home Pianoforte-makers in Ireland

Pianoforte-makers in Ireland

We are still looking for foundation dates and general information (addresses, etc).
Incomplete list open to all information, clarification, correction, photos ...
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Brand Image Info Addresses
FEATHERSTON William 'Pianoforte and Cabinet maker' ca. 1842 11, Dorset Row (*1842), Dublin
FITZSIMMONS & Co Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano-Händler' (x1926)

17, Upper Clanbrassil Street (x1926), Dublin
FLEMING Brothers  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

 'Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1926)


'The Clock' (x1926), Banbridge
FLETCHER Frederick  

'Music Warehouse' ca. 1843


5, Castle Street (xx1843), Belfast
'Piano-forte-maker' 1821-32; (*1821)(*1830)(*1832); and 'Pianoforte Warehouse' ca. 1837-51; (**1837)(*1846)(*1847)(*1849)(*1851)(*1852)  

5, Chatham Street (*1821), 25, William Street, South (x1837)(*1830)(**1830)(*1832)(*1835)(**1837)(*1842)(*1846)(*1847)(*1849)(*1851)(*1852), 28, Dawson Street (*1849), 15, French Street (*1847), 16, Anne Street, South (*1850)(*1851)(*1852), 25, William Street, S. (*1852), Dublin


FLOYD Andrew  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890-1906 [since 1851 (xx1890)]

'Pianohandlung' (xx1890) ------- 'Piano-Händler, -Stimmer u. -Reparateur' (x1906)


Castle Street (xx1890), 10, Orchard Street (x1906), Londonderry
FLOYD Robert R. A.  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-26

'Piano-Handlung' (x1906) ------- 'Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)


7, Pump Street (x1906)(x1912)(x1926), Londonderry
FONTAINE 'Grand & Square Piano Forte Warehouse' ca. 1810 George's Street (x1810), Cork

  Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890-1912 [since 1882 (xx1890)(x1906)(x1912)]

'Piano- u. Harmonium-Handlung' (xx1890)(x1906) ------- 'Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1912)


16, South Main Street (xx1890)(x1906)(x1912), Wexford


(x1810): 'A directory, and picture, of Cork and its environs', 1810, p. 110

(*1821): 'The Treble Almanack for the Year 1821', p. 56

(x1827): 'Watson's, Or, The Gentleman's and Citizen's Almanack', 1827, p. 71

(*1830): 'Dublin Directory', 1830

(**1830): 'The Gentleman's and citizen's almanack, for the year 1830', p. 71 (archive.org)

(*1832): 'The Gentleman's and citizen's almanack, for the year 1832', p. 77 (archive.org)

(*1835): 'Dublin Almanac and General Register of Ireland', 1835, p. 401

(**1837): 'Dublin Almanac and General Register of Ireland for the Year of Our Lord', 1837, p. 654

(*1842): 'Gentleman's and Citizen's Almanack', 1842, p. 773-774

(xx1843): 'Post Office Belfast Annual Directory for 1843', p. 304

(*1846): 'Slater's National Commercial Directory of Ireland', 1846

(*1847): 'The Dublin almanac, and general register of Ireland, for 1847', p. 894

(*1849): 'The Dublin Almanac and General Register of Ireland', 1849, p. 910

(*1850): 'Thom's Directory of Ireland', 1850

(*1851): 'Thom's Directory of Ireland', 1851, p. 1013

(*1852): 'Thom's Directory of Ireland', 1852, p. 892

(xx1890): 'Weltadressbuch der gesammten Musikinstrumenten-Industrie', 1890, Belfast p. 153, Londonderry p. 190, Wexford p. 207 (digital.slub-dresden.de)


(x1906): 'Weltadressbuch der gesammten Musikinstrumenten-Industrie', 1906, Londonderry p. 462, Wexford p. 494 (digital.sim.spk-berlin.de)

(x1912): 'Welt-Adressbuch der gesamten Musikinstrumenten-Industrie', 1912, Londonderry p. 601, Wexford p. 634 (digital.sim.spk-berlin.de)

(x1926): 'Weltadressbuch der gesammten Musikinstrumenten-Industrie', 1926, Banbridge p. 189, Dublin p. 215-216, Londonderry p. 294 (digital.sim.spk-berlin.de)

(¹): 'Histoire de piano de 1700 à 1950', Mario Pizzi, 1983

(²): 'Makers of the Piano 1700-1820' and 'Makers of the Piano 1820-1860', Martha Novak Clinkscale, 1993


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