| Pianoforte-makers
in England
* Messrs. H. also invite Attention to the Microchordon, Cottage, Semi-Cabinet and Cabinet PIANO FORTES of their own Manufacture, which are made of the best seasoned Materials, upon improved Principles, and which for power and richness of Tone, elasticity of Touch, and durability of Structure, they can most confidently recommend. Pianos let out on hire, tuned, regulated, and properly repaired." Williams's Directory of the Borough of Leeds: Giving an Entirely New ..., 1845, p. 11
Where may be seen for Sale or Hirb a Superior Stock of the Pianofortes by J. and J. H., so highly approved by the celebrated Pianist THALBERG, and the most eminent Musicians of the day; — Also A cheaper Class of Instruments, warranted of well seasoned materials and sound workmanship, and Much Superior In Touch and Tone to the generality of Cheap Pianofortes. [...]" The Musical World, Volume 22, 1847, p. 825
Also, a fine-toned 6¾ Octave Grand, by Collard, in perfect order, with brass bridge, repetition action, &cc., price £75." The Musical Times, 01/11/1848, p. 65
Messrs. Hopkinson received the GREAT EXHIBITION PRIZE MEDAL in 1851 ; and their Pianofortes hare been pronounced by Thalberg, Benedict, Szekely, Madme. Dulcken, and other eminent Pianists, "unsurpassed by those of any other maker. Grands, Boudoirgrands, Cottages, and Semi-cottages, in great variety, at strictly economical prices. To be seen at most of the principal music warehouses in England. Ireland, and Scotland. Price Lists post free. Warerooms, 18, Soho-square, London." The Musical World, 05/01/1856, p. 1
Piano-forte Manufacturers, 235, REGENT STREET, & 18, SOHO SQUARE, LONDON Manufactary—Diana-place, New-road, Regent's Park. - T The PIANO-FORTES manufactured by Masses. HOPKINSON are alike remarkable for their Exquisite Tone, Perfect Touch, and Lasting Qualities. A large circulation abroad has proved that they stand well in extreme climates. At the Universal Exhibition in Paris, 1855, Messrs Horrrnvson received the FIRST-CLASS PRIZE MEDAL for Piano-Fortes (the only one awarded to English Exhibitors), and by the unanimous decision of the Musical Jury they were awarded a GOLD MEDAL OF HONOUR. THEY ALSO OBTAINED THE GREAT EXHIBITION PRIZE MEDAL IN 1851. Their Piano-Fortes have been pronounced by the first Pianists of the age — S. THALBERG, J. BENEDICT, E. SZÉKELY, MADME, DULCKEN, and others, unsurpassed in tone and touch by those of any other maker.
“It telleth its own story, Wave may not leap, Nor wild wind sweep, But
spread abroad its glory.” Why wonder, when their Piano-fortes engage Th’ attention of the first pianists of this age ? They’re unsurpass d in dulcet tone, By those of others' make, And ’twas for this that they alone Did the palm in Paris take. For six long years they strove, nor strove in vain, Perfection of their Patent to attain, And now the great Invention Attracts the world's attention. Perfection! long ’twas sought, E’er their melody could flow. The enlight’ned can appreciate The lofty state To which they brought, The TREMOLO. And I had heard of heavenly choirs, In some Celestial Court; But when my Hero struck the wires, Of his Grand Piano-Forte, I exclaim‘d, Well and nobly won THE MEDAL OF Honour BY YOU, Mrssrs. Hopkinson." The Londoniad, Etc., 1857, p. 26-27
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