home Pianoforte-makers in Scotland

Pianoforte-makers in Scotland

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Brand Image Info Addresses
LAKIN Francis H.


PARIS - "17a Lakin, F. H., 213 Union-street, Aberdeen
" Catalogue of the British Section. Containing a List of the Exhibitors of the ..., 1867, p. 88



Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1867-69

Successor of WOOD & Co, Aberdeen (*1868)

Exhibitors list Paris, 1867


213, Union Street (y1867), 191, Union Street (*1868)(*1869), House : 49, Vistoria Street West (*1868), Aberdeen
LARG & Sons


Weltadressbuch der gesammten Musikinstrumenten-Industrie, 1926, p. 217 (digital.sim.spk-berlin.de)


LARG & Sons, London, England 


Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890-1926 [since 1877 (x1906)(x1912)(x1926)]


LARG Alexander (xx1890)

LARG & Sons (x1905)(x1906)(x1926)

'Musikal.- u. Piano-Handlung u. Export von Musikinstr.' (x1906) ------- 'Verfertiger von Resonanz-Unterbauen für Sprechmasch., sowie Musikinstr.-, Saiten- u. Sprechm.-Import u. -Handlung, auch Fabrikation eines Öl-Geigenlackes' (x1912) ------- 'Verfertiger von «Unolla»-Sprechmaschinen, sowie Musikinstr.-, Saiten- u. Sprechm.-Grosshandlung, auch Fabrikation eines Öl-Geigenlackes «Unolla»' (x1926)


Musikal.- u. Piano-Handlung' (xx1890)(x1906) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano-, Orgel- u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1912) ------- 'Musikal.-, Musikinstr.- u. Sprechm.-Handlung. Fabrikation von «Unolla»-Sprechm. u. «Unolla»-Geigenlack, sowie Schallplatten-Schränke' (x1926)



17, Crichton Street (x1905)(x1906), 24-26, Whitehall Street (x1905)(x1906)(x1912), 16-18-24, Whitehall Street (x1926),  Dundee

44, High Street (xx1890)(x1906), 2, High Street (x1912)(x1926), Montrose

London, England


LARG Peter


'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1886-1912 [since 1886 (xx1890)(x1906)(x1912)]

LARG Peter (*1886)(*1887)(*1888)(*1889)(*1890)(xx1890)(*1891)(*1892)(**1893)

'Musikal.- u. Instr.-Handlung' (xx1890) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1906) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano-, Orgel-, Musikinstr.- u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1912)

LARG Peter & Co (**1894)(**1895)(**1896)(**1897)(**1898)(**1899)(**1900)(**1901)

LARG & Co (**1903)(**1904)

LARG P[eter] & Co (**1905)(**1906)(**1907)(**1908)(**1909)(**1910)(**1911)(x1912)

1906-12 - Owner : Peter LARG (x1906)(x1912)



2, Chapel Street (*1886)(*1887)(*1888), 52, Schoolhill (*1889)(*1890)(xx1890)(*1891)(*1892)(**1893), House : 66, Stainley Street (*1890), 150, Union Street (*1892)(**1893), 199, Union Street (**1894)(**1895)(**1896)(**1897)(**1898)(**1899)(**1900)(**1901), 371, Union Street (**1902), 373, Union Street (**1903)(**1904)(x1906), 1, Skene Ter. (**1905)(**1906)(**1907)(**1908)(**1909)(**1910)(**1911)(x1912), Aberdeen


LATTO A. S. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912

'Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1912)

423, New City Road (x1912), Glasgow
LAUBACH Philip  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1878-1902

LAUBACH & Sons (x1878)

LAUBACH Philip (**1884)(**1885)(**1886)

LAUBACH Mina (***1901)(***1902)


14-15, Greenside Place (x1878)(**1884)(**1885)(**1886), 187, Leith Walk (***1901), 4, Smith's Place (***1902), Edinburgh
LAWRIE Alex Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1864 11, Sint Patrick Square (**1864), Edinburgh
LAWSON Alexander Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1865 13, Grindlay Street (**1865), Edinburgh
LAWSON & Co Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890 [since 1825 (x1906)]

 'Piano- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (xx1890)

85, Buchanan Street (xx1890), Glasgow
LAWSON David  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1879-1906 [since 1870 (x1906)]

LAWSON D. (xx1890)

'Pianohandlung' (xx1890)(x1906)

LAWSON D. & Sons (x1906)


22, Pollok Street (***1879), 116, Eglington Street (xx1890), 523, Sauchiehall Street (x1906), Glasgow

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-12 [since 1885 (x1906)(x1912)]

'Goldwaaren u. Instr.-Handlung' (x1906) ------- 'Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1912)


172, Buchanan Street (x1906)(x1912), Glasgow

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-26

'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Musikinstrumenten-Handlung' (x1906) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstrumenten-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)


Arcade King Street (x1906), 6a, King Street (x1912)(x1926), Dundee
LAWSON W. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912 [since 1870 (x1912)]

'Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1912)

163, Eglinton Street (x1912), Glasgow
LEES J. Kenyon Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1899-1906

'Musikal.- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1906)

33, Frederick Street (***1899)(***1900)(***1901)(***1902)(x1906), Edinburgh
LESLIE & Sons Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912-26

'Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung u. -Reparateur' (x1912)(x1926)

28, Berkeley Terrace near Charing Cross (x1912)(x1926), Glasgow
LEWIS James  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-26 [since 1858 (x1906)(x1912)(x1926)]

'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1906) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano-, Orgel-, Musikinstr.- u. Saiten-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)


13, High Street (x1906)(x1912), 39, High Street (x1926), Selkirk
LIND William 'Musical Instrument-maker' ca. 1774-75 Skinner's Close (*1774-75), Edinburgh
LINDSEY William 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1879 24, Renfrew Street (***1879), Glasgow
LIVINGSTON Richard 'Harpsichord & Spinet-maker' ca. 1784 Carruber's Close (*1784), Edinburgh
LOGAN David  

"5, CROWN STREET. LOGAN & COMPANY, (from Messrs. John Broadwood & Sons, London,) Piano-forte Makers, HAVE always on hand a number of Instruments of the Cabinet, Semicabinet, Cottage, and Piccolo sizes, which being manufactured under their own immediate superintendence, of the best well-seasoned material, and by first-rate Workmen, they can confidently recommend as instruments that will give every satisfaction to parties favouring them with their Orders. Orders taken for Messrs. Broadwood' & Sons' Piano-fortes. Parties favouring L. & Co. with their orders may rely upon getting Instruments of firstrate quality direct from the establishment, and selected expressly for themselves by one of Messrs. Broadwood & Sons' most experienced foremen. Instruments Exchanged, and Lent on Hire by the Week, Month, or Year. PIANO-FORTES Tuned, Regulated, and Repaired in Town or Country. Harp, Guitar, ana Violin Strings. Everything in the Music department. Aberdeen, 2d July, 1852." Post-Office Directory Aberdeen, 1852, p. 218 (digital.nls.uk)

"PIANO-FORTE WAREROOMS, 5, CROWN STREET, ABERDEEN. LOGAN & COMPANY have always on hand a Choice Selection of Piano-fortes by Broadwood & Sons and other eminent London Makers, in addition to Instruments manufactured by them-selves, which they thoroughly warrant being made of the very best Materials and Workmanship, and which they can confidently recommend to stand well. Subjoined is a List of their Prices : —
No. 1. PIANO — Mahogany, Cottage - 6 7/8 Octaves - C. to A. — 0. G. fall, £24
No. 2. PIANO — Rosewood, - 6 7/8 Octaves - Do. Corner frets, £26
No. 3. PIANO — Elegant Mahogany, - 6 7/8 Octaves - Full frets, £28
No. 4. PIANO — i o. Rosewood, - 6 7/8 Octaves - Full frets, £30
No. 5. PIANO — Mahogany, Semi-Cabinet, - 6 7/8 Octaves - Full frets, 32 to £34
No. 6. PIANO — Rosewood, Semi-Cabinet - 6 7/8 Octaves - Full frets, 34 to £36
No. 7. PIANO — Extra Finish, Semi-Cabinet - 6 7/8 Octaves - Full frets, £40
N. B. — The above Instruments can behad finished (neither Zebra, Maple, Walnut, or other Fancy Woods. Instruments Exchanged — Lent on Hire — Tuned and Repaired in Town or Country."
Directory for the City of Aberdeen, 1854, p. 212 (digital.nls.uk)

"PIANOFORTE & MUSIC WAREROOMS, 195 Union Street. 195 - FROM J. BROADWOOD & SONS, LONDON. LOGAN & CO - 195, Union Street, BEG to inform the Musical Public that they have at present on hand, for Sale or Hire, a large Selection of FIRST CLASS PIANO-FORTES, both New and Second-Hand, consisting of BICHORDA GRANDS, COTTAGES, and SQUARES by Broadwood and other London Makers, in addition to Instruments of tbeir own Manufacture, which they can with confidence recommend in every respect. They can be had in Rosewood, Spanish Mahogany, Finest French Burr, Walnut, and other Fancy Woods. Prices from 20 to 40 Guineas. Harmoniums, Flutes, Violins, &C. Strings op all Kinds, and everything in the Musical Department. Pianofortes Tuned and Repaired in Town or Country (Old Instruments taken in Exchange.)" Post Office Aberdeen Directory, 1864, p. 371 (digital.nls.uk)



Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1848-87 [since 1842 (xx1890)]


«From Messrs. John Broadwood & Sons, London»

LOGAN & Co (*1852)(*1853)(*1859)(*1860)(**1860)(*1861)(*1863)(*1868)(*1869)(*1870)(*1874)(*1875)(*1876)(*1877)(*1878)(x1878)(*1879)(*1880)(**1880)(*1881)(*1882)(*1883)(*1884)(*1885)(*1886)(*1887)(xx1890)(*1892)(**1893)(**1894)(**1895)(**1896)(**1897)(**1898)(**1899)(**1900)(**1901)(**1902)(**1903)(**1904)(**1905)(x1906)(x1912)

'Piano-forte and tuners and regulators' (*1860) ------- 'Piano- u. Musikwaarenhandlung' (xx1890) ------- 'Logan's Music Saloon' (**1902)(**1903)(**1904)(**1905)

Succeeded by Robert BROWN, Aberdeen, (° 1906)

[since 1847 (x1906)]

'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (xx1890)(x1906) ------- 'The Highland Music Warerooms' & 'Musikal.-, Piano-, Orgel-, Musikinstr.- u. Saiten-Handlung' (x1912)  ------- 'Music-sellers' (x1921)

1906-12 - Manager : James LOGAN (x1906)(x1912)

LOGAN & J. MARR WOOD Ltd. (x1921),  in Inverness


'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1906) in Dingwall

[since 1842 (xx1890)(x1906)]

'Piano- u. Musikwaren-Handlung' (xx1890)(x1906) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikwaren-Handlung' (x1912)

LOGAN & J. MARR WOOD Ltd. (x1921), 'Music-sellers' in Elgin


'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1906) ------- 'Piano- u. Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1912)


A History of Wood & Co, Marr & co and Logan & co, pianoforte makers, Music sellers and publishers, Scotland, 1790-1925, by Geoff Hore


MAIN FIRM : 148 ½, George Street (*1848)(*1849), 75, St. Andrew Street (*1851), Workshop : Trinity Street (*1851), 5, Crown Street (*1851)(*1852)(*1853)(*1854), 73, St. Andrew Street (*1853), Workshop : Windmillbrae (*1853), [130], Union Street (*1855)(*1858)(*1859)(*1860)(**1860), Workshop : Springgarden Factory (**1860), Union Street (*1861), 195, Union Street (*1862)(*1863)(*1864), 28, Diamond Street, Union Wynd (*1868)(*1869)(*1870)(*1871)(*1872)(*1873)(*1874)(*1875)(**1875)(*1876)(*1877)(*1878)(x1878)(*1879)(**1880), 30, Church Street, Iverness (*1873)(*1878), L.D. : 21, Ferryhill terrace (*1873), 2 [A], Union Place (*1880)(*1881)(*1882)(*1883)(*1884)(*1885)(*1886)(*1887)(*1888), 57-59, Church Street (*1881), 2, Union Place (xx1890), 251, Union Street (*1892)(**1893)(**1894)(**1895)(**1896)(**1897)(**1898)(**1899)(**1900)(**1901)(**1902), 349, Union Street (**1903)(*1904)(**1905), Aberdeen

MAIN FIRM from 1890 : 30, Church Street (x1873), 57-59, Church Street (**1880)(xx1890)(x1912), 59, Church Street (x1921), Inverness

BRANCH : Dingwall (x1906)(x1912)

BRANCH : 4, Commerce Street (xx1890)(x1906)(x1912)(x1921), Elgin

BRANCH : Nairn (x1906)(x1912)

LOGAN David  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912-21

'Musikal.-, Musikinstr.- u. Saiten-Handlung' (x1912)

LOGAN Mrs. David (x1921), 'Music-seller'



10, Lombard Street (x1912)(x1921), Inverness


LOGAN James 'Musical Instrument Maker' ca. 1784  

Lawnm. South Side (*1784), Edinburgh



Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1886-1903

Managed by SHANNON Alexander (**1886), 'Music Instrument Dealer'



234, Sauchiehall Street (*1886), 96, Sauchiehall Street (*1893), 150, Reabury Road (*1895)(*1897)(*1903)(*1906)(*1909), 82-84, Kew City Road (***1903), Glasgow
LOVE John  

'Session-clerk, and registrar of births, deaths, and marriages, for the East Parish ; musicseller and pianoforte maker' ca. 1860



11, Cathcart Street, House, do. (x1853)(x1860), Greenock


LUMSDAINE Archibald 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1855 19, Ronald Street (**1855), Glasgow
LUTTED William  

'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1840-51

1841 - "The estates of William Lutted, Piano-Forte Manufacturer, in Glasgow, were sequestrated on the 17th day of March 1841. The first deliverance is dated the said 17th March 1841. The meeting to elect Interim Factor is to be held, at one o'clock afternoon, on Friday the 26th day of March 1841, within the Commercial Hotel, Glassford-street, in Glasgow; and the meeting to elect the Trustee and Commissioners is to be held, at one o'clock afternoon, on Friday the 16th day of April next, 1841, within the said Commercial Hotel, Glassford-street, Glasgow. A composition may be offered at this latter meeting; and to entitle creditors to the first dividend, their oaths and grounds of debt must be lodged on or before the 18th day of September 1841. All future advertisements relating to this sequestration will be published in the Edinburgh Gazette alone. BROWN and MILLER, W. S. Agents, 41, York-place, Edinburgh, March 20, 1841." The London Gazette, 23/03/1841, p. 797

LUTTED William & Co (**1849)(***1851)

1851 - "The estates of William Lutted and Company, Musical Instrument Makers, Buchanan-street, Glasgow, as a Company, and of William Lutted, Musical Instrument Maker, Buchanan-street, Glasgow, the Individual Partner of that Company, as such Partner, and as an Individual, were sejuestrated on the 21st day of May 1851. The first deliverance is dated the 21st May 1851. The meeting to elect one Interim Factor, or separate Interim Factors, is to be held at twelve o'clock noon, on Monday the 2nd day of June 1851, within the Star Hotel, George-square, in Glasgow; and the meeting to elect one Trustee, or separate Trustees and Commissioners, is to be held at twelve o'clock noon, on Wednesday the 18th day of June 1851, within the Star Hotel, George-square, in Glasgow. A composition may be offered at this latter meeting; and to entitle creditors to the first dividend, their oaths and grounds of debt must be lodged on or before the 21st day of November 1851. All future advertisements relating to this sequestration will be published in the Edinburgh Gazette alone. RICH. ARTHUR, S.S.C. Agent, Chambers, 16, Royal Exchange, Edinburgh." The London Gazette, 27/05/1851, p. 1414


25, North Albion Street (**1840), 45, Dundas Street (**1848), 210, Buchanan Street (**1849)(***1851), Glasgow


(*1774-75): 'Williamson's Directory for the city of Edinburgh, Leith and suburbs', 1774-75, p. 54 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1784): 'Williamson's directory for the city of Edinburgh, Canongate, Leith, and suburbs', 1784, p. 59 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1840): 'The Post-Office annual Glasgow directory for 1840', p. 325 (archive.org)

(*1848): 'Post-Office Directory Aberdeen', 1848, p. 103 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1848): 'Post-Office annual Glasgow directory for 1848', p. 486 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1849): 'Post-Office Directory Aberdeen', 1849, p. 102 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1849): 'Post-Office annual Glasgow directory for 1849', p. 175 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1850): 'Post-Office Directory Aberdeen', 1850, p. 103 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1851): 'Post-Office Directory Aberdeen', 1851, p. 119 (digital.nls.uk)

(***1851): 'The London Gazette', 27/05/1851, p. 1414

(*1852): ' Post-Office Directory Aberdeen', 1852, p. 218 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1853): 'Post-Office Directory Aberdeen', 1853, p. 128+295 (digital.nls.uk)

(x1853): 'Post-office Greenock Directory', 1853, p. 69 (inverclyde.gov.uk)

(*1854): 'Directory for the City of Aberdeen', 1854, p. 179 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1855): 'Directory for the City of Aberdeen', 1855, p. 218 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1855): 'Glasgow Post Office Annual Directory for 1855', p. 623 (archive.org)

(*1858): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1858, p. 246 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1859): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1859, p. 246 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1860): 'Slater's (late Pigot & Co.'s) Royal National Commercial Directory and ...', 1860, Edinburgh p. 162, Aberdeen p. 258

(**1860): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1860, p. 155 (digital.nls.uk)

(x1860): 'Post-office Greenock Directory', 1860, p. 100 (inverclyde.gov.uk)

(*1861): 'Slater's (late Pigot & Co.'s) Royal national commercial directory and topography of Scotland', 1861, p. 823, Aberdeen p. 270 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1862): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1862, p. 254 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1863): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1863, p. 254-255 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1864): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory, 1864, p. 371 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1864): 'Post-Office Edinburgh & Leith directory', 1864, p. 111 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1865): 'Post-Office Edinburgh & Leith directory', 1865, p. 252 (digital.nls.uk)

(y1867): 'Catalogue of the British Section. Containing a List of the Exhibitors of the ...', 1867, p. 88

(*1868): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1868, p. 162/166/269 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1869): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1869, p. 161+165+266+267 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1870): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1870, p. 160+273 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1871): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1871, p. 278 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1872): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1872, p. 281 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1873): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1873, p. 288+167 (digital.nls.uk)

(x1873): 'The Inverness directory, containing street and alphabetical lists, professional lists and other ...', 1873, p. 19

(*1874): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1874, p. 294 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1875): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1875, p. 298 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1875): 'The Commercial directory of Liverpool, and shipping guide', 1875, Aberdeen p. 434

(*1876): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1876, p. 305-306 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1877): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1877, p. 312 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1878): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1878, p. 321+180 (digital.nls.uk)

(x1878): 'Royal national commercial directory and topography of Scotland', 1878, Edinburgh p. 171, Aberdeen p. 334 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1879): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1879, p. 328 (digital.nls.uk)

(***1879): 'Glasgow Post Office Annual Directory for 1879', p. 881 (archive.org)

(*1880): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1880, p. 335 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1880): 'The Commercial directory of Liverpool, and shipping guide', 1880, Aberdeen p. 808, Armagh p. 844, Belfast p. 837, Halifax p. 975, Huddersfield p. 982, Inverness p. 813, Liverpool p. 333-334, London p. 473, Manchester p. 436

(*1881): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1881, p. 335+501 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1882): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1882, p. 342 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1883): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1883, p. 356 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1884): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1884, p. 344 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1884): 'Post-Office Edinburgh & Leith directory', 1884, p. 510 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1885): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1885, p. 352-353 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1885): 'Post-Office Edinburgh & Leith directory', 1885, p. 526 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1886): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1886, p. 364 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1886): 'Slater's (late Pigot & Co.'s) Royal national commercial directory and topography of Scotland', 1886, p. 453 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1886): 'Post-Office Edinburgh & Leith directory', 1886, p. 544 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1887): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1887, p. 364 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1887): 'Post-Office Edinburgh & Leith directory' 1887, p. 553-554 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1888): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1888, p. 369-370 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1888): 'Post-Office Edinburgh & Leith directory', 1888, p. 565 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1889): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1889, p. 372 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1890): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1890, p. 373-374 (digital.nls.uk)

(xx1890): 'Weltadressbuch der gesammten Musikinstrumenten-Industrie', 1890, Aberdeen p. 150, Elgin p. 166, Glasgow p. 167-168, Inverness p. 171, Montrose p. 193 (digital.slub-dresden.de)

(*1891): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1891, p. 380 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1892): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1892, p. 389 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1893): 'Annuaire des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1893, p. 656-664 (gallica.bnf.fr)

(**1893): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1893, p. 396 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1894): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1894, p. 401 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1895): 'Annuaire des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1895, p. 717-718 (gallica.bnf.fr)

(**1895): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1895, p. 419 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1896): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1896, p. 431 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1897): 'Annuaire des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1897, p. 834-841 (gallica.bnf.fr)

(**1897): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1897, p. 356 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1898): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1898, p. 468 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1899): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1899, p. 496 (digital.nls.uk)

(***1899): 'Post-Office Edinburgh & Leith directory', 1899, p. 718-719 (digital.nls.uk)


(**1900): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1900, p. 494-495 (digital.nls.uk)

(***1900): 'Post-Office Edinburgh & Leith directory', 1900, p. 727-728 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1901): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1901, p. 468 (digital.nls.uk)

(***1901): 'Post-Office Edinburgh & Leith directory', 1901, p. 745 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1902): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1902, p. 466 (digital.nls.uk)

(***1902): 'Post-Office Edinburgh & Leith directory', 1902, p. 770 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1903): 'Annuaire des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1903, p. 1103-1110 (gallica.bnf.fr)

(**1903): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1903, p. 475 (digital.nls.uk)

(***1903): 'Slater's Royal National Commercial Directory of Scotland', 1903, p. 1384 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1904): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1904, p. 475 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1905): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1905, p. 494 (digital.nls.uk)

(x1905): 'The Dundee Directory 1905-1906', p. 2 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1906): 'Annuaire des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique', 1906, p. 1091-1100 (gallica.bnf.fr)

(**1906): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1906, p. 508 (digital.nls.uk)

(x1906): 'Weltadressbuch der gesammten Musikinstrumenten-Industrie', 1906, Aberdeen p. 372, Dingswall p. 395, Dundee p. 396, Edinburgh p. 398, Elgin p. 399, Glasgow p. 401-403, Inverness p. 410, Montrose p. 467, Nairn p. 468, Selkirk p. 481 (digital.sim.spk-berlin.de)

(**1907): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1907, p. 518 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1908): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1908, p. 527 (digital.nls.uk)

(*1909): 'Annuaire des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1909, p. 1105-1113 (gallica.bnf.fr)

(**1909): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1909, p. 553-554 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1910): 'Post Office Aberdeen Directory', 1910, p. 571 (digital.nls.uk)

(**1911): 'Post office Aberdeen Directory', 1911, p. 576 (digital.nls.uk)

(x1912): 'Welt-Adressbuch der gesamten Musikinstrumenten-Industrie', 1912, Aberdeen p. 499, Dundee p. 525, Elgin p. 527, Glasgow p. 530-532, Iverness p. 540, Montrose p. 606, Nairn p. 607, Selkirk p. 621 (digital.sim.spk-berlin.de)

(x1921): 'Kelly's Directory of Stationers, Printers, Booksellers, Publishers and ...', 1921, p. 954-966

(x1926): 'Weltadressbuch der gesammten Musikinstrumenten-Industrie', 1926, Dundee p. 216, Glasgow p. 224-227, Montrose p. 302, Selkirk p. 322 (digital.sim.spk-berlin.de)

(¹): 'Histoire de piano de 1700 à 1950', Mario Pizzi, 1983

(²): 'Makers of the Piano 1700-1820' and 'Makers of the Piano 1820-1860', Martha Novak Clinkscale, 1993


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