| Pianoforte-makers
in England
for the PEOPLE — To counteract the disappointment which must naturally arise by the purchase of a cheap and at the same time inferior pianoforte, which annoyance is felt to a great extent, J. BROWN E, 27 Soho square, begs to announce his intention of keeping in stock a choice variety of COLLARD'S celebrated PIANO, for the PEOPLE. The reputation of the manufacturers is a sufficient guarautee that in these instruments will be found all which constitutes lasting excellence In a piano-forte. It is scarcel y necessary to do more than refer to the following opinions of the press in recommendation of these instruments : From the Art Journal — “It has remained for Messrs Collard and Collard to remove the objection to high-priced pianos, by the manufacture of instruments which are in no degree inferior to the best in tone and touch, but greatly so in price, and with all the advantages of construction usually adopted. The elasticity of touch and tine quality of tone particularly ratitied [?] us.” From the Daily News — "The Pianoforte for the people is remarkable for its purity and volume of tone and elastic touch. It is, indeed, surprising how an instrument so satisfactory in these respects can be produced in so small a space. The appearance is light and elegant In the extreme having all the effect of satin wood.” From Chambers‘s Journal — “The piano submitted to us is of the cottage size, and In such an instrument as, when made of finer materials, is usually offered at double the price. The appearance is elegant, and as to its essential qualities, the instrument is excellent."
J. BROWNE, West end Depot for Collard’s Pianos for the People, No. 27 Soho
square, corner of Greek street."
The Examiner, 16/08/1851, p. 525 - see also
The idea was suggested to Messrs. Collard and Collard by an article which appeared some time simce in that highly and deservedly popular publication, Chamber's Journal, the object being to bring Piano-Fortes within the reach of that vast and growing body, the middle classes, who, through the operations of the Hullah and Mainzer systems, and the improved tasle of the age, have of late years acquired the capacity of appreciating the social and intellectual advantages of a musical education. It is considered that Messrs. Collard and Collard have fully succeeded iu meeting the requirements pointed out in the article alluded to. There can be no doubt a discerning public will give every encouragement to Messrs. Collard and Collard, and that the alacrity with which that highly eminent firm determined to provide so great a desideratum will be probably rewarded, and stamped with the seal of universal approbation. May be seen at MELLOR'S PIANO FORTE AND MUSIC ESTABLISHMENTS, LEEDS AND HUDDERSFIELD. Caution —The Dramatic and Musical Review points out a Fraud,which is practised in reference to Piano-Fortes. Besides a simulation ofthe names of the most esteemed Makers, a certain number of Manufacturers, with fictitious names, "plant" Pianos with confederates, who may be a cabinet mater, a stationer, a hatter, &c., &c., who invite people, by reiterated advertisements, to buy an instrument "by one of the best makers." This matchless bargain is to be sold sometimes '' for want of money," sometimes "because its owner is about to quit the country," sometimes "in consequence of the sudden widowed condition of its possessor. "Pianos in endless succession are supplied from the same inexhaustible stock by "owners about to quit the country." This identical fraud has for years continued to be practised in the heart of the Metropolis, by the same individuals, and it still alike deceives both persons from the country and the proverbially wary Londoners. Showy, but valueless instruments, are also sent from London by the dozen, to the provincial towns, exhibited in rooms temporarily hired for the purpose, briskly advertised in the local papers as for sale, and, of course, bought cheap" by the unwary, in the belief that they are the manufacture of the parties whose names me forged on them. Spurious Piano-Fortes At the Guildhall Police Office, on Wednesday, Mr. George Rawcliffe, an Auctioneer, of Moorgate-street, London, appeared before Alderman Hunter, to answer a summons charging him with selling to Mrs. Louisa Hill, a piano-forte, for £27, representing it as the manufacture of, in the first instance, Collard and Collard, of Cheapside, and afterwards that of their foreman, of the name of Bateman. Alderman Hunter said he thought that sufficient had come before him, without going into the defence, to justify him in sending the case to the sessions, and he would therefore bind the defendant over in the sum of £20 to appear and answer the charge. — Times of Feb. 6th, 1851.
Parties desirous of possessing a Sound and
Durable Instrument would do well to buy at a respectable Music
Establishment, where the construction and qualities of a Piano Forte are
The annals of Yorkshire from the earliest period to
the present time, 1852, p. 433
- See also
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