Garland of Scotia, 1841. Handbook of the Songs of Scotland, with music and descriptive historical notes. . . to which is added a biographical sketch of the life of the late John Wilson, the celebrated Scottish vocalist, Glasgow, n.d." British Musical Biography: A Dictionary of Musical Artists, Authors, and ..., 1897, p. 283


  - PIANO-FORTE TUNING. - In the Piano-Forte Tuning Department, W. M. can vouch for the experience and strict attention of his Tuners, and feels confident that orders for Tuning, Regulating and Repairing will be most satisfactorily executed. " Slater's National Commercial Directory of Ireland, 1846, p. 1


42, Buchanan Street (y1846), 112, Buchanan Street (x1850), Glasgow
M'MICHAEL Brothers Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1926)


3, Shilling Street (x1926), Alloa


MOIR G. Mitchell Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1883-1906

'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Harmonium-Handlung' (xx1890) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano-, Harmonium u. Instrumenten-Hdlg.' (x1906)


33, Broad Street (*1883)(*1884), 82, Union Street (*1885)(*1886)(*1887)(*1888)(*1889)(*1890)(xx1890)(*1891)(*1892)(**1893)(**1894)(**1895)(**1896)(**1897)(**1898)(**1899)(**1900), 116, Union Street (**1901)(**1902)(**1903)(**1904)(**1905)(x1906), Aberdeen


MOOR Fletcher Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1880

'Pianoforte dealer & warehouse' (y1880)

Church Street (y1880), Ventor
MOORE William Henry Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1842-48  

67 ½, Buchanan Street (**1842)(**1844)(y1846)(**1846), House : 122, South Portland Street (**1844), 65, Buchanan Street (**1848), Glasgow


MORANDI Joseph Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1881 92, Union Street (*1881), Aberdeen
MORRIS Hugh 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1848-63  

59, Campbell Street (**1848), 1, Love Loan (**1854), 89, North Hanover Street (**1856), 390, Parliamentary Road (*1857), House : 6, Cathedral Street (**1854)(*1857)(*1861)(**1863), Glasgow


MORRIS Michael 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1824-33  

55, Union Street, House : 29, Union Street (*1824)(*1825)(x1825), 55, Union Street, House : 64, Union Street (*1827), 64, Union Street (*1828)(*1829)(*1831), 6, St. Nicholas Street (*1832)(*1833), Aberdeen


MORRIS Robert Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1896-1902 40, Easter Road (***1896)(***1897)(***1898)(***1899)(***1900)(***1901)(***1902), Edinburgh


"Morison, John G., pianoforte and organ maker, agent for fire and burglar proof safes, and valuator, 48 Netherkirkgate, h 64 Dee street." Post Office Aberdeen Directory, 1901, p. 304 (digital.nls.uk)


'Pianoforte-and Organ maker' ca. 1901-12

'Musikal.-, Piano-, Harmonium u. Instrumenten-Hdlg.' (x1906) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung'(x1912)

48, Netherkirkgate (**1901)(**1902)(**1903)(**1904)(**1905)(**1906)(x1906)(**1907)(**1908)(**1909)(**1910)(**1911)(x1912), Aberdeen


Square pianoforte ca. 1826-29, Ringve Museum, Trondheim, Norway



'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1825-43

PATERSON & MORTIMER & Co (1819-26), see also PATERSON

MORTIMER, ANDERSON & Co (*1827-28)(**1828)(**1829)(***1832)(***1833)(***1834)(**1836)(**1837)(**1843)

1825 - "Marriages - 1825 [...] Feb. 13 [...] Mr. George Mortimer, musical instrument maker, Edinburgh, to Agnes Thorburn, daughter of James Creigton, esq. Dumfries." The Edinburgh Magazine and Literary Miscellany, Volume 97, 1825, p. 510


43, Hannover Street (*1827-28)(**1828)(**1829), 370, Castlehill (**1829), 79, Prince Street (***1832)(***1833)(***1834), 71, George Street (**1837), [East] Broughton Place (**1836)(***1834)(**1837), 101, George Street (**1843), Edinburgh
MORTIMER John 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1859 Edinburgh
MOSS John Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-26

'Piano- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1906) ------- 'Piano-, Orgel- u. Sprechm.-Händler' (x1926)

490, Paisley Road (x1906), 454, Paisley Road (y1907), 1, Ross Avenue, Cardonald (x1926), Glasgow
MUIR A. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano-, Musikal.-, Musikinstr.- u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1926)

27, High Street (x1926), Cowdenbeath
MUIR A. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Musikal.-, Piano-, Musikinstr.- u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1926)

43, Queen Anne Street (x1926), Dunfermline



Square pianoforte ca. 1808, The Monart Collection, Wexford, Ireland, U.K.
Square pianoforte n° 1017 ca. 1810, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K.


1892 - "The death is announced, on the 25th ult., of Mr. J. Muir Wood. The deceased, who died at Cove, Loch Long, at the ripe old age of eighty-six, was the wellknown music publisher in Glasgow and Edinburgh, and was acknowledged to be the foremost authority upon old Scottish music. His firm was started in the last century, and he himself had been over fifty years in the trade. The Daily News says: "It was he whom Sir George Grove selected to write the essay in the 'Dictionary of Music and Musicians' upon Scotch (or, as he insisted upon spelling it, 'Scotish') national music, and we believe he at one time intended to issue a complete work on this interesting subject. The larger volume, however, he never really started, although among his posthumous papers are known to be full materials for such a work. Mr. Muir Wood also contributed to Sir George Grove's dictionary articles on the Scotch snap, the coronach, and the Skene MS.; he edited and published the Scottish Monthly Musical Times, which came to an end in 1878; and at the age of seventy-eight he edited and brought out an important volume of the songs of Scotland. When Chopin undertook a Scotch tour in 1848 Mr. Muir Wood was his manager, and an interesting account of the recitals, from information given by Mr. Wood himself, will be found in Prof. Niecks's biography of the pianist. The Glasgow concert, it seems, realized 60∫.; but at Edinburgh, afraid that the hall might be only half full, Chopin's friend, Miss Sterling, paid Mr. Wood for 50. worth of tickets, which she distributed among her acquaintances." Music Trades Review, 15/07/1892, p. 27

"[...][...] We are requested to add, that the above musical games are manufactured by Messrs. Muir, Wood, and Co. Musical Instrument-makers to his Majesty, No 7, Leith-street, opposite the Terrace, Edinburgh, and fold at their warehouse, wholefale and retail, and by Mr. Thomas Preston, Music-seller, No. 97, Strand." The Repertory of Arts and Manufactures, Volume 16, 1802, p. 44 - See also PRESTON Thomas in London, England

"PIANOFORTE, HARMONIUM, 8 : MUSIC ROOMS, 42 BUCHANAN STREET, GLASGOW. - J. MUIR WOOD & CO. beg to announce that they have, at all times, in their Rooms, one of the most extensive Stocks of Pianofortes to be found out of London. Great attention is bestowed on the selection of every Instrument, Mr Wood visiting London periodically for that purpose. Every improvement in the manufacture is thus secured, and care is taken, not only that the tone be pure and powerful, but that thisbe conjoined with beauty and elegance of exterior. New Designs are also produced from time to time, manufactured expressly for J. Muir Wood & Co.
PIANOFORTES FOR HIRE — Square, Cottage, Cabinet. Semi-Grand, and Grand Pianofortes, by First-Class Makers, nt out on Hire to all parts of the Country, at from (is to 60s per month. PIANOFORTE TUNING AND REPAIRING — To these departments of the business, J. Muir Wood 6: Co. give especial attention. Orders in Town and Country promptly attended to. Pianofortel tuned by the year at regular intervals, when arranged for. HARMONIUMS.—These Instruments, by ALuxssnnn of Paris, may he had for purchase from Six Guineas, or Lent on Hire from 7s per month upwards.- 42 BUCHANAN STREET, GLASGOW.- ESTABLISHED 1790." Farie's Guide to the Bridge of Allan Spa, and its environs, 1856, p. 95 - and  - Farie's Guide to the Bridge of Allan Spa, and its environs, 1858, p. 81



'Musical Instrument Makers to his Majesty' ca. 1802-1909 [since 1790]

MUIR, WOOD & Co, 'Music Shop and Instrument Makers' (*1804), (*1805)(*1806)(*1807)(*1808)(*1810)(*1811)(*1813)(*1814)(*1815)(*1816)(*1817)(**1828)(*1858)(*1903)(*1906)(*1909)(x1912)

1802 - "We are requested to add, that the above -  musical games are manufactured by Messrs. Muir, Wood, and Co. Musical Instrument-makers to his Majesty, No 7, Leith-street, opposite the Terrace, Edinburgh, and sold at their warehouse, wholesale and retail, and by Mr. Thomas Preston, Music-seller, No. 97, Strand." The Repertory of Patent Inventions: And Other Discoveries and ..., Volume 16, 1802, p. 44

1818 - "There is nothing more worthy of the attention of the curious, than this manufactory. The extent of the operations carried on, and the spirit with which the whole is conducted, do infinite credit to the projectors, and to our city; and there can be no doubt that the instruments made here will soon rival those manufactured in London. In piano-forte making, Muir and Wood nearly equal the London makers already; and a little more attention to the seasoning of the materials, on which depends very much the length of time during which an instrument will keep in tune, will probably render us independent of the English metropolis." The Edinburgh magazine, and literary miscellany, a new series of The Scots ..., 1818, p. 119

They made 791 painos in 1850 (¹)

Succeeded by MARR, WOOD & Co, see here above


'Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1912)


TO the enterprise displayed by leading firms in the music trade must be ascribed a considerable share of the credit arising out of the advancement of musical taste and education in Great Britain during recent years. In Glasgow the notable firm of Messrs. J. Muir Wood & Co. have long held a leading position as music-sellers and dealers in musical instruments, and their business is a particularly interesting one of its kind, not merely by reason of its high standing in the trade, but also because it is probably the oldest concern in its line in the city. This house was founded about one hundred years ago in the same firm-name, and for a long period it has occupied its present fine premises in Buchanan Street. These are large, commodious, and admirably suited to the requirements of the business, and the spacious and handsomely appointed saloons afford superior facilities for the display of one of the largest and best stocks of pianos, organs, and harmoniums out of London. In this stock will be found first-class examples of the instruments of all leading makers of the present day, both British and foreign, the most notable names in the long list being those of Erard, Hardman, Broadwood, Kaps, Collard, Winkelmann, Bechstein, and Steinway. Some of these makes are specialities of the establishment. For example, Messrs. J. Muir Wood & Co. are agents in Glasgow for the celebrated “Hardman” pianofortes, which are patronised by Her Majesty the Queen, H.R.H, the Prince of Wales, the Duchess of Connaught, the Duchess of Fife, the Duke of Richmond, the Duchess of Montrose, and the nobility and gentry of Scotland, as well as by many distinguished musicians. The firm are also agents here for the Erard pianos, and for the famous instruments of Messrs. Cramer, and also Messrs. Winkelmann. They also manufacture a special piano which is largely used all over Scotland in Board schools; in Glasgow over seventy of these pianos have been supplied to the Glasgow School Board alone. In the organ and harmonium trade Messrs. Muir Wood & Co. hold some valuable agencies; for instance, they are sole agents for the first-class American organs made by the Wilcox & White Organ Company, of which they keep a large selection. The well-known firm of Mason & Hamlin, of Boston, U.S.A., also make a special line for them, applicable principally for use in churches or chapels, and here we may note the large business transacted by Muir Wood & Co. in supplying organs and harmoniums for use in churches and chapels in different parts of Scotland and even to the Colonies. Of the renowned Erard pianos there is no need to speak here. Their fame extends throughout the musical world, and the awards they have won and the testimonials they have elicited from the highest sources speak volumes for their fine qualities. Of these superb instruments Mendelssohn said:—“ I have not seen any instrument that may be compared to yours.” Rubinstein, when asked what piano he preferred, replied:— “But there is only one piano, the Erard. As to the others, they are but imitations.” Liszt, Paderewski, Wagner, and Madame Schumann have all pronounced in favour of the Erard piano. Paderewski says:— “Play on an Erard wherever obtainable.” As everybody knows, Messrs. S. & P. Erard are famous also as makers of harps, and they hold a number of Royal appointments. Messrs. J. Muir Wood & Co. show a fine selection of their unrivalled instruments. The Winkelmann pianos may also be seen here. These are instruments of the highest class, and their fine qualities have been commended by some of the greatest artists of the day. Altogether Messrs. J. Muir Wood & Co. have a remarkably good business under their control, both as regards the character of the goods they supply, and the extent and importance of their connection. As music-sellers they keep a very full and complete stock of all the best publications, including the leading editions of musical classics. They sell pianos, organs, and harmoniums at the lowest prices for cash, or supply the same on the three years’ system, or on hire by the month at moderate charges. Their tuners visit every district four times a year, and they have branches at Aberdeen and Inverness, and numerous agents in different parts of the country. Mr. W. Adlington is now the sole partner in this firm. He is a gentleman of large experience and widely known in the trade, and he has been specially appointed piano-maker to the Queen and the Prince of Wales, an honour which attests the high standing of the house over which he presides, as well as the esteem in which his personal abilities are held." Progress - Commerce 1894, Rivers of the North, 1894 (messybeast.com)


  42, Buchanan Street (**1858)(*1903)(*1906)(*1909)(x1912), Glasgow

7, Leith Street, [South side] (*1802)(**1804)(*1805)(*1806)(*1807)(*1808)(*1810), 13, Leith Street (*1811)(*1812)(*1813)(*1814)(*1815), 13, Leith Street (*1816)(*1817), Edinburgh

MUIR Joseph & Sons  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-12 [since 1880 (x1906)(x1912)]

'Piano- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1906) ------- 'Piano-, Orgel-, Musikinstr.- u. Saiten-Handlung' (x1912)


Main Street (x1906)(x1912), New Milns
MUIRHEAD George 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1879 424, St. Georges Road (***1879), Glasgow


1887 - "No. 71. LANARKSHIRE. Muirhead & Turnbull v. Austin, &c. - MUIRHEAD & TURNBULL, Pursuers; WILLIAM AUSTIN and John CRUICKSHANKS AUSTIN, Defenders.
Hire or Sale-Reputed ownership. A piano given out on sale by a firm of music-sellers on the hire-purchase system was sold by private bargain by the person to whom it was hired. Held that the hirers were entitled to recover it from the party purchasing, notwithstanding that the purchase had been made by him in the belief that the instrument was the property of the person by whom the sale was made. In this case Muirhead & Turnbull, music-sellers, Glasgow, sought delivery from William Austin, seedsman, and John Cruickshanks Austin, potter, of a piano given out by them on the hire-purchase system to a person named William M'Gregor, who thereafter sold it by private bargain to John Cruickshanks Austin. The parties to the sale had been brought together by an advertisement inserted by M'Gregor in the newspapers; and it was contended that the purchaser having acted throughout the transaction bona fide, and having purchased the instrument from the ostensible proprietor, he was not bound to deliver it to the pursuers. The bona fides of the purchaser was not disputed by the pursuers.

The Sheriff-Substitute (LEES) issued the following interlocutor : GLASGOW, 15th July, 1887.- The Sheriff-Substitute having considered the cause, Finds that on 1st December, 1886, the pursuers let on hire to William M‘Gregor a walnut piano by Aldrich, No. 831, being the piano in question: Finds that the said William M'Gregor sold the piano to the defender John Cruickshanks Austin, who is now in possession of it: Finds that M'Gregor was not the owner of said piano, and that it was sold by him without the pursuers' authority : Finds in law that the said piano being the property of the pursuers, and the defenders' right thereto having been acquired from a party who was not owner thereof, and who could not without fraud on his part give them a right thereto, the pursuers are entitled to vindicate the possession thereof from the defender John Cruickshanks Austin: Therefore ordains the said John Cruickshanks Austin to deliver the said piano to the pursuers, and decerns : Finds the defenders liable to the pursuers in their expenses, &c. J. M. LEES. July 15, 1887. Sheriff LEES. [...][...]" The Scottish Law Review and Reports of Cases in the Sheriff Courts ..., Volume 4, 1888, p. 226-229



'Pianoforte-makers' ca. 1888-1923 [since 1880 (xx1890) or since 1879 (x1906)(x1912)]

1886 - "MESSRS. MUIRHEAD & TURNBULL, pianoforte-dealers, have opened temporary premises at 66, Renfield-street, owing to their warehouse in Sauchiehall-street, both in Glasgow, being about to be rebuilt. These temporary premises are spacious and well lighted, and in every way fitted for carrying on an extensive business." The Furniture Gazette, Volume 24, 12/1886, p. 419


'Musikal-, Piano- u. Instr.-Handlung' (xx1890) ------- 'Piano- und Orgelbauer und -Händler' (x1906) -------- 'Piano- u. Orgelbauer, sowie -Händler' (x1912)


'Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1912) in Ayr



MAIN FIRM : 66, Renfield Street (y1886), 101, Sanchiehall Street (xx1890)(*1893)(*1895)(*1897)(*1903)(*1906)(*1909)(*1910), 226-228, Sauchiehall Street (x1906)(y1907)(x1912)(*1923), Glasgow

BRANCH : New Market (x1912), Ayr


MUIRHEAD W. H. & Co Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1907 367-369, Paisley Road (y1907), Glasgow
MULLER H. A. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890 [since 1824 (xx1890)]

'Orgelbauer, Piano- u. Harmonium-Handlung' (xx1890)

116, George Street (xx1890), Edinburgh
MUNRO Donald Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912

'Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1912)

5, High Street (x1912), Nairn
MURDOCH John G. & Co


MURDOCH & Co in Birmingham, England, U.K.

'Pianoforte & harmonium manufacturers' ca. 1886-1906

Glasgow & Edinburgh

MURDOCH J. G. & Co Ltd. (**1886)(**1887)(**1888)(**1889)(**1890)(xx1890)(**1891)(***1892)(***1893)(***1894)(***1895)(***1896)(***1897)(***1898)(***1899)(***1900)(***1901)(***1902), Edinburgh

'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Instr.-Handlung' (xx1890) ------- 'Piano-, Harmonium- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1906) in Glasgow & Edinburgh

1891 - Branch Manager : D. MURDOCH (**1891)



BRANCH : 83-85, Union Street (x1886)(xx1890), 101-103, Hope Street (x1906), Glasgow

BRANCH : 13, North Bridge (**1886), 77, Nicolson Street (**1886)(**1887)(**1888)(**1889)(**1890)(xx1890)(**1891)(***1892)(***1893)(***1894)(***1895)(***1896)(***1897)(***1898), House : 6, Livingstone Place (**1891), 53, George Street (**1899)(***1900)(***1901)(***1902)(x1906), Edinburgh




  MURDOCH & McKILLOP in London, England



'Pianoforte manufacturers' ca. 1912-37


'Musikal.-, Orgel- u. Orgelpfeifen-Handlung' (x1912) ------ 'Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1926)


'Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)



MAIN FIRM : 8, George Street (x1912)(x1926), Edinburgh

BRANCH : 101, Hope Street (x1912)(*1923)(x1926)(*1927)(*1929)(*1933)(*1936)(*1937), Glasgow

BRANCH : London, England, U.K.


MURRAY John Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

''Musikal.-, Piano- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1926)

100, High Street (x1926), Dumfries
MURRAY William  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1879-1926


MURRAY William (xx1890)

MURRAY John (x1906)(x1912)(x1926)

Representative for PATERSON Sons & Co  of Edinburgh (x1906)(x1912) in Ayr

'Musikal.- u. Pianohandlung' (xx1890) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano-, Harmonium- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1906) ------- 'Musikal.-Verlag, Piano-, Orgel-, Musikinstr.- u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1912) ------- 'Piano-, Musikinstr.-, Sprechm.- u. Musikal.-Handlung' (x1926)


MURRAY John (x1926), 'Musikal.-, Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1926)


MURRAY John (x1926), 'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1926)


MAIN FIRM : 36, Newmarket Street (***1879), 34, Newmarket Street (x1906)(x1912), 40, New Market Street (x1926), Ayr

BRANCH : 81, King Street (x1926), Kilmarnock

BRANCH : 49, Hanover Street (x1926), Stranraer

MUSICAL MAIL Ltd. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912

'Piano- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1912)

161, Tronsgate (x1912), Glasgow


(*1789): 'Jones's Directory, or Useful pocket companion', 1789, p. 44 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1790-91): 'Jones's Directory, or Useful pocket companion', 1790-91, p. 43 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1794): 'A directory for Edinburgh, Leith, Mussleburgh [sic] and Dalkeith', 1794, p. 118

(*1797-98): 'The Edinsburgh Directory', 1797-98, p. 130 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1800): 'The Edinsburgh and Leith Directory', 1800, p. 147 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1802): 'The Repertory of Patent Inventions: And Other Discoveries and ...', Volume 16, 1802, p. 44

(*1804): 'The Glasgow Directory', 1804, p. 75 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1804): 'Denovan & Co.'s Edinsburgh and Leith Directory', 1804, p. 162 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1805): 'Post Office annual Directory', 1805, p. 98 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1806): 'Post Office annual Directory', 1806, p. 129-141 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1807): 'Post Office annual Directory, 1807, p. 147+162 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1808): 'Post Office annual Directory, 1808, p. 157+172 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1810): 'Post Office annual Directory', 1810, p. 181 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1811): 'Post Office annual Directory', 1811, p. 183 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1812): 'Post Office annual Directory', 1812, p. 188 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1813): 'Post Office annual Directory', 1813, p. 191 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1814): 'Post Office annual Directory', 1814, p. 193 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1815): 'Post Office annual Directory', 1815, p. 195 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1816): 'Post Office annual Directory', 1816, p. 189 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1817): 'Post office Annual Directory', 1817, p. 190 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1824): 'Directory for the city of Aberdeen and its vicinity', 1824, p. 66 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1824): 'Post office Annual Directory', 1824, p. 208 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1825): 'Directory for the city of Aberdeen and its vicinity', 1825, p. 77 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1825): 'The Technical Repository', 1825, p. 144 (archive.org)

(x1825): 'Pigot & Co.'s new commercial directory of Scotland for 1825', (Aberdeen) p. 182, (Glasgow) p. 511 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1827): 'Directory for the city of Aberdeen and its vicinity', 1827, p. 80 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1827-28): 'The post Office Annual Directory for 1827-28; Edinburgh, Leith, and Newhaden', 1827-28, p. 134 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1828): 'Directory for the city of Aberdeen and its vicinity', 1828, p. 87 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1828): 'Post office Annual Directory', 1828, p. 129 (digital.nls.uk)

(***1828): 'The Glasgow Directory for 1828', p. 152 (archive.org)

(*1829): 'Directory for the city of Aberdeen and its vicinity', 1829, p. 77+87 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1829): 'Post office Annual Directory', 1829, p. 119+129 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1831): 'Directory for the city of Aberdeen and its vicinity', 1831, p. 85+96 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1832): 'Directory for the city of Aberdeen and its vicinity', 1832, p. 84+95 (digital.nls.uk)

(***1832): 'Gray's annual directory', 1832, p. 264 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1833): 'Directory for the city of Aberdeen and its vicinity', 1833, p. 89+101 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1833): 'The Post-Office annual Glasgow directory for 1833', p. 123 + 151 (archive.org)

(***1833): 'Gray's annual directory', 1833, p. 293 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1834): 'Directory for the city of Aberdeen and its vicinity', 1834, p. 95 (digital.nls.uk)

(***1834): 'Gray's annual directory', 1834, p. 286 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1835): 'Directory for the city of Aberdeen and its vicinity', 1835, p. 106 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1836): 'Directory for the city of Aberdeen and its vicinity', 1836, p. 107 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1836): 'The Post Office Annual Directory, and Calendar for 1836-37', p. 65/70  (digital.nls.uk)

(*1837): 'Directory for the city of Aberdeen and its vicinity', 1837, p. 112 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1837): 'Pigot and co.'s national commercial directory of the whole of Scotland', 1837, Aberdeen p. 186, Edinburgh p. 98, Liverpool p. 78, Leeds p. 54, Newcastle p. 126, Glasgow p. 598

(*1838): 'Directory for the city of Aberdeen and its vicinity', 1838, p. 110 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1839): 'Directory for the city of Aberdeen and its vicinity', 1839, p. 104 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1839): 'The Stirling Peerage: Trial of Alexander Humphrys Or Alexander, Styling ...', 1839, p. 42

(*1840): 'Bon-accord Directory', 1840, p. 120 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1840): 'The Post-Office annual Glasgow directory for 1840', p. 325 (archive.org)

(*1841): 'Bon-accord Directory', 1841, p. 116+121 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1842): 'Bon-accord Directory', 1842, p. 122+127 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1842): 'The Post-Office annual Glasgow directory for 1842, p. 338 (archive.org)

(*1843): 'Bon-accord Directory', 1843, p. 130+134 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1843): 'Post-Office annual directory and calendar', 1843, p. 87 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1844): 'Bon-accord Directory', 1844, p. 131+136 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1844): 'The Post-Office Annual Glasgow Directory for 1844', p. 166 + 175 + 190 + 198 + 216 + 368 (archive.org)

(*1845): 'Bon-accord Directory', 1845, p. 142 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1846): 'The Post-Office Annual Glasgow Directory for 1846', p. 438 (archive.org)

(***1846): 'Post-Office and Bon-accord Directory', 1846, p. 100 (digital.nls.uk)

(y1846): 'Slater's National Commercial Directory of Ireland; Including in Addition to ...', 1846, Glasgow p. 29-31

(*1848): 'Post-Office Directory Aberdeen', 1848, p. 177 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1848): 'Post-Office annual Glasgow directory for 1848', p. 486 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1849): 'Post-Office Directory Aberdeen', 1849, p. 249 (digital.nls.uk)

(x1850): 'Post-Office annual Glasgow directory' 1850, p. 736 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1851): 'Post-Office Directory Aberdeen', 1851, p. 19 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1852): 'Post-Office Directory Aberdeen', 1852, p. 130+276 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1853): 'Post-Office Directory Aberdeen', 1853, p. 136+295 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1854): 'Directory for the City of Aberdeen', 1854, p. 179 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1854): 'Post-Office annual Glasgow directory', 1854-55, p. 217 and 'Post-Office annual Glasgow directory', 1854-55, p. 237 and 'Post-Office annual Glasgow directory', 1854-55, p. 246 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1855): 'Directory for the City of Aberdeen', 1855, p. 218 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1855): 'Glasgow Post Office Annual Directory for 1855', p. 623 (archive.org)

(**1856): 'The Post-Office Annual Glasgow Directory for 1856', p. 431 (archive.org)

(*1857): 'The Post-Office annual Glasgow directory for 1857', p. 125 + 186 + 189 + 198 (archive.org)

(*1858): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1858, p. 165+246 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1858): 'Farie's Guide to the Bridge of Allan Spa, and its environs', 1858, p. 81

(*1859): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1859, p. 246 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1859): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1859, p. 246 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1859): 'History of George Heriot's Hospital: With a Memoir of the Founder', 1859, p. 374

(*1860): 'Slater's (late Pigot & Co.'s) Royal National Commercial Directory and ...', 1860, Edinburgh p. 162, Aberdeen p. 258

(**1860): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1860, p. 165-247 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1861): 'Slater's (late Pigot & Co.'s) Royal national commercial directory and topography of Scotland', 1861, Aberdeen p. 270, Dundee p.664, Edinburg p. 813, Glasgow p. 975 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1861): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1861, p. 174+176 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1862): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1862, p. 254 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1863): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1863, p. 254-255 (digital.nls.uk)


(*1864): 'Post Office Glasgow Directory for 1864', p. 549 (archive.org)

(x1864): 'Post Office Dundee Directory, including Lochee and Broughty Ferry, for 1864-65', p. 339 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1866): 'Post Office Glasgow Directory', 1866

(*1868): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1868, p. 176+269 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1868): 'County directory of Scotland 1868', p. 560 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1869): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1869, p. 173+176+267 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1870): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1870, p. 168+171+273 (digital.nls.uk)

(y1870): 'The Post Office Glasgow Directory of 1870-71', Pianoforte Makers and Sellers p. 650 (archive.org)

(*1871): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1871, p. 278 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1872): 'Monthly musical record', Volume 2, 1872, p. 154

(*1873): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1873, p. 288+175+179 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1874): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1874, p. 294 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1875): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1875, p. 298 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1875): 'The Commercial directory of Liverpool, and shipping guide', 1875, Aberdeen p. 434

(*1876): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1876, p. 305-306 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1877): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1877, p. 312 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1878): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1878, p. 321+468 (digital.nls.uk)

(x1878): 'Royal national commercial directory and topography of Scotland', 1878, p. 334 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1879): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1879, p. 328 (digital.nls.uk)

(***1879): 'Glasgow Post Office Annual Directory for 1879', p. 881 (archive.org)

(*1880): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1880, p. 335+486 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1880): 'The Commercial directory of Liverpool, and shipping guide', 1880, Aberdeen p. 808

(*1881): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1881, p. 342+503 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1881): 'Post-Office Edinburgh & Leith directory', 1881, p. 146 (gallica.bnf.fr)

(*1882): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1882, p. 342 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1882): 'Post-Office Edinburgh & Leith directory', 1882, p. 148 (gallica.bnf.fr)

(*1883): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1883, p. 356+215 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1884): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1884, p. 344/196+201+202 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1884): 'Post-Office Edinburgh & Leith directory', 1884, p. 510 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1885): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1885, p. 352-353 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1885): 'Post-Office Edinburgh & Leith directory', 1885, p. 526 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1886): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1886, p. 364 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1886): 'Post-Office Edinburgh & Leith directory', 1886, p. 544 (digital.nls.uk)

(x1886): 'Slater's (late Pigot & Co.'s) Royal national commercial directory and topography of Scotland', 1886, p. 429 (digital.nls.uk)

(y1886): 'The Furniture Gazette', Volume 24, 12/1886, p. 419

(*1887): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1887, p. 364 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1887): 'Post-Office Edinburgh & Leith directory' 1887, p. 553-554 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1888): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1888, p. 370 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1888): 'Post-Office Edinburgh & Leith directory', 1888, p. 565 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1889): 'Post-Office Edinburgh & Leith directory', 1889, p. 578-579 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1890): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1890, p. 373-374 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1890): 'Post-Office Edinburgh & Leith directory', 1890, p. 637 (digital.nls.uk)

(xx1890): 'Weltadressbuch der gesammten Musikinstrumenten-Industrie', 1890, Aberdeen p. 150, Ayr p. 151, Dundee p. 165, Edinburgh p. 165-166, Glasgow p. 167-168, Inverness p. 171 (digital.slub-dresden.de)

(*1891): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1891, p. 380 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1891): 'Post-Office Edinburgh & Leith directory', 1891, p. 592+174+216 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1892): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1892, p. 389 (digital.nls.uk)

(***1892): 'Post-Office Edinburgh & Leith directory for 1892', p. 598-599 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1893): 'Annuaire des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1893, p. 656-664 (gallica.bnf.fr)

(**1893): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1893, p. 396 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1894): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1894, p. 401 (digital.nls.uk)

(***1894): 'Post-Office Edinburgh & Leith directory', 1894, p. 624-625 (digital.nls.uk)

(x1894): 'The Morrisonian', 07/1894, p. 15 (morrisonsacademyarchive.org)

(*1895): 'Annuaire des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1895, p. 717-718 (gallica.bnf.fr)

(**1895): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1895, p. 419 (digital.nls.uk)

(***1895): 'Post-Office Edinburgh & Leith directory', 1895, p. 637 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1896): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1896, p. 431 (digital.nls.uk)

(***1896): 'Post-Office Edinburgh & Leith directory', 1896, p. 650 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1897): 'Annuaire des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1897, p. 834-841 (gallica.bnf.fr)

(**1897): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1897, p. 356 (digital.nls.uk)

(***1897): 'Post-Office Edinburgh & Leith directory', 1897, p. 667 (digital.nls.uk)

(x1897): 'The Morrisonian', 02/1897, p. 16 (morrisonsacademyarchive.org)

(**1898): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1898, p. 468 (digital.nls.uk)

(***1898): 'Post-Office Edinburgh & Leith directory', 1898, p. 704-705 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1899): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1899, p. 496 (digital.nls.uk)

(***1899): 'Post-Office Edinburgh & Leith directory', 1899, p. 718-719 (digital.nls.uk)



(**1900): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1900, p. 494-495 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1901): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1901, p. 468 (digital.nls.uk)

(***1901): 'Post-Office Edinburgh & Leith directory', 1901, p. 745 (digital.nls.uk)

(x1901): 'Inverness County Directory of 1901', p. 179 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1902): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1902, p. 466 (digital.nls.uk)

(***1902): 'Post-Office Edinburgh & Leith directory', 1902, p. 770 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1903): 'Annuaire des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1903, p. 1103-1110 (gallica.bnf.fr)

(**1903): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1903, p. 475-476 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1904): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1904, p. 475-476 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1905): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1905, p. 494 (digital.nls.uk)

(x1905): 'The Dundee Directory 1905-1906', p. 2 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1906): 'Annuaire des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique', 1906, p. 1091-1100 (gallica.bnf.fr)

(**1906): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1906, p. 508 (digital.nls.uk)

(x1906): 'Weltadressbuch der gesammten Musikinstrumenten-Industrie', 1906, Aberdeen p. 372, Ayr p. 375, Coatbridge p. 391, Dumfriesp. 396, Dundee p. 396-397, Edinburgh p. 398, Glasgow p. 401-403, Inverness p. 410, Kirkcaldy p. 412, New Milns p. 470, Paisley p. 473, Perth p. 474, Peterhead p. 475, Rothesay p. 479, St. Andrews p. 480 (digital.sim.spk-berlin.de)

(**1907): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1907, p. 518 (digital.nls.uk)

(y1907): 'Kelly's Directory of Merchants, Manufacturers and Shippers', 1907, p. 13-14

(**1908): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1908, p. 527 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1909): 'Annuaire des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1909, p. 1105-1113 (gallica.bnf.fr)

(**1909): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1909, p. 553-554 (digital.nls.uk)

(***1909): 'Dundee directory for 1909', p. 963 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1910): 'Annuaire des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1910, p. 1144-1153 (gallica.bnf.fr)

(**1910): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1910, p. 571 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1911): 'Post office Aberdeen Directory', 1911, p. 576 (digital.nls.uk)

(x1912): 'Welt-Adressbuch der gesamten Musikinstrumenten-Industrie', 1912, Aberdeen p. 499, Alloa p. 500, Ayr p. 502, Brechin p. 511, Coatbridge p. 519, Dundee p. 525, Edinburgh p. 526-527, Fraserburgh p. 530, Glasgow p. 530-532, Iverness p. 540, Kirkcaldy p. 543, Nairn p. 607, New Milns p. 609, North Berwick p. 610, Perth p. 614, Peterhead p. 614, Rothesay p. 618, St. Andrews p. 619, Troon p. 630, Wishaw p. 635 (digital.sim.spk-berlin.de)

(y1914): 'Kelly's manufacturers and merchants directory, including industrial services', 1914, p. 3019-3020 London p. 2356-2357 (archive.org)

(*1921): 'The Music Trade Directory', Volume 32, 1921

(x1921): 'Kelly's Directory of Stationers, Printers, Booksellers, Publishers and ...', 1921, Kirkcaldy p. 526

(*1923): 'The Post Office Annual Glasgow Directory for 1923', p. 1458 (archive.org)

(x1926): 'Weltadressbuch der gesammten Musikinstrumenten-Industrie', 1926, Aberdeen p. 186, Airdrie p. 187, Alloa p. 187, Ayr p. 189, Brechin p. 200, Cambuslang p. 204, Coatbridge p. 209, Cowdenbeath p. 210, Crieff p. 211, Dumfries p. 216, Dundee p. 216, Dunfermline p. 218, Edinburgh p. 219-220, Forfar p. 223, Glasgow p. 224-227, Inverness p. 236, Kilmarnock p. 238, Kirkcaldy p. 238, North Berwick p. 306, Perth p. 312, Peterhead p. 313, St. Andrews p. 319, Stranraer p. 329, Wishaw p. 342 (digital.sim.spk-berlin.de)

(*1927): 'Post Office Glasgow Directory for 1927', p. 1482 (freepages.genealogy)

(*1929): 'Post Office Glasgow Directory', 1929, p. 1576 (archive.org)

(*1933): 'The Post-Office annual Glasgow directory for 1933, p. 1580 (archive.org)

(*1936): 'Post Office Glasgow Directory for 1936', p. 1611 (archive.org)

(*1937): 'The Post-Office annual Glasgow directory', 1937, p. 1647-1648 (archive.org)

(¹): 'Histoire de piano de 1700 à 1950', Mario Pizzi, 1983

(²): 'Makers of the Piano 1700-1820' and 'Makers of the Piano 1820-1860', Martha Novak Clinkscale, 1993


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