| Pianoforte-makers
in England
An oblique Grand Pianoforte, in the Louis XVI. style, of walnut, inlaid with box and purple woods, and with ormulu mouldings and enrichments; chased and gilt. Also two Grand Cottage Pianofortes, in fine italian walnut cases, ornamented with simple carvings in the Elizabethan style, and finished internally with patent double actions, which can be regulated to siut a dry or damp climate with the greatest facility. These exhibitors (whose business has been established nearly sixty years) hav not only an English, but a foreign reputation, and are favourably known for the general excellence of their instruments. The examples exhibited will bear the test of comparaison with the workmanship of any other makers." The International Exhibition of 1862, p. 89
Die Ornamentation zeichnet sich durch Einfachheit ebenso sehr aus wie durch sorgsame Vollendung, und macht einen sehr guten Eindruck. Als Einlagehölzer sind verwendet Buchsbaum, Buxus sempervirens, das bekannte Material des Holzschneiders, welches von Spanien, den Balearen und den Ländern des Schwarzen Meeres bezogen wird, und Purpurholz, von wachsen und in grossen Blöcken verführt werden. Das Purpurholz, von grosser Stärke, Schwere, Elasticität und Dauerhaftigkeit, ist gegenwärtig eins der beliebtesten Modehölzer. Seine Färbung variirt von einem hellen, klaren Purpur der beliebtesten und werthvollsten Nuance an bis zum tiefsten Rothbraun.
Es nimmt
eine wunderschöne Politur an und wird zu Boule-Werk, Marqueterie und
Kunstdreherei Ländern des Schwarzen Meeres bezogen wird, und Purpurholz, von
Illustrirter Katalog der Londoner Industrie-Ausstellung von 1862, Volumes
1-2, 1862, p. 81
Even in the Colonies a pianoforte is an indispensable object with those who
possess the means to purchase one, but the very high cost has limited the
possession of them to the wealthier classes.
The expenses and risks which attend the importation of pianos, and the
difficulty in transporting them over a rough and often roadless country, are
circumstances which have almost prohibited their use in isolated or distant
settlements, and the want has long been felt of an instrument which, whilst
being thoroughly good and serviceable in its parts, shall be at the same
time cheap and portable.
The Jury noticed with satisfaction that this want has at length been supplied
by Chappell and Co. of London, whose "School-room Pianoforte" combines in
itself all the points already referred to. This little instrument occupies
little more than half the space, and is about half the weight of an ordinary
cottage pianoforte.
Its interior workmanship is sound and substantial, the essential parts being
as complete as is possible in so limited a space. The action, however, might
with advantage be simplified so as to reduce the risk of dislocation, and
the difficulty of effecting the needful repairs. The case is plain and
substantial, and the tone of the instrument is pure and surprisingly full
for the shortness of string.
Of course there will always be a demand for higher class pianos, and it is
worthy of remark that of late years there has been an improvement in the
class of instruments shipped to this Colony. The mistake is still prevalent
of regarding a pianoforte more as an article of furniture than on account of
its intrinsic merits, and makers have found it more or less necessary to
pander to this most erroneous habit.
In consequence, a vast number of worthless instruments are turned out in
handsome cases, which, when they come into the possession of private owners,
become very soon in reality mere pieces of furniture. The spread of musical
knowledge and the improvement of public taste is fast working a revolution
in the manufacture of pianofortes, and there is an increasing disposition on
the part of both manufacturers and their customers to insist upon intrinsic
It would be invidious to institute a comparison between this instrument and
its English rivals, but as an example of local industry, it is deserving of
the highest commendation. Mr. Begg has not aimed at anything extravagant,
but simply to produce a sound well-constructed instrument, and he has
succeeded in a degree certainly not previously attained by any colonial
manufacturer. With the exception of the metal-work, the whole of the parts
were constructed by the Exhibitor. The case is of the Red pine (Rimu) of
Otago, and the string board and sounding board are of Swiss pine.
The action is a simple one, in fact Broadwood's action, and the workmanship
throughout is very creditable indeed. Broadwood & Sons (2940), are
represented by two excellent Pianofortes-a Grand, exhibited by Mr. West of
Dunedin, and a Cottage shown by Mr. Begg (627). Of these instruments,
particularly the Grand, the Jury have nothing further to say than that they
fully sustain the reputation of the makers.
Collard & Collard's Pianos have long occupied a foremost rank, and their
superiority is exemplified in a Cottage Pianoforte, exhibited by Mr. Begg,
of Dunedin. For purity, equality, and roundness of tone, freeness of action,
and general excellence, this instrument was not exceeded by anything in the
The Alexandre Harmoniums are of undoubted excellence; the "Drawing-room Model"
with percussion action and knee swell, is well adapted for domestic use, the
tone being soft and sweet, and at the same time the power can be increased
at will by the use of the knee swell. The other Harmonium by Alexandre,
which is designated by the Exhibitors the "Queen's Model," is a most
beautiful instrument, rich and full in tone, and displaying unusual care in
the workmanship of the several parts.
The Exhibition "Model Harmonium" in carved Gothic case, is one of the best of
its class, and is admirably suited for use in small churches or chapels. It
contains eleven stops, viz., five in the bass, and five in the treble, and
the expression stop. The whole of the reeds are enclosed in a Venetian
swell, worked by the heel of the right foot. Two modes of expression are
obtained—viz., by pressure on the swell pedal, or when the expression stop
is drawn, by the variation of pressure on the foot-boards.
For references see page