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Info |
Addresses |
ALCOCK Charles |
'Pianoforte tuner' ca. 1847-48
107, Marlborough Street (*1847)(*1848), Dublin |
ALDAY Paul |
'Music and Pianoforte Warehouse' ca. 1815-35
P. & Co (**1833)(*1835)
10, Dame Street (*1815)(*1821)(*1824)(x1827)(*1830)(**1830)(*1832)(*1835), Dublin |
pianoforte ca. 1790-1800, National Museum of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, U.K.
'Piano-forte-maker' ca. 1790-1816; and 'Music and
Musical-instrument-warehouse and Piano-forte-maker' ca. 1821; (*1821)
Maria & WILKINSON (*1824),
'Music-saloon' |
4, Duke Street (*1815)(y1815)(*1816), 2, Dame street
(*1821), 2, Dame Street (*1824), Dublin |
ANDREWS Thomas |
Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca.
'Musikal.- u. Piano-Handlung' (xx1890) |
144, High Street (xx1890), Guilford |
Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890
'Musikal.-, Piano- u. harmonium-Handlung' (xx1890) |
20, Darling Street (xx1890), Enniskillen |
Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-12
'Piano-Handlung' (x1906)
'Piano- u. Orgel-Händler, sowie -Reparateur u. -Stimmer'
36, Warrens Place (x1906), 5, Minerva
Terrace (x1912), Cork |
ATKINS B. & T. |
"B. & T. ATKINS, Music and
Pianoforte Saloon, Beethoven House, 81, Patrick Street, Cork.
A HIGHLY-IMPORTANT business house which is certainly destined to take an
active part in the development of music culture in the South of Ireland
is that conducted at Beethoven House, 81, Patrick Street, Cork, by the
comparatively new-established firm named at the head of this brief
notice. This concern is already well known and highly appreciated among
the music-loving community of the City and district. It is conducted in
every detail with all the tact and business proficiency of gentlemen who
have devoted long study to all the essentials of a high-class
music-selling emporium. The house, which is most centrally situated in
the principal business thoroughfare of Cork, consists of a large and
conspicuously elegant showroom with an attractive double frontage and an
interior admitting ample space for the inspection of a lengthy range of
high-class pianofortes, harmoniums, and organs representative of the
best makers and well adapted to find acceptance among those who desire
only those instruments, both British and foreign, which are based upon
the long-established reputation of their sources of production. The
house affords what is undoubtedly a most unexampled choice in sheet
music, of which families in the district are not slow to avail
themselves. The pianos displayed are probably unsurpassed by any out of
the English metropolis for tone, novel design, and exquisite finish ;
and among these we observe pianofortes of an exceptionally handsome and
light construction, well adapted and specially designed for yachts, with
the owners of which the firm ought to be able to transact a valuable
'Music and Pianoforte Warehouse' ca. 1892
General repairing and tuning are
effectively carried on by a specially skilled staff, whose operations in
tuning—an important department of the firm's business—appear to give
universal satisfaction. While directing the inclinations of the public
towards the productions of all good makers, the proprietors have given due
precedence to Ibach's pianos, noted for excellent material and faultless
construction, and we believe this is the only house in the City where these
magnificent instruments are procurable. B. AND T. ATKINS have also been
appointed sole agents in Ireland for Messrs. Edward Seller, the most
extensive firm of pianoforte manufacturers in Eastern Germany, and whose
instruments have carried off the prize medals at eleven of the World's
principal Exhibitions. In transacting a large and rapidly developing trade
among a widespread connection, B. AND T. ATKINS have endeavoured in every
way to make the wishes of their patrons first in consideration. Schools and
Institutions receive every liberality, and all the advantages of a
well-directed metropolitan house are adequately conferred on customers by
the enterprising proprietors, to whose courtesy and thoroughly practical
efficiency is due the estimation their house has secured among the
first-class concerns of this ancient City, in which music and musical art
are so well developed and encouraged."
Dublin, Cork and South of Ireland: A Literary,
Commercial, and Social Review, 1892, p. 229
81, Patrick Street, Beethoven House
Cork |
ATKINS James |
"JAMES ATKINS Pianoforte Warehouse, 111, Patrick Street, Cork. The
honour of having invented the piano is claimed alike by the English, the
French, and the Germans. It is now, however, generally conceded by competent
authorities that this honour rests with Father Wood, an English Monk at
Rome, who is said to have manufactured one in 1711, which was sold to Signor
Crispi, the author of " Virginia." Count Carli, however, sets forth a claim
for Bartholemmeo Christofori of Padna, in 1714, and the French still
attribute the invention to one Marius, a Parisian, in 1716. On the other
hand Germany comes to the front with the claim that the invention originated
from J. C. Schroder, of Dresden, in 1717, who, when 18 years of age,
constructed the model of a new clavier with hammers, upon which he could
play loudly or softly. The reader, however, may be left to form his own
conclusions respecting these items. Our purpose is to give a deservedly
prominent notice in these reviews to a house which has achieved a high
reputation for supplying a superior quality of these universally-used
instruments. The business of Mr. James Atkins, of in, Patrick Street, Cork,
was founded some 20 years ago, and is notable throughout the district, and
the superior abilities and experience of the proprietor, gained in a
connection with this business extending over a number of years, has resulted
in the formation of a large trade not only in the City of Cork, but in
various parts of the South of Ireland. The business premises, admirably
situate in one of the finest streets in the City, comprise a handsome and
attractive double-fronted shop suitably fitted and stocked with all classes
and of nearly all the celebrated makes of pianos.
harmoniums, and all musical instruments. |
'Music and Pianoforte Warehouse' ca. 1892-1912
'Piano-, Harmonium- u. Orgel-Handlung'
'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Orgell-Handlung'
It is of course well known to most persons that, during the last 25 or 30
years, the pianoforte has undergone a complete revolution in regard to the
construction of the working parts, and the important improvements made by
the exercise of a more extensive scientific knowledge and greater extensive
skill have resulted in the production of intruments which, for touch, tone,
and power, have gone far and away beyond anything ever dreamed of in the
original conception of pianoforte manufacture. Mr. James Atkins has ever
made an especial study of the numerous systems and various methods of
construction, and is eminently qualified as a judge of the first order, and
the exercise of these qualifications affords the main reason why all his
business transactions are carried out so satisfactorily. Mr. Atkins has
received numerous flattering testimonials relating to the high-class
instruments he has supplied ; of the excellence of his goods, however, no
better is required than the choice and valuable collection his showrooms
contain. An extensive business is also done in new music, a large and
complete stock, both sheet and bound, being always at hand for customers'
selection. The interior arrangement of the shop and showrooms is complete
and handsome in every respect, and affords admirable convenience for the
proper conduct of the extensive trade enjoyed by the house. Mr. Atkins
attends personally to the general affairs in connection with the management,
the efficient character of which renders it a difficult matter to say too
much by way of praise. We wish the house a long success."
Dublin, Cork and South of Ireland: A Literary,
Commercial, and Social Review, 1892, p. 27
111, Patrick Street (y1892)(x1906),
14, Cook Street
Cork |
"T. & J. ATKINS,
Pianoforte and Organ Warehouse, 117, Patrick Street, Cork. PROMINENT among
the various business houses that sustain the high-class trade of Cork is the
Pianoforte and Organ Warehouse of Messrs. T. AND J. ATKINS, a firm whose
honourable transactions in this City for upwards of twenty-one years have
been attended with continuous and well-merited success. Regarding the
disposal of high-class pianofortes and other instruments as the only proper
basis of a sound musical education, Messrs. T. AND J. ATKINS have
endeavoured to maintain a distinctly high standard in every class of musical
subjects to which their attention has been directed, and they have
manifested a laudable spirit in leading the inclinations of the public
towards such instruments as would give absolute satisfaction to an educated
and intelligent metropolitan community. This fact will be apparent to all
who survey the numerous attractions in pianofortes and harmoniums, with
which the Patrick Street showrooms are replete. The frontage of this
spacious warehouse conveys no adequate idea of its magnitude, extending as
it does internally over a very lengthy stretch of floorage and affording
every facility for the proper exhibition and comparison of a range of
high-class instruments representative of the productions of the best makers
in London, Germany, New York, and Dublin.
'Music and Pianoforte Warehouse' ca. 1892-1906
'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung'
There are assortments of string and
wind instruments, together with all the standard musical pieces bound and in
folio, and the firm hold themselves in readiness to provide with equal
promptitude and attentiveness for the requirements of a single person or of
an entire orchestra. Theirs is the recognised house in the City for
everything pertaining to the music saloon trade, and the firm hold a
reputation of many years' standing for the liberality and courtesy with
which they provide for the requirements of an influential clientele.
They enter upon all the usual operations of a superior music trade,
repairing and tuning instruments and disposing of these on the ordinary
terms of sale and hire ; and conduct all matters with the care and
discernment of a firm long conversant with the exact requirements of a
music-loving public. The practical management of the business largely
devolves upon Mrs. Atkins, a lady whose musical knowledge and proficiency
tend to preserve the confidence of her patrons ; and the family are not only
widely respected in Cork, but have the honour to possess one of the best
connections in the South of Ireland, where their name has become creditably
identified with the developement of a first-class music trade."
Dublin, Cork and South of Ireland: A Literary,
Commercial, and Social Review, 1892, p. 221
117, Patrick Street (y1892)(x1906),
Cork |
ATWOOD Eliza |
'Music and Musical-instrument-warehouse' ca. 1830-32
Charles John (*1832) |
4, Nassau Street (x1830)(*1832), Dublin |
(*1815): 'Treble
Almanack for the Year of 1815, Dublin', 1815
(y1815): 'The
Gentleman and Citizen's Almanack ... for the Year of Our Lord', 1815, p.
(*1816): 'The
Gentleman and Citizen's Almanack, for the Year of Our Lord', 1816,
p. 39
(*1821): 'The
Treble Almanack for the Year 1821', p. 39
(*1824): 'The
Treble Almanack', 1824, p. 41
(x1827): 'Watson's,
Or, The Gentleman's and Citizen's Almanack', 1827, p.
(*1830): 'Dublin
Directory', 1830
(**1830): 'The
Gentleman's and citizen's almanack, for the year 1830', p. 40
'Wilson's Dublin Directory for the year 1830', p.
(*1832): 'The
Gentleman's and citizen's almanack, for the year 1832', p. 43/45
(**1833): 'Louis
Spohr's Grand Violin School: From the Original German', 1833, p.
(*1835): 'Dublin
Almanac and General Register of Ireland', 1835, p. 401
(*1842): 'Gentleman's
and Citizen's Almanack', 1842, p. 773-774
(*1847): 'The
Dublin almanac, and general register of Ireland, for 1847',
p. 894
(*1848): 'Dublin
Almanac and General Register of Ireland', 1848, p. 445
(xx1890): 'Weltadressbuch der gesammten Musikinstrumenten-Industrie',
Enniskillen p. 166,
Guilford p. 169 (
(y1892): 'Dublin,
Cork and South of Ireland: A Literary, Commercial, and Social Review', 1892,
p. 27 (
(x1906): 'Weltadressbuch
der gesammten Musikinstrumenten-Industrie', 1906, Cork p. 392 (
(x1912): 'Welt-Adressbuch der gesamten Musikinstrumenten-Industrie', 1912,
Cork p. 520
(x1926): 'Weltadressbuch der gesammten Musikinstrumenten-Industrie', 1926 (
(¹): 'Histoire de piano de 1700 à 1950',
Mario Pizzi, 1983
(²): 'Makers of
the Piano 1700-1820' and 'Makers of the Piano 1820-1860', Martha Novak
Clinkscale, 1993
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